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Created November 2, 2022 15:38
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Fix Github set-output command (Pre deprecation)
import re
import click
import fileinput
# Used to address deprecating set-outputcommand
# Search project for relevant files
# egrep -r --include="*.yml" "set-output" | awk '{print $1}' | awk '!seen[$0]++' | awk -F':' '{print $1}'\ | sort > temp/github_files.txt
echo "::set-output name=test::false"
echo "::set-output name=base_test::$(echo $base_hash)"
echo "::set-output name=predictions_table::$predictions_table"
run: echo "::set-output name=var::true"
echo "::set-output name=test_table::$test_table"
echo "::warning ::test not found in the given param."
echo "::set-output name=new_test_name::$NEW_TEST_NAME"
echo "::set-output name=test_table::$(echo $test_table)"
echo "::set-output name=tests_table::$(echo $tests_table)"
patterns = {"base": r"echo \"::set-output name=(\w+)::(\w+)\"",
"param": r"echo \"::set-output name=(\w+)::(\$\w+)\"",
"adv": r"echo \"::set-output name=(\w+)::(\$\(echo \$?\w+\))\""}
compiled_patterns = {name: re.compile(pattern) for (name, pattern) in patterns.items()}
replace_pattern = r'echo "\1=\2" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT' # 'echo "{name}={value}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT'
def process_file(source_file: str):
for original_line in fileinput.input(source_file, inplace=True):
results = {name:, original_line) for (name, compiled_pattern)
in compiled_patterns.items()}
new_line = original_line
for key, value in results.items():
if value:
new_line = re.sub(compiled_patterns.get(key), replace_pattern, original_line)
print(new_line, end='')
def dry_run(source_file: str):
def print_lines(kind: str):
print(f"{'new_line:[' + kind + ']':<15}{new_line:>10}")
with open(source_file) as file:
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in file]
for original_line in lines:
results = {name:, original_line) for (name, compiled_pattern)
in compiled_patterns.items()}
for key, value in results.items():
if value:
new_line = re.sub(compiled_patterns.get(key), replace_pattern, original_line)
@click.command("Process github yml files for set-output handling")
@click.option("--filename", "-f", "filename", required=True, help="file containing relevant file paths",
@click.option("--dryrun", "-d", "dryrun", required=False, default=False, is_flag=True,
help='use this flag to see the file processing without any changes')
def main(filename: str, dryrun: bool):
with open(filename) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for file_path in lines:
if dryrun:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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