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Created January 16, 2023 09:56
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An explanation of polynomial functors
{-# OPTIONS --postfix-projections #-}
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Data.Product
module Polynomial where
X I O : Set
record Poly : Set₁ where
-- A polynomial is an expression
-- ∑[i] X^e(i)
-- where i : Ind is from an index set, and
-- e(i) is the exponent.
Ind : Set
Exp : Ind → Set
-