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Last active August 31, 2022 17:21
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Advent of Code 2021 Day 24 Python solution with z3. Writeup:
from functools import reduce
import z3
file = "../input/d24.txt"
with open(file) as f:
instrs = [l.strip().split() for l in]
n = 14 # Number of digits.
block = 18
# Gather the "magic numbers" from the ALU program.
addx = []
addy = []
divz = []
for i in range(n):
divz.append(int(instrs[i*block + 4][-1]))
addx.append(int(instrs[i*block + 5][-1]))
addy.append(int(instrs[i*block + 15][-1]))
# Make input ints.
inp = [z3.Int(f'inp_{x}') for x in range(n)]
# Create a z3 solver.
s = z3.Optimize()
# Constrain input to non-zero digits.
s.add(*[1 <= i for i in inp], *[i <= 9 for i in inp])
# Chain constraints. Each iteration will have a separate z variable.
# The constraints added will connect z[i+1] to z[i].
zs = [z3.Int(f'z_{i}') for i in range(n + 1)]
s.add(zs[0] == 0)
for i in range(n):
x = inp[i] != (zs[i] % 26 + addx[i])
s.add(zs[i+1] == z3.If(x, (zs[i] / divz[i]) * 26 + inp[i] + addy[i],
zs[i] / divz[i]))
s.add(zs[-1] == 0) # Victory constraint.
# Construct full input to optimise (with place value).
full_inp = reduce(lambda acc, x: acc*10 + x, inp, 0)
def get_inp(model):
return ''.join(str(model[i]) for i in inp)
# Part 1.
part1 = get_inp(s.model())
print('part1:', part1)
# Part 2.
part2 = get_inp(s.model())
print('part2:', part2)
assert int(part1) == 96929994293996
assert int(part2) == 41811761181141
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