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Created February 20, 2017 05:44
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A Cohomological Viewpoint on Elementary School Arithmetic
Abstraction in Technical Computing
Almost Integers
Automated Verification of Computational Systems
Bernoulli Numbers and their Applications in Modern Number Theory
Bitcoin and Blockchains
Bloom Filters and Probabilistic Data Structures
Branch Prediction
Buchi Automata
Cake cutting algorithms
Clifford Algebras
Clifford Neurons
Combinatorial Game Theory with 'Nimbers'
Completeness, Incompleteness, and Turing Machines
Complex Event Processing Systems
Complexity of Matrix Multiplication
Complexity of the Multivariate Resultant
Computable Functions
Computational Algebraic Geometry
Conformal Mapping and Inversion Theory
Constructive Mathematics
Continued Fractions and Hyperbolic Geometry
Conway’s Game of Life
Costas Arrays
Curry–Howard–Lambek Correspondence
Dealing with Missing Data
Differential Equations on Fractals
Dirichlet L-functions and the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis
Dirichlet's Theorem on Primes in Arithmetic progression
Distribution of Primes Modulo p
Down with Determinants
Entropy in Mathematics and Information Theory
Fermi Estimation
Fishburn numbers and their Applications in Enumeration
Forcing and the Independence of the Continuum Hypothesis from ZFC
Fuzzy Logic
Galois Field Arithmetic
Geographic Authentication Schemes
Geometric Computing with Clifford Algebra
Geometric Group Theory
Geometry and Billiards
Gillespie Algorithm
Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz and an Introduction to Schemes
Hindley–Milner Type System
Homotopy Type Theory
Hyperbolic Geometry
IEEE 754-2008: Floating Point Arithmetic
Integrals and Graph Theory
Jupyter Notebooks
Kolmogorov complexity
Lattices, Linear Codes, and Invariants
Lindstrom-Gessel-Viennot Lemma
Low Dimensional Geometry
Markov Equation and Irrational Numbers
Molecular Set Theory
Monsky's Theorem
Optimal Stopping Theory and the Secretary Problem
P vs. NP
p-adic Analysis
Patterns in Primes
Penrose Tilings
Plausible Conjectures
Predicate Dispatch
Presburger Arithmetic
Primes of the Form $x^2 + ny^2$
Principle of Least Action
Protein Structure Prediction
Purely Functional Data Structures
Queueing Theory
Quivers and Platonic Solids
Random Walks and Self-Avoiding Walks
Rational Tangles and Conway's Theorem
Reciprocity Laws
Rental Harmony Theorem
Representation Theory and Voting Theory
Schoof's Algorithm
Secret Sharing Schemes and Multi-party Computation Protocols
Separating Words Problem
Sieve Methods
Sparse Matrices
Sphere Packing, Lattices, and Groups
Symmetric Groups, Young Tableaux and Representation Theory
Symmetries and their Role in Physics
The Brachistochrone and the Calculus of Variations
The Cantor Set and Dynamical systems
The Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef
The Jordan Curve Theorem
The Joy of Factoring
The Mathematics of Gerrymandering
The Nine Point Circle
The Riemann Hypothesis
The Stochastic Lotka-Volterra Equation
The Strong Law of Small Numbers
The Winding Number
Timed Automata
Toronto Spaces
Total Functional Programming
Tropical geometry and Computational Biology
Understanding LLVM
Unique Games Conjecture
Waring's Problem and writing numbers as sums of powers
What is Area?
Why are some functions not integrable in terms of elementary functions?
Zero-Cost Abstraction
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