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Last active August 23, 2022 14:34
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Advent of Code 2021 Day 16 Haskell solution with parser combinators. Writeup:
module Days.D16 where
import Numeric ( showIntAtBase )
import Text.Megaparsec hiding ( parse )
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import Text.Printf ( printf )
import Utils hiding ( count )
data Packet = Packet Int Int PacketObj deriving Show
data PacketObj = Literal Int | Operands [Packet] deriving Show
parse :: String -> Packet
parse = subparse packet . transform
transform = concatMap (\hex -> toBinary $ read $ "0x" ++ [hex])
toBinary n = printf "%04s" (showIntAtBase 2 ("01" !!) n "")
subparse :: Parser a -> String -> a
subparse p s = case runParser (p <* many (char '0')) "" s of
Right res -> res
Left err -> trace (errorBundlePretty err) undefined
packet :: Parser Packet
packet = do
version <- fromBinary <$> bits 3
typeID <- fromBinary <$> bits 3
if typeID == 4
then do
bs <- collectWhile (bits 5) $ \(b : _) -> b == '1'
return $ Packet version typeID $ Literal $ fromBinary $ concatMap (drop 1) bs
else do
lenTypeID <- fromBinary <$> bits 1
children <- operands lenTypeID
return $ Packet version typeID (Operands children)
collectWhile p f = do -- Parse while condition is true.
x <- p
if f x then (x :) <$> collectWhile p f else return [x]
operands :: Int -> Parser [Packet]
operands 0 = do
len <- fromBinary <$> bits 15
subparse (some packet) <$> bits len
operands _ = do
num <- fromBinary <$> bits 11
count num packet
bits :: Int -> Parser String
bits n = count n digitChar -- Parses n digits (assume to be bits).
part1 :: Packet -> Int
part1 (Packet v _ obj) = case obj of
Literal _ -> v
Operands ps -> v + sum (map part1 ps)
part2 :: Packet -> Int
part2 (Packet _ op obj) = case obj of
Literal x -> x
Operands ps -> case op of
0 -> sum
1 -> product
2 -> minimum
3 -> maximum
5 -> \[a, b] -> if a > b then 1 else 0
6 -> \[a, b] -> if a < b then 1 else 0
7 -> \[a, b] -> if a == b then 1 else 0
_ -> undefined
$ map part2 ps
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