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Created August 8, 2023 08:57
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System info
import os
import platform
import sys
from rich.console import Console
from rich.table import Table
def get_cpu_limit() -> str:
with open("/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cpu.cfs_quota_us") as quota_file:
cpu_quota = int(
# Not useful for AWS Batch based jobs as result is -1, but works on local linux systems
print(f"[DEBUG] {cpu_quota=}")
with open("/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cpu.cfs_period_us") as period_file:
cpu_period = int(
print(f"[DEBUG] {cpu_period=}")
if cpu_quota != -1:
# Divide quota by period, you should get num of allotted CPU to the container, rounded down if fractional.
container_cpus = int(cpu_quota / cpu_period)
with open("/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cpu.shares") as shares_file:
cpu_shares = int(
print(f"[DEBUG] {cpu_shares=}")
# For AWS, gives correct value * 1024.
container_cpus = int(cpu_shares / 1024)
return str(container_cpus)
except (FileNotFoundError, FileExistsError):
return "NA"
def get_cpu_affinity() -> str:
cpu_affinity = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))
return str(cpu_affinity)
except AttributeError:
return "NA"
def cpu_count_cores() -> str:
"""Return the number of CPU cores in the system."""
mapping = {}
current_info = {}
with open("/proc/cpuinfo", "rb", buffering=FILE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE) as info_file:
for line in info_file:
line = line.strip().lower()
if not line:
# new section
mapping[current_info[b"physical id"]] = current_info[b"cpu cores"]
except KeyError:
current_info = {}
# ongoing section
if line.startswith((b"physical id", b"cpu cores")):
key, value = line.split(b"\t:", 1)
current_info[key] = int(value)
result = sum(mapping.values())
return str(result)
except (FileNotFoundError, FileExistsError):
return "NA"
def get_cpu_model() -> str:
with open("/proc/cpuinfo") as info_file:
for line in info_file:
# Ignore the blank line separating the information between
# details about two processing units
if line.strip():
if line.rstrip("\n").startswith("model name"):
model_name = line.rstrip("\n").split(":")[1]
model = model_name
model = model.strip()
except (FileNotFoundError, FileExistsError):
return "NA"
return model
def get_simple_python_version() -> str:
return f"{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}.{sys.version_info.micro}"
def print_info(uname: platform.uname_result):
info_table = Table(title="General Info", padding=(0, 2), show_edge=True, show_lines=True, show_header=False)
info_table.add_row("System", uname.system)
info_table.add_row("Node Name", uname.node)
info_table.add_row("Release", uname.release)
info_table.add_row("Machine", uname.machine)
info_table.add_row("Python", get_simple_python_version())
cores_table = Table(padding=(0, 2), show_edge=True, show_lines=True, show_header=False)
cores_table.add_row("Simple", str(os.cpu_count()))
cores_table.add_row("Physical", str(cpu_count_cores()))
cores_table.add_row("Available", str(get_cpu_affinity()))
cores_table.add_row("Advance", str(get_cpu_limit()))
cpu_table = Table(title="CPU Info", padding=(0, 2), show_edge=True, show_lines=True, show_header=False)
cpu_table.add_row("Model", str(get_cpu_model()))
cpu_table.add_row("Cores Count", cores_table)
console = Console()
console.print("", info_table, cpu_table)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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