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Last active March 12, 2020 11:26
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  • Save TotallyNotChase/52ad6c54ee7122fbd3f245135edadff6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Benchmark to sieve + string checks
typedef struct uint64_vector
uint64_t* data;
uint64_t capacity, size;
} uint64vec_t;
typedef struct char_vector
bool* data;
uint64_t size, count;
} boolvec_t;
uint64_t L1D_CACHE;
uint64vec_t create_uint64_vector(uint64_t size)
uint64vec_t vector; = malloc(size * sizeof(uint64_t));
if ( == NULL)
printf("\nAn error occured while allocating memory for uint64_vector\n");
vector.capacity = size;
vector.size = 0;
return vector;
boolvec_t create_bool_vector(uint64_t size)
boolvec_t vector; = malloc(size * sizeof(bool));
if ( == NULL)
printf("\nAn error occured while allocating memory for bool_vector\n");
memset(, true, sizeof(bool) * size);
vector.size = size;
vector.count = 0;
return vector;
void uint64_vector_append(uint64vec_t* vector, uint64_t data)
if ((vector->size + 1) < vector->capacity)
vector->data[vector->size++] = data;
vector->data = realloc(vector->data, (vector->capacity *= 2) * sizeof(uint64_t));
if (vector->data == NULL)
printf("\nAn error occured while re-allocating memory for uint64_vector\n");
int countDigits(uint64_t num)
return snprintf(NULL, 0, "%" SCNu64, num) - (num < 0);
bool isNearRep(uint64_t num)
int i, unqcharcount = 0, digitcount = countDigits(num);
char* str, commonchar;
str = malloc((digitcount + 1) * sizeof(char));
snprintf(str, digitcount + 1, "%" SCNu64, num); // Converting the integer number to a string
if (digitcount < 3)
// Near Rep numbers should be at least 3 digits
return false;
* Find the common character in the first few digits
* i.e if we feed in 9999899, the common char is 9
if (str[0] == str[1] || str[0] == str[2])
commonchar = str[0];
else if (str[1] == str[2])
commonchar = str[1];
// if no common character is found i.e 968999 or 988999
return false;
* The above conditional statements will still find a common char
* even if the number is 99986574, this is why we loop through for
* additional checks
for (i = 0; i < strlen(str); i += 1)
// Checks for multiple unique digits i.e digits that are not common digits
if (str[i] != commonchar)
if (unqcharcount > 1)
if (unqcharcount == 1)
// Must have exactly one unique digit
return true;
return false;
size_t approximate_size(uint64_t limit)
int i;
float x = 1;
for (i = log(limit); i > 0; i--)
x *= 2.5;
return (size_t) x;
void segmented_sieve(uint64_t limit)
int64_t low, high, i = 3, j, k, n = 3, s = 3;
size_t i_size, approx_arr_size = approximate_size(limit);
uint64_t sqrtval = (uint64_t)sqrt(limit);
uint64_t segment_size = sqrtval < L1D_CACHE ? L1D_CACHE : sqrtval;
uint64vec_t prime_arr = create_uint64_vector(approx_arr_size);
uint64vec_t multiples = create_uint64_vector(approx_arr_size);
boolvec_t sieve = create_bool_vector(segment_size);
boolvec_t is_prime = create_bool_vector(sqrtval + 1);
for (low = 0; low <= limit; low += segment_size)
memset(, true, sizeof(bool) * sieve.size);
high = low + segment_size - 1;
high = high < limit ? high : limit;
for (; i * i <= high; i += 2)
if ([i])
for (j = i * i; j <= sqrtval; j += i)
{[j] = false;
for (; s * s <= high; s += 2)
if ([s])
uint64_vector_append(&prime_arr, s);
uint64_vector_append(&multiples, s * s - low);
for (i_size = 0; i_size < prime_arr.size; i_size++)
j =[i_size];
for (k =[i_size] * 2; j < segment_size; j += k)
{[j] = false;
}[i_size] = j - segment_size;
for (; n <= high; n += 2)
if ([n - low] && isNearRep(n))
printf("%" SCNu64 ", ", n);
int main()
uint64_t N;
double time_taken;
printf("Enter your CPUs L1D Cache per core (in bytes): ");
scanf_s("%" SCNu64, &L1D_CACHE);
printf("Enter upper limit: ");
scanf_s("%" SCNu64, &N);
clock_t begin = clock();
clock_t end = clock();
time_taken = (double)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("\nDone! Execution time: %f\n", time_taken);
return 0;
import time, math
def is_near_rep(num):
# Check if the number is a near rep digit number
numstr = str(num)
if len(numstr) < 3:
# Near rep digit numbers must be at least 3 digits
return False
Find the common character in the first few digits
i.e if we feed in 9999899, the common char is 9
if numstr[0] == numstr[1] or numstr[0] == numstr[2]:
commonchar = numstr[0]
elif numstr[1] == numstr[2]:
commonchar = numstr[1];
# If no common character is found
# i.e 968999 or 988999
return False
The above conditional statements will still find a common char
even if the number is 99986574, this is why we loop through for
additional checks
unqcharcount = 0
for i in numstr:
# Checks for multiple unique digits
# i.e digits that are not common digits
if i != commonchar:
unqcharcount += 1
if unqcharcount > 1:
if unqcharcount == 1:
# Must have exactly one unique digit
return True
return False
def segmented_sieve(limit):
i, n, s = 3, 3, 3
sqrtval = int(math.sqrt(limit))
segment_size = sqrtval if sqrtval > L1D_CACHE else L1D_CACHE
is_prime = [True for x in range(0, sqrtval + 1)]
prime_arr = []
multiples = []
found_primes = []
for low in range(0, limit + 1, segment_size):
sieve = [True for x in range(0, segment_size)]
high = low + segment_size - 1
high = high if high < limit else limit
while i * i <= high:
if is_prime[i]:
for j in range(i * i, sqrtval + 1, i):
is_prime[j] = False
i += 2
while s * s <= high:
if is_prime[s]:
multiples.append(s * s - low)
s += 2
for i_size in range(0, len(prime_arr)):
k = prime_arr[i_size] * 2
j = multiples[i_size]
while j < segment_size:
sieve[j] = False
j += k
multiples[i_size] = j - segment_size
while n <= high:
if sieve[n - low] and is_near_rep(n):
n += 2
L1D_CACHE = int(input('Enter your CPU\'s L1D cache per core (in bytes): '))
N = input('Enter an upper limit: ')
t0 = time.time()
t1 = time.time()
print('\nTime required:', t1 - t0)
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