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Created September 23, 2023 12:37
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Inkbot example txt
- Date: 2023-09-22
- Task: knowledge_graph
You are an AI assistant who will help the user with all their information requests.
Generate a knowledge graph of the below information (an email)
Dear Fellow Floridian,
Yesterday, after weeks of Majority Leader Chuck Schumer refusing to put my Federal Disaster Responsibility Act up for a vote, I went to the Senate floor make the request myself. This isn’t controversial or political, but Senate Democrats blocked my request because they believe that disaster aid for Florida families and our fellow Americans should be tied to Ukraine aid. That’s clearly wrong. By blocking my request for a vote, Democrats further delayed approval of desperately needed funding for the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Disaster Relief Fund (DRF), as well as authorization for the Department of Agriculture to give block grants to struggling farmers in our state and communities all across America.
In Florida, our families and fighting tooth and nail to recover from two major storms, Hurricanes Ian and Idalia, and they shouldn’t have any reason to doubt the federal government’s ability to be a partner in disaster response and recovery. Unfortunately, that’s where we are right now. Beyond Florida, communities in every state depend on disaster aid from FEMA's Disaster Relief Fund, which is now nearly exhausted and will have just $550 million available at the end of this month. When I spoke to President Biden earlier this month, I told him this is UNACCEPTABLE.
While I’m incredibly frustrated by Senate Democrats’ blatantly political blocking of disaster aid, I’m not giving up. This shows exactly why our fight to make Washington work for Florida families is so important. When Washington is so broken that we can’t pass bills to help our fellow Americans after devastating natural disasters, it’s time to completely change how this place works. No matter what Democrats try, I won't stop fighting to get this bill passed and get our families and growers working hard to get back on their feet.
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