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Last active February 8, 2022 09:34
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Класс для работы с csv. чтение, запись по строкам, запись по колонкам, конвертация в html в массив в сsv
class CsvTable
/* @var string chr(239) . chr(187) . chr(191) */
public $utf8bom;
/* @var string Charset */
public $inputCharset;
public $cache;
public $currentRow = -1;
public $clearRegexp = '@[^[:ascii:]A-я]+@u';
public $currentCol = -1;
/* @var string output csv string */
protected $csv;
/* @var string output html string */
protected $html;
/* @var array */
public $matrix = [];
/* @var array */
protected $head = [];
protected $_head = [];
protected $appendType = FALSE;
protected $str_delimiter;
protected $line_delimiter;
protected $escape;
* @var bool|mixed|string
private $mode;
* @var bool|mixed|resource
private $output_file;
* @var bool|mixed
private $_output_file;
* @var array|bool
private $sort;
* @var array|bool
private $limits
= [
'l' => ['min' => 30, 'max' => 60],
's' => ['min' => 80, 'max' => 100],
* UtilitiesCsv constructor
* ###params:
* - inputCharset = 'utf8'
* - woBom
* - delimiter = ';'
* - line_delimiter = \n
* - mode = default | fast
* - output_file
* @param array $param
* @throws Exception
public function __construct($param = [])
$this->inputCharset = isset($param['inputCharset']) ? $param['inputCharset'] : 'utf8';
$this->utf8bom = array_key_exists('woBom', $param) ? $param['woBom'] : chr(239) . chr(187) . chr(191);
$this->str_delimiter = array_key_exists('delimiter', $param) ? $param['delimiter'] : ';';
$this->line_delimiter = array_key_exists('line_delimiter', $param) ? $param['line_delimiter'] : "\n";
$this->escape = array_key_exists('line_delimiter', $param) ? $param['line_delimiter'] : '"';
$this->output_file = array_key_exists('output_file', $param) ? $param['output_file'] : NULL;
$this->mode = array_key_exists('mode', $param) ? $param['mode'] : 'default';
if ($this->mode == 'fast') {
if ($this->output_file and $this->utf8bom) {
fwrite($this->output_file, $this->utf8bom);
* @param array $param
* @return $this
public function reset($param = [])
$this->inputCharset = isset($param['inputCharset']) ? $param['inputCharset'] : $this->inputCharset;
$this->utf8bom = (isset($param['woBom']) and $param['woBom'] = TRUE) ? NULL : $this->utf8bom;
$this->str_delimiter = isset($param['delimiter']) ? $param['delimiter'] : $this->str_delimiter;
$this->line_delimiter = isset($param['line_delimiter']) ? $param['line_delimiter'] : $this->line_delimiter;
$this->csv = NULL;
$this->html = NULL;
$this->matrix = NULL;
$this->head = [];
$this->appendType = FALSE;
return $this;
* add column to csv
* @return $this|bool
public function addCol()
if (!$this->appendType or !$this->isEmpty(($this->matrix))) {
$this->appendType = 'column';
if ($this->appendType != 'column') {
return FALSE;
$args = func_get_args();
if (count($args) == 1 and is_array($args[0])) {
$args = $args[0];
$head = array_flip($this->_head);
$isAssoc = $this->isAssoc($args);
foreach ($args as $k => $art) {
if (!is_string($art) and !is_numeric($art)) {
$art = NULL;
} else {
$art = (string)$art;
if ($isAssoc) {
$this->matrix[$head[$k]][] = $art;
} else {
$this->matrix[$k][] = $art;
return $this;
* @param string|int $x column
* @param string|int $y row
* @param string|int $value
public function setCell($x = 0, $y = 0, $value = '')
if (!empty($this->head)) {
switch ($this->appendType) {
case 'row':
if (in_array($x, $this->head)) {
$head = array_flip($this->head);
$x = $head[$x];
case 'column':
if (in_array($y, $this->head)) {
$head = array_flip($this->head);
$y = $head[$y];
return FALSE;
$x = (int)$x;
$y = (int)$y;
for ($i = 0; $i <= $y; $i++) {
if (!array_key_exists($i, $this->matrix)) {
$this->matrix[$i] = [];
for ($i = 0; $i <= $x; $i++) {
if ($i == $x) {
$this->matrix[$y][$i] = $value;
if (!array_key_exists($i, $this->matrix[$y])) {
