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Tr4il / d2vsource.PKGBUILD
Last active October 10, 2023 13:09
PKGBUILD for updated d2vsource
# Maintainer: Gustavo Alvarez <>
# Fix by Tr4il
pkgdesc="Plugin for Vapoursynth: ${_plug} (GIT version)"


The other day, someone posted a little guide here for hosting a ATM8 server on a headless Linux machine. /u/AlexHailstone noted that Docker could work for this as well and would be nice, and I so happen to have ran my Minecraft servers in Docker containers for years now. So here is a little guide for you guys. This is not a Docker starter guide, you'll need to google around a bit for that if you're not familiar with Docker, but it shouldn't be too difficult.

(Just to cover my ass, I'm not responsible for any loss of (save)data or other risks you may open yourself up to by reading and using this little guide. Please make sure you understand what you're doing by running this. There shouldn't be any problems but if there are, I can't be held responsible!)

Let's get started!

@charset "UTF-8";@import url(;@import url(,400,700);@import url(,400,700);@import url(,400,700);#morecast:before,#toggle_add_similar_movies:before,#toggleaddtags:before{font-family:'Roboto'}.discuss:before,.panel__heading__toggler:before,.toggle:before{-webkit-transition:color .1s ease-out;-o-transition:color .1s ease-out;transition:color .1s ease-out}#content:after,.clearfix:after,.forum-post__buttons:after,.forum-post__heading:after,.huge-movie-list__movie:after,.qtip-content:after,.thin:after,.user-recommendation:after{content:"";display:block;clear:both}#nav_bonus a,#userinfo_minor,#userinfo_username,.bvalidator_errmsg,.page__title~.linkbox:first-of-type,.qtip,.simplemodal-data,.user-info-bar__drop-down-menu,body#bprate .linkbox,body#requests .page__title~.linkbox:first-of-type:not(:la