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Last active April 17, 2019 17:08
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  • Save TravisEz13/a62cc109476176a97d182b6146694bf3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TravisEz13/a62cc109476176a97d182b6146694bf3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
$agentZipUrl = ''
$installPsUrl = ''
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $installPsUrl -outFile ./install-powershell.ps1
./install-powershell.ps1 -AddToPath
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $agentZipUrl -outFile ./
Expand-Archive -Path ./ -DestinationPath C:\AzDevOpsAgent -force
$workDir = 'C:\1'
$null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $workDir
Write-Host "Url: $Url"
Write-Host "Pool: $pool"
C:\AzDevOpsAgent\config.cmd --unattended --url $Url --auth pat --token $Pat --pool $Pool --agent $env:Computername --work $workDir --runAsService
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Line # 21 should be changed to the following as Expand-Archive is not supported on Windows PowerShell version below 5.0.

[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory("./", "C:\AzDevOpsAgent")

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