$this->matrix[$y][$i] = '';
return $this;
* @param string|int $x
* @param string|int $y
* @return bool|mixed
public function getCell($x = 0, $y = 0)
if (!empty($this->head)) {
switch ($this->appendType) {
case 'row':
if (in_array($x, $this->head)) {
$head = array_flip($this->head);
$x = $head[$x];
case 'column':
if (in_array($y, $this->head)) {
$head = array_flip($this->head);
$y = $head[$y];
return FALSE;
$x = (int)$x;
$y = (int)$y;
if (isset($this->matrix[$y]) and isset($this->matrix[$y][$x])) {
return $this->matrix[$y][$x];
return FALSE;
* @throws Exception
public function save()
if ($this->mode != 'fast') {
throw new Exception('useless in default mod');
return FALSE;
if (fclose($this->output_file)) {
$this->output_file = NULL;
return $this;
* @param string $cls
* @return String
public function toHtml($cls = '', $rainbow = FALSE)
$this->_buildHtmlTable($cls, $rainbow);
return (string)$this->html;
*generate html table string
public function _buildHtmlTable($cls = '', $rainbow = FALSE)
$this->html = "<table class=\"$cls\">";
$len = [];
$head = $this->head;
$len[] = count($head);
foreach ($this->matrix as $row) {
$len[] = count($row);
$len = max($len);
if (!empty($head)) {
if ($this->appendType == 'row') {
$this->html .= "<tr data-key='-1'>";
foreach ($head as $k => $h) {
$style = '';
if ($rainbow) {
$style = 'style="color:' . $this->randomColor(['salt' => $k, 'limits' => $this->limits]) . ';"';
$_h = strip_tags($h);
$_k = strip_tags($k);
$this->html .= "<th data-key='$_k' data-value='$_h' $style>$h</th>";
$this->html .= "</tr>";
} else {
foreach ($this->head as $k => $h) {
if (isset($this->matrix[$k]) and is_array($this->matrix[$k])) {
array_unshift($this->matrix[$k], $h);
foreach ($this->matrix as $key => $row) {
$_row = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
$_row[$i] = (isset($row[$i])) ? $row[$i] : '';
if (!$this->isEmpty($_row)) {
$this->html .= "<tr data-key='$key'>";
$i = 0;
foreach ($row as $k => $r) {
$style = '';
if ($rainbow) {
$style = 'style="color:' . $this->randomColor(['salt' => $k, 'limits' => $this->limits]) . ';"';
$_r = strip_tags($r);
$_k = strip_tags($k);
if ($this->head and $this->appendType == 'column' and $i == 1) {
$this->html .= "<th data-key='$_k' data-value='$_r' $style>$r</th>";
} else {
$this->html .= "<td data-key='$_k' data-value='$_r' $style>$r</td>";
$this->html .= "</tr>";
$this->html .= '</table>';
private function sort()
foreach ($this->matrix as $k => $v) {
* @param array $options
* @return array|string
public function randomColor($options = [])
$options = array_merge([
'limits' => [],
'salt' => FALSE,
'format' => 'hsl',
'type' => 'css',
], $options);
if ($options['salt']) {
if (!is_numeric($options['salt'])) {
$seed = (int)preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", '', md5($options['salt']));
} else {
$seed = (int)($options['salt'] * 100);
if (isset($this->cache[__FUNCTION__][$options['format']][$options['type']][$options['salt']])) {
return $this->cache[__FUNCTION__][$options['format']][$options['type']][$options['salt']];
if (isset($options['limits']['l'])) {
if (isset($options['limits']['l']['max'])) {
$options['limits']['l']['max'] = $options['limits']['l']['max'] >= 100 ? 100 : $options['limits']['l']['max'];
$options['limits']['l']['max'] = $options['limits']['l']['max'] < 0 ? 0 : $options['limits']['l']['max'];
if (isset($options['limits']['l']['min'])) {
$options['limits']['l']['min'] = $options['limits']['l']['min'] >= 100 ? 100 : $options['limits']['l']['min'];
$options['limits']['l']['min'] = $options['limits']['l']['min'] < 0 ? 0 : $options['limits']['l']['min'];
if (isset($options['limits']['s'])) {
if (isset($options['limits']['l']['max'])) {
$options['limits']['s']['max'] = $options['limits']['s']['max'] >= 100 ? 100 : $options['limits']['s']['max'];
$options['limits']['s']['max'] = $options['limits']['s']['max'] < 0 ? 0 : $options['limits']['s']['max'];
