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Created January 15, 2019 13:20
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## weechat-open-url
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# Command to open a URL from weechat in a smart way.
# If we're ssh'd in from a machine on the same net, assume it's thoth or
# durandal, ssh back into it, and open the url in feh or chrome.
# If we aren't, assume we can't ssh into it (it's a work machine, or thoth
# behind someone else's NAT, or something).
# In that case, open images with timg or web pages with elinks.
client_pid=$(tmux lsc -F '#{client_activity} #{client_pid}' | sort -g | tail -n1 | cut -d' ' -f2)
client_ip=$(cat /proc/$client_pid/environ | tr '\0' '\n' | grep '^SSH_CLIENT' | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d' ' -f1)
function open-image {
if [[ $client_ip == 192.168.* ]]; then
ssh "$client_ip" \
'env XAUTHORITY=$(echo /run/user/$(id -u)/xauth_*) XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME=$(hostname) DISPLAY=:1 feh -x -F --auto-zoom' "$1"
tmux split-window -h -c ~ zsh -c "source .zsh/aliases.zsh; timg '$1'"
function open-url {
if [[ $client_ip == 192.168.* ]]; then
ssh "$client_ip" \
'env XAUTHORITY=$(echo /run/user/$(id -u)/xauth_*) XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME=$(hostname) DISPLAY=:1 google-chrome' "$1"
tmux split-window -h -c ~ zsh -c "elinks -anonymous 1 '$1'"
case "$1" in
open-image "$1"
open-url "$1"
[2019-01-15 07:56:08]
## aliases.zsh
if (( ${+commands[timg]} )); then
function timg {
for img in "$@"; do
printf '\x1B[1m%s\x1B[0m\n' "$img"
if [[ $img == http* ]]; then
curl "$img" > /tmp/$$.img
command timg -g ${COLUMNS}x$((2*LINES-4)) -U "$img"
done | sed -E '$ d' | less -ReS
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