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Created March 22, 2023 15:02
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The purpose is to search all computer in AD and list them in case you have a messy AD and need to find where is these XP computer that you can't find but have an alert in the security audit
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Following script need loguru, pywin32 and pyad
# should work on python 3.10+ (tested on 3.11.2)
# The purpose is to search all computer in AD and list them in case you have a messy AD
# and need to find where is these XP computer that you can't find but have an alert in the security audit
import pyad.adquery
from loguru import logger
# Set up the logger
logger.add("computer_list.log", level="DEBUG")
# Set up the AD query object
q = pyad.adquery.ADQuery()
# Set the LDAP query filter to find all computers and their OS version
attributes=["cn", "operatingSystem", "operatingSystemVersion", "distinguishedName"],
# Sort the query results by operatingSystem
results = sorted(q.get_results(), key=lambda x: x["operatingSystem"])
# Log the "Computers in the GRHSERVICES.local domain:" message at the SUCCESS level
logger.success("Computers in the GRHSERVICES.local domain:")
# Calculate the length of the longest computer name
max_name_length = max([len(row["cn"]) for row in results])
# Log the computer information messages at the INFO level, with whitespace padding
for row in results:
# Retrieve the computer name, operating system, OS version, and OU location
computer_name = row["cn"]
operating_system = row["operatingSystem"]
os_version = row["operatingSystemVersion"]
ou = row.get("distinguishedName", "")
ou_parts = ou.split(",", maxsplit=1)
ou_location = ou_parts[1] if len(ou_parts) > 1 else ""
# Add whitespace padding to the computer name using f-strings
computer_name_padded = f"{computer_name:<{max_name_length + 2}}"
# Log the computer name, operating system, OS version, and OU location at the INFO level, with whitespace padding"{computer_name_padded} ({operating_system} {os_version}) in {ou_location}")
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