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Last active December 11, 2022 05:51
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Classical affine logic for intuitionists.
structure Pprop : Type where
pos : Prop
neg : Prop
syn : pos → neg → False := by intros; assumption
namespace Pprop
instance : CoeSort Pprop Prop := ⟨Pprop.pos⟩
instance : Coe Bool Pprop where
| true => {pos := True, neg := False}
| false => {pos := False, neg := True}
instance : Coe Prop Pprop where
coe P := {
pos := P
neg := ¬P
syn := fun p q => q p
def Null : Pprop where
pos := False
neg := False
instance : AndOp Pprop where
and P Q := {
pos := P.pos ∧ Q.pos,
neg := P.neg ∨ Q.neg,
syn := by
intros h h'
cases h' with
| inl np => exact P.syn h.left np
| inr nq => exact Q.syn h.right nq
instance : Neg Pprop where
neg P := ⟨P.neg, P.pos, flip P.syn⟩
theorem double_negation (P : Pprop) : -(-P) = P := rfl
instance : OrOp Pprop where
or P Q := -(-P &&& -Q)
def Tensor (P Q : Pprop) : Pprop where
pos := P.pos ∧ Q.pos
neg := (P.pos → Q.neg) ∧ (Q.pos → P.neg)
syn h h' := P.syn h.left (h'.right h.right)
infixr:61 " ⊗ " => Tensor
def Par (P Q : Pprop) := -(-P ⊗ -Q)
infixr:54 " ⅋ " => Par
def Impl (P Q : Pprop) := -P ⅋ Q
infixr:53 " ⊸ " => Impl
theorem ppropext : P ⊸ Q → Q ⊸ P → P = Q := by
intro ⟨pq, nqnp⟩ ⟨qp, npnq⟩
have := propext ⟨pq, qp⟩
have := propext ⟨npnq, nqnp⟩
cases P; cases Q; simp
constructor <;> assumption
theorem tensor_sym_aux : P ⊗ Q ⊸ Q ⊗ P := by
constructor <;> intro ⟨_, _⟩ <;> constructor <;> assumption
theorem tensor_sym : P ⊗ Q = Q ⊗ P := by
apply ppropext <;> apply tensor_sym_aux
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