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Created April 2, 2024 11:38
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const prepareGuildContext = async (id) => {
let ctx = {isPublic: false}
try {
const resp = await fetch(`${id}`)
const html = await resp.text()
const isPublic = !/<title(?:.*?)>Page Not Found \| Discord<\/title>/g.test(html)
if(isPublic) {
const match = html.match(/<script(?: nonce=".*?")>window.__PRELOADED_STATE__ = ({.*?})(?:;?)<\/script>/)
if (match) {
const {serverPage: s} = JSON.parse(match[1])
const {guild: g} = s
const { name, description, about, vanity_url_code, keywords, preferred_locale, created_at, approximate_member_count, social_links } = g
ctx = {
name, description, about, vanity_url_code, keywords, preferred_locale, created_at, approximate_member_count, social_links,
fetchedAt: new Date().toString(),
isPublic: true
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching guild context:", error);
return ctx
;(async (prompt, msg) => {
if(prompt.length < 1) return "`​​​❌`​​​ Please provide at least **1** argument! Example: `​​​-t ai Hello World`​​​"
const guild = await prepareGuildContext(msg.guild_id)
const sysPrompt = "You're an AI tag of a Discord bot called Assyst. Your task is to provide the most accurate resonses to user's prompts you can get. Remember, you reply as a Discord bot so keep topics safe. Context:\n\nMessage:\n```" + JSON.stringify(msg) + "```" + (guild.isPublic ? ("\nGuild:\n```" + JSON.stringify(guild) + "```") : "")
if(prompt === "DEBUG_PROMPT") return "```" + sysPrompt + "```"
const data = {
hint: "character",
messages: [ {by: "system", text: sysPrompt} , {by: "user", text: prompt} ]
let error = null;
const response = await fetch("", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(data)
}).catch(err => error = err)
if(error) return "`❗` Bot has encountered an error! Please send this issue to creator at [this page]( ```" + String(error) + "```"
const responseText = (await response.text())
.replace(/\@(everyone|here)/g, "[the funny]")
return responseText
})(args.join(" ").trim(), message);
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