if (isset($options['limits']['l']['min'])) {
$options['limits']['s']['min'] = $options['limits']['s']['min'] >= 100 ? 100 : $options['limits']['s']['min'];
$options['limits']['s']['min'] = $options['limits']['s']['min'] < 0 ? 0 : $options['limits']['s']['min'];
if (isset($options['limits']['h'])) {
if (isset($options['limits']['l']['max'])) {
$options['limits']['h']['max'] = $options['limits']['h']['max'] >= 360 ? 360 : $options['limits']['h']['max'];
$options['limits']['h']['max'] = $options['limits']['h']['max'] < 0 ? 0 : $options['limits']['h']['max'];
if (isset($options['limits']['l']['min'])) {
$options['limits']['h']['min'] = $options['limits']['h']['min'] >= 360 ? 360 : $options['limits']['h']['min'];
$options['limits']['h']['min'] = $options['limits']['h']['min'] < 0 ? 0 : $options['limits']['h']['min'];
$h = rand($options['limits']['h']['min'] ?? 0, $options['limits']['h']['max'] ?? 360);
$s = rand($options['limits']['s']['min'] ?? 0, $options['limits']['s']['max'] ?? 100);
$l = rand($options['limits']['l']['min'] ?? 0, $options['limits']['l']['max'] ?? 100);
switch (mb_strtolower($options['format'])) {
case 'hex';
$this->hsl2rgb($h, $s, $l);
return $this->rgb2hex($h, $s, $l);
case 'rgb';
$this->hsl2rgb($h, $s, $l);
if (mb_strtolower($options['type']) == 'css') {
return "rgb($h, $s, $l)";
return [
'r' => $h,
'g' => $s,
'b' => $l,
if (mb_strtolower($options['type']) == 'css') {
$this->cache[__FUNCTION__][$options['format']][$options['type']][$options['salt']] = "hsl($h, $s%, $l%)";
return "hsl($h, $s%, $l%)";
$this->cache[__FUNCTION__][$options['format']][$options['type']][$options['salt']] = [
'h' => $h,
's' => $s,
'l' => $l,
return [
'h' => $h,
's' => $s,
'l' => $l,
* @param $rH
* @param $gS
* @param $bL
* @return array
public function hsl2rgb(&$rH, &$gS, &$bL)
$c = (1 - abs(2 * $bL - 1)) * $gS;
$x = $c * (1 - abs(fmod(($rH / 60), 2) - 1));
$m = $bL - ($c / 2);
if ($rH < 60) {
$r = $c;
$g = $x;
$b = 0;
} elseif ($rH < 120) {
$r = $x;
$g = $c;
$b = 0;
} elseif ($rH < 180) {
$r = 0;
$g = $c;
$b = $x;
} elseif ($rH < 240) {
$r = 0;
$g = $x;
$b = $c;
} elseif ($rH < 300) {
$r = $x;
$g = 0;
$b = $c;
} else {
$r = $c;
$g = 0;
$b = $x;
$rH = floor(($r + $m) * 255);
$gS = floor(($g + $m) * 255);
$bL = floor(($b + $m) * 255);
return [$rH, $gS, $bL];
* @param string $cls
* @return String
public function toHtmlTable($cls = '', $rainbow = FALSE)
$this->_buildHtmlTable($cls, $rainbow);
return (string)$this->html;
* @param string $cls
* @param string $delimiter
* @param string $item UL, OL, LI и DL
* @return String
public function toHtmlList($cls = '', $delimiter = '; ', $item = 'li', $rainbow = FALSE)
$this->_buildHtmlList($cls, $delimiter, $item, $rainbow);
return $this->html;
* @param string $cls
* @param string $delimiter
* @param string $item li|ol
public function _buildHtmlList($cls = '', $delimiter = ' ', $item = 'li', $rainbow = FALSE)
$this->html = "<ul class=\"$cls\">";
$len = [];
$head = $this->head;
$len[] = count($head);
foreach ($this->matrix as $row) {
$len[] = count($row);
$len = max($len);
if (!empty($head)) {
if ($this->appendType == 'row') {
$this->html .= "<$item>";
foreach ($head as $k => $h) {
$style = '';
if ($rainbow) {
$style = 'style="color:' . $this->randomColor(['salt' => $k, 'limits' => $this->limits]) . ';"';
$this->html .= "<strong $style>$h</strong>" . $delimiter;
$this->html .= "</$item>";
} else {
foreach ($this->head as $k => $h) {
array_unshift($this->matrix[$k], $h);
foreach ($this->matrix as $key => $row) {
$_row = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
$_row[$i] = (isset($row[$i])) ? $row[$i] : '';
if (!$this->isEmpty($_row)) {
$this->html .= "<$item>";
$i = 0;
foreach ($row as $k => $r) {
$style = '';
if ($rainbow) {
$style = 'style="color:' . $this->randomColor(['salt' => $k, 'limits' => $this->limits]) . ';"';
if ($this->head and $this->appendType == 'column' and $i == 1) {
