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Created March 5, 2022 11:01
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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
import Prelude (Bool (True, False))
import Data.Kind (Type)
import GHC.TypeLits (ErrorMessage (..), TypeError)
-- I considered using a typeclass here instead (with an associated type family).
-- But there's no real way to get full type safety with it. It'd be possible to write bogus instances.
type ($) :: TLam a r -> a -> r
type family f $ a
infixr 0 $
data TFunSym :: Type -> Type -> Type
data LiftCon :: (a -> r) -> TLam a r
type instance LiftCon con $ x = con x
data LiftCon2 :: (a -> b -> r) -> TLam a (TLam b r)
type instance LiftCon2 con $ x = LiftCon (con x)
-- You literally can't give any of these type families below the wrong kinds.
-- sound type systems!!!
type TLam a r = TFunSym a r -> Type
type Id :: a -> a
type family Id x = r | r -> x where
Id x = x
type Id0 :: TLam a a
data Id0 lam
type instance Id0 $ x = Id x
type Flip :: TLam a (TLam b c) -> b -> a -> c
type family Flip f b a where
Flip f b a = (f $ a) $ b
type Flip2 :: TLam a (TLam b c) -> b -> TLam a c
data Flip2 f a lam
type instance Flip2 f a $ b = Flip f a b
data List x = Nil | Cons x (List x)
type First :: List k -> k
type family First l where
-- Haskell is a dynamically typed language with runtime type errors.
First Nil = TypeError (Text "First: empty list")
First (Cons x _) = x
type (++) :: List k -> List k -> List k
type family a ++ b where
Nil ++ b = b
Cons x xs ++ b = Cons x (xs ++ b)
infixr 5 ++
-- Concatenate all lists in a list
type ListConcatAll :: List (List k) -> List k
type family ListConcatAll ll = r where
ListConcatAll Nil = Nil
ListConcatAll (Cons x xs) = x ++ ListConcatAll xs
-- Is any element of this list True?
type AnyTrue :: List Bool -> Bool
type family AnyTrue l = r where
AnyTrue Nil = False
AnyTrue (Cons False xs) = AnyTrue xs
AnyTrue (Cons True xs) = True
type Not :: Bool -> Bool
type family Not b = r | r -> b where
Not True = False
Not False = True
type (||) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
type family a || b where
True || _ = True
False || other = other
infixr 2 ||
type IfThenElse :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
type family IfThenElse b x y = r where
IfThenElse True x _ = x
IfThenElse False _ y = y
data Nat = Z | S Nat
type N0 = Z
type N1 = S N0
type N2 = S N1
type N3 = S N2
type N4 = S N3
type N5 = S N4
type N6 = S N5
type N7 = S N6
type N8 = S N7
type (==) :: Nat -> Nat -> Bool
type family a == b where
Z == Z = True
(S a) == Z = False
Z == (S b) = False
(S a) == (S b) = a == b
infixr 4 ==
type (<) :: Nat -> Nat -> Bool
type family a < b where
Z < Z = False
(S a) < Z = False
Z < (S b) = True
(S a) < (S b) = a < b
infixr 4 <
type (~-) :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
type family a ~- b where
Z ~- Z = Z
Z ~- (S b) = S b
(S a) ~- Z = S a
(S a) ~- (S b) = a ~- b
infixl 6 ~-
type Range :: Nat -> List Nat
type family Range n = r | r -> n where
Range Z = Nil
Range (S n) = Cons n (Range n)
type (<$>) :: TLam a r -> List a -> List r
type family f <$> l where
f <$> Nil = Nil
f <$> Cons x xs = Cons (f $ x) (f <$> xs)
infixl 4 <$>
-- GHC actually managed to infer this kind signature, with the nice TLam kind synonym and everything.
-- I am very scared of GHC now.
type MapCat :: TLam a (List x) -> List a -> List x
type family MapCat f l where
MapCat f Nil = Nil
MapCat f xs = ListConcatAll (f <$> xs)
type Filter :: TLam a Bool -> List a -> List a
type family Filter pred l where
Filter pred Nil = Nil
Filter pred (Cons x xs) =
(pred $ x)
(LiftCon (Cons x))
$ Filter pred xs
data Queen x y = Queen x y
type QueenPos = Queen Nat Nat
type Config = List QueenPos
type Configs = List Config
type QueensInRow :: Nat -> Nat -> Config
type family QueensInRow n a where
QueensInRow n x = LiftCon ('Queen x) <$> Range n
type Threatens :: QueenPos -> QueenPos -> Bool
type family Threatens a b where
Threatens ('Queen ax ay) ('Queen bx by) =
ax == bx
|| ay == by
|| ax ~- bx == ay ~- by
type Threatens1 :: QueenPos -> TLam QueenPos Bool
data Threatens1 a lam
type instance Threatens1 a $ b = Threatens a b
type Safe :: Config -> QueenPos -> Bool
type family Safe config queen where
Safe config queen = Not (AnyTrue (Threatens1 queen <$> config))
type Safe1 :: Config -> TLam QueenPos Bool
data Safe1 as lam
type instance Safe1 xs $ ys = Safe xs ys
type AddQueen :: Nat -> Nat -> Config -> Configs
type family AddQueen n x config where
AddQueen n x config = Flip2 (LiftCon2 'Cons) config <$> Filter (Safe1 config) (QueensInRow n x)
type AddQueen2 :: Nat -> Nat -> TLam Config Configs
data AddQueen2 n x lam
type instance AddQueen2 n x $ c = AddQueen n x c
type AddQueenToAll :: Nat -> Nat -> Configs -> Configs
type family AddQueenToAll n x cs where
AddQueenToAll n x cs = MapCat (AddQueen2 n x) cs
type AddQueensIf :: Bool -> Nat -> Nat -> Configs -> Configs
type family AddQueensIf pred n x cs where
AddQueensIf False _ _ cs = cs
AddQueensIf True n x cs = AddQueens n (S x) (AddQueenToAll n x cs)
type AddQueens :: Nat -> Nat -> Configs -> Configs
type family AddQueens n x cs where
AddQueens n x cs = AddQueensIf (x < n) n x cs
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