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Last active October 29, 2020 18:41
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Script to verify module publisher
$ModuleName = 'nimbus'
$module = Get-Module -ListAvailable $ModuleName | Sort-Object -Descending Version | Select-object -First 1
throw "Module $module not found"
$modulePath = $module.Path | Split-Path
$catalogPath = Join-path $modulePath -ChildPath "${ModuleName}.cat"
$psd1Path = Join-path $modulePath -ChildPath "${ModuleName}.psd1"
if(!(Test-Path -Path $catalogPath))
# verified it will only fall back to the manifest
$signature = Get-AuthenticodeSignature $psd1Path -errorAction ignore
throw "$module name is not signed for publisher verification"
elseif($signature.status -ne "Valid" -or $signature.SignatureType -ne "Authenticode") {
[pscustomobject] @{
File = $psd1Path
Message = "Signature is not valid: $($signature.status)"
Write-verbose "$ModuleName is not catalog signed, only the psd1 will be verified" -Verbose
Write-verbose "$ModuleName is signed by $($signature.SignerCertificate.Subject)" -Verbose
else {
$signature = Get-AuthenticodeSignature $catalogPath
if($signature.status -ne "Valid" -or $signature.SignatureType -ne "Authenticode") {
[pscustomobject] @{
File = $catalogPath
Message = "Signature is not valid: $($signature.status)"
Write-verbose "$ModuleName is signed by $($signature.SignerCertificate.Subject)" -Verbose
# test the catalog
$testFileCatResults = Test-FileCatalog -CatalogFilePath $catalogPath -Path $modulePath -Detailed -FilesToSkip PSGetModuleInfo.xml
# find all keys
$keys = @()
$keys += $testFileCatResults.PathItems.Keys
$keys += $testFileCatResults.CatalogItems.Keys
$uniqueKeys = $keys | Select-Object -Unique
# loop through all unique keys and compare
foreach ($key in $uniqueKeys) {
# Get Hashes from catalog test
$refHash = "$($testFileCatResults.CatalogItems.$key)"
$diffHash = "$($testFileCatResults.PathItems.$key)"
Write-Verbose "catalogHash: $refHash ;PathHash: $diffHash"
# Compare Hashes
$diff = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $refHash -DifferenceObject $diffHash
# Produce result, if there is a diff
if ($diff) {
if (!$refHash) {
$message = "file doesn't exist in catalog"
} elseif (!$diffHash) {
$message = "file doesn't exist in module directory"
} else {
$message = "Hashes don't match, FileHash: $diffHash; CatalogHash: $refHash"
[pscustomobject] @{
File = $key
Message = $message
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