$this->html .= "<strong $style>$r</strong>" . $delimiter;
} else {
$this->html .= "<span $style>$r</span>" . $delimiter;
$this->html .= "</$item>";
$this->html .= '</ul>';
* @return array
public function toArray()
return $this->matrix;
public function getRow($currentCol = FALSE, $assoc = FALSE)
if ($currentCol !== FALSE) {
$this->currentCol = $currentCol;
if ($this->currentRow == -1) {
return $this->head;
$row = (isset($this->matrix[$this->currentRow])) ? $this->matrix[$this->currentRow] : FALSE;
if ($row) {
$_row = [];
if ($assoc) {
foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
$_row[$this->head[$k]] = $v;
} else {
foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
$_row[$k] = $v;
return $_row;
} else {
$this->currentRow = 0;
return FALSE;
public function getAssoc($type = 'row')
$response = [];
switch ($type) {
case 'row':
$key = NULL;
foreach ($this->matrix as $row) {
foreach ($row as $i => $cell) {
if ($i == 0) {
$key = $cell;
if ($key) {
if (count($row) > 2) {
if (empty($response[$key])) {
$response[$key] = [$cell];
} else {
array_push($response[$key], $cell);
} else {
$response[$key] = $cell;
} else {
return FALSE;
case 'col':
case 'head':
$s = $this->currentCol;
foreach ($this->head as $key => $head) {
$col = $this->getCol($key);
$response[$head] = $col;
$this->currentCol = $s;
if (!empty($response)) {
return $response;
return FALSE;
public function getCol($currentCol = FALSE)
if ($currentCol !== FALSE) {
$this->currentCol = $currentCol;
if ($this->currentCol == -1) {
return $this->head;
$col = [];
foreach ($this->matrix as $v) {
if (isset($v[$this->currentCol])) {
$col[] = $v[$this->currentCol];
if ($col) {
return $col;
} else {
$this->currentCol = 0;
return FALSE;
* @return csvString|string
final public function __toString()
return (string)$this->toCsv();
* @return String
public function toCsv()
return (string)$this->csv;
*generate csv string
public function _buildCsv()
$this->csv = $this->utf8bom;
$len = [];
$head = $this->head;
$len[] = count($head);
foreach ($this->matrix as $row) {
$len[] = count($row);
foreach ($head as $i => $v) {
$head[$i] = $this->escape . strip_tags($v) . $this->escape;
$len = max($len);
if (!empty($head)) {
if ($this->appendType == 'row') {
$this->csv .= implode($this->str_delimiter, $head);
} else {
foreach ($this->head as $k => $h) {
array_unshift($this->matrix[$k], $h);
foreach ($this->matrix as $key => $row) {
$_row = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
$_row[$i] = (isset($row[$i])) ? $this->escape . $row[$i] . $this->escape : '';
if (!$this->isEmpty($_row)) {
$this->csv .= $this->line_delimiter;
$this->csv .= implode($this->str_delimiter, $_row);
* @param $name
* @return bool
final public function __isset($name)
return TRUE;
* @param $name
* @return bool
final public function __get($name)
switch ($name) {
case 'matrix':
return $this->matrix;
return FALSE;
* @param $name
* @param $value
* @return $this|false|string
final public function __set($name, $value)
switch ($name) {
case 'matrix':
$this->matrix = $value;
case 'csv':
return $this->readCsv($value);
return FALSE;
* @param resource|string $source
* @return $this|false
* @filesource
public function readCsv($source)
switch (gettype($source)) {
case 'string':
if (!$this->strTest($source, "\n", [$this->line_delimiter, $this->str_delimiter]) and file_exists($source)) {
$source = @fopen($source, 'r');
return $this->_readCsvResource($source);
} else {
return $this->_readCsvString($source);
return $this->_readCsvResource($source);
return FALSE;
public function strTest()
$score = 0;
$args = func_get_args();
$str = (string)array_shift($args);
foreach ($args as $arg) {
switch (gettype($arg)) {
case 'string':
case 'integer':
$score += (int)(strpos($str, (string)$arg) !== FALSE);
case 'array':
$sc_ = 0;
foreach ($arg as $a) {
$sc_ += (int)(strpos($str, (string)$a) !== FALSE);
$score += (int)($sc_ === count($arg));
$this->output[__FUNCTION__] = $score;
return $score;
* @param resource $source
* @return $this
function _readCsvResource($source)
if (is_resource($source)) {
$i = 0;
while (($row = fgetcsv($source, 10240, $this->str_delimiter))) {
foreach ($row as $i2 => $v) {
$row[$i2] = trim($v, $this->escape);
if ($i === 1) {
return $this;
* add row to csv
* @return $this|bool
public function addRow()
if (!$this->appendType) {
if (!$this->isEmpty(($this->matrix))) {
$this->appendType = 'row';
if ($this->appendType != 'row') {
return FALSE;
$args = func_get_args();
if (empty($this->_head)) {
return $this->setHead(...$args);
if (count($args) == 1 and is_array($args[0])) {
$args = $args[0];
$head = array_flip($this->_head);
$isAssoc = $this->isAssoc($args);
$args_ = [];
foreach ($args as $k => $art) {
$k = $this->clearString($k);
$art = $this->clearString($art);
if ($isAssoc) {
if (!is_string($art) and !is_numeric($art)) {
$args_[$head[$k]] = NULL;
} else {
$args_[$head[$k]] = $art;
} else {
if (!is_string($art) and !is_numeric($art)) {
$args_[$k] = NULL;
} else {
$args_[$k] = $art;
if ($this->mode == 'fast') {
foreach ($args_ as $i => $v) {
$args_[$i] = $this->escape . $v . $this->escape;
$text = implode($this->str_delimiter, $args_) . $this->line_delimiter;
} else {
$this->matrix[] = $args_;
return $this;
function isEmpty($var)
switch (gettype($var)) {
case "array":
if (count($var) == 0) {
return 0;
case "string":
return (trim($var) == '') ? 0 : 1;
case "NULL":
case "resource (closed)":
return 0;
case "boolean":
case "integer":
case "resource":
return 1;
return (int)!empty($var);
$score = 0;
foreach ($var as $k => $v) {
$score += $this->isEmpty($v);
return !(bool)$score;
* add header for csv
* @return $this
public function setHead()
$args = func_get_args();
if (count($args) == 1 and is_array($args[0])) {
$args = $args[0];
$_args = [];
foreach ($args as $k => $art) {
$k = $this->clearString($k);
$art = $this->clearString($art);
if (!is_string($art) and !is_numeric($art)) {
$args[$k] = NULL;
$_args[$k] = NULL;
} else {
$_args[$k] = $art;
$args[$k] = $art;
if ($this->mode == 'fast') {
$this->_head = $_args;
foreach ($args as $i => $v) {
$args[$i] = $this->escape . $v . $this->escape;
$text = implode($this->str_delimiter, $args) . $this->line_delimiter;
} else {
$this->head = $args;
$this->_head = $_args;
return $this;
public function clearString($a = '')
return preg_replace($this->clearRegexp, '', (string)$a);
* @param $text string
private function writeFile($text)
if (gettype($this->output_file) == 'resource') {
fwrite($this->output_file, $text);
} else {
if ($this->_output_file) {
file_put_contents($this->_output_file, $text, FILE_APPEND);
} else {
throw new Exception('you call "save" too early');
private function matrixFix()
$lenCol[] = count($this->head);
if (is_array($this->matrix)) {
foreach ($this->matrix as $row) {
$lenCol[] = count($row);
$lenCol = max($lenCol);
foreach ($this->matrix as $k => $row) {
for ($i = 0; $lenCol > $i; $i++) {
if (!isset($row[$i])) {
$this->matrix[$k][$i] = NULL;
public static function isAssoc(&$arr = [])
if (is_array($arr)) {
$c = count($arr);
if ($c > 10) {
return !(array_key_exists(0, $arr) and array_key_exists(rand(0, $c - 1), $arr) and array_key_exists($c - 1, $arr));
} elseif ($c > 0) {
return !(range(0, count($arr) - 1) === array_keys($arr));
return FALSE;
* @param string $source
* @return $this
function _readCsvString($source)
$i = 0;
//$rows = str_getcsv($source,$this->str_delimiter);
$rows = explode($this->line_delimiter, $source);
if (is_array($rows)) {
foreach ($rows as $row) {
if (is_array($row)) {
foreach ($row as $i => $v) {
$row[$i] = $this->escape . $v . $this->escape;
$row = explode($this->str_delimiter, $row);
if ($i === 1) {
return $this;
public function rowCount()
return count($this->matrix);
public function colCount()
return count($this->head);
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