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Last active December 5, 2017 14:24
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svn to git conversion steps
#git conversion:
# init: see 'subgit help configure'
subgit configure --layout auto -T trunk/Project http:/baseurl... FooSubGit
# edit FooSubGit/subgit/config and authors.txt
# in particular take care of
# url = http:/.../trunk/...
# trunk = :refs/heads/master
# # Note: if repos have been moved around you can define the old locations as branches and subgit will connect the dots!
# # exclude binaries etc.
# # also see
# excludePath = vendor
# excludePath = *.msi
# excludePath = *.obj
# excludePath = bin
# excludePath = lib
# excludePath = debug
# excludePath = release
# httpSpooling = true
# eols = false
# ignores = false
# idleTimeout = 0
subgit install FooSubGit
# switch to git bash
git clone FooSubGit FooGit
cd FooGit
# fixup tags if necessary
git for-each-ref refs/tags --shell --format='echo git tag -f %(refname:short)_ %(refname:short)~1' | sh
# create local branches
for remote in `git branch -r`; do git branch --track $remote; done
BRANCHES=$(find .git/refs/heads -type f | sed 's|.git/refs/heads/||')
# add refs to svn revisions to commit msgs:
git fetch origin refs/svn/map:refs/notes/commits
# NOTE: can't use --all parameter cause of the notes ref
# NOTE: this HAS to be done first as any other transform loses the connection to these notes
time git filter-branch -f --msg-filter 'cat && echo -e "\n" && git notes show $GIT_COMMIT' --tag-name-filter cat --prune-empty -- $BRANCHES
rm -r .git/refs/notes
# now other filters following pattern:
# time git filter-branch -d workdir -f <ADD YOUR FILTER SET> --tag-name-filter cat --prune-empty -- --all
# remove folders:
# --index-filter 'git rm -q -r --cached --ignore-unmatch -- directory'
# fix line endings
# use RAM disk since this is slow
# strangely without the git add -u it does strange things and adds newer files to first commit
time git filter-branch -d "$FASTDISKWORKDIR" -f --tree-filter "echo '* text=auto' > .gitattributes && rm $FASTDISKWORKDIR/index && git reset && git add -u" --tag-name-filter cat --prune-empty -- --all
# cleanup
rm -rf .git/refs/original/
git reflog expire --expire=now --all
git gc --prune=now
# if the .git folder is still large try
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