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Last active March 21, 2024 06:14
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  • Save Toufyx/d6b48a0a12ceff02268be49db0a97ddf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Toufyx/d6b48a0a12ceff02268be49db0a97ddf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
local feline = require('feline')
local vi_mode = require('feline.providers.vi_mode')
-- 1. define some constants
-- left and right constants (first and second items of the components array)
local LEFT = 1
local RIGHT = 2
-- vi mode color configuration
local MODE_COLORS = {
['NORMAL'] = 'green',
['COMMAND'] = 'skyblue',
['INSERT'] = 'orange',
['REPLACE'] = 'red',
['LINES'] = 'violet',
['VISUAL'] = 'violet',
['OP'] = 'yellow',
['BLOCK'] = 'yellow',
['V-REPLACE'] = 'yellow',
['ENTER'] = 'yellow',
['MORE'] = 'yellow',
['SELECT'] = 'yellow',
['SHELL'] = 'yellow',
['TERM'] = 'yellow',
['NONE'] = 'yellow',
-- gruvbox theme
local GRUVBOX = {
fg = '#ebdbb2',
bg = '#3c3836',
black = '#3c3836',
skyblue = '#83a598',
cyan = '#8e07c',
green = '#b8bb26',
oceanblue = '#076678',
blue = '#458588',
magenta = '#d3869b',
orange = '#d65d0e',
red = '#fb4934',
violet = '#b16286',
white = '#ebdbb2',
yellow = '#fabd2f',
-- 2. setup some helpers
--- get the current buffer's file name, defaults to '[no name]'
function get_filename()
local filename = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0)
if filename == '' then
filename = '[no name]'
-- this is some vim magic to remove the current working directory path
-- from the absilute path of the filename in order to make the filename
-- relative to the current working directory
return vim.fn.fnamemodify(filename, ':~:.')
--- get the current buffer's file type, defaults to '[not type]'
function get_filetype()
local filetype =
if filetype == '' then
filetype = '[no type]'
return filetype:lower()
--- get the cursor's line
function get_line_cursor()
local cursor_line, _ = unpack(vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0))
return cursor_line
--- get the file's total number of lines
function get_line_total()
return vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(0)
--- wrap a string with whitespaces
function wrap(string)
return ' ' .. string .. ' '
--- wrap a string with whitespaces and add a '' on the left,
-- use on left section components for a nice  transition
function wrap_left(string)
return ' ' .. string .. ' '
--- wrap a string with whitespaces and add a '' on the right,
-- use on left section components for a nice  transition
function wrap_right(string)
return ' ' .. string .. ' '
--- decorate a provider with a wrapper function
-- the provider must conform to signature: (component, opts) -> string
-- the wrapper must conform to the signature: (string) -> string
function wrapped_provider(provider, wrapper)
return function(component, opts)
return wrapper(provider(component, opts))
-- 3. setup custom providers
--- provide the vim mode (NOMRAL, INSERT, etc.)
function provide_mode(component, opts)
return vi_mode.get_vim_mode()
--- provide the buffer's file name
function provide_filename(component, opts)
return get_filename()
--- provide the line's information (curosor position and file's total lines)
function provide_linenumber(component, opts)
return get_line_cursor() .. '/' .. get_line_total()
-- provide the buffer's file type
function provide_filetype(component, opts)
return get_filetype()
-- 4. build the components
local components = {
-- components when buffer is active
active = {
{}, -- left section
{}, -- right section
-- components when buffer is inactive
inactive = {
{}, -- left section
{}, -- right section
-- insert the mode component at the beginning of the left section
table.insert([LEFT], {
name = 'mode',
provider = wrapped_provider(provide_mode, wrap),
right_sep = 'slant_right',
-- hl needs to be a function to avoid calling get_mode_color
-- before feline initiation
hl = function()
return {
fg = 'black',
bg = vi_mode.get_mode_color(),
-- insert the filename component after the mode component
table.insert([LEFT], {
name = 'filename',
provider = wrapped_provider(provide_filename, wrap_left),
right_sep = 'slant_right',
hl = {
bg = 'white',
fg = 'black',
-- insert the filetype component before the linenumber component
table.insert([RIGHT], {
name = 'filetype',
provider = wrapped_provider(provide_filetype, wrap_right),
left_sep = 'slant_left',
hl = {
bg = 'white',
fg = 'black',
-- insert the linenumber component at the end of the left right section
table.insert([RIGHT], {
name = 'linenumber',
provider = wrapped_provider(provide_linenumber, wrap),
left_sep = 'slant_left',
hl = {
bg = 'skyblue',
fg = 'black',
-- insert the inactive filename component at the beginning of the left section
table.insert(components.inactive[LEFT], {
name = 'filename_inactive',
provider = wrapped_provider(provide_filename, wrap),
right_sep = 'slant_right',
hl = {
fg = 'white',
bg = 'bg',
-- 5. run the feline setup
theme = GRUVBOX,
components = components,
vi_mode_colors = MODE_COLORS,
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zzuse commented Jul 13, 2023

for branch name, just insert to your desired position. dependent on --> require('gitsigns').setup()

-- insert the git_branch component
table.insert([LEFT], {
  name = 'git_branch',
  provider = function()
    local git = require("feline.providers.git")
    local branch = git.git_branch()
    if #branch > 0 then
      return wrap_left("" .. branch .. " ")
      return wrap_left("")
  right_sep = 'slant_right',
  hl = {
    bg = 'orange',
    fg = 'black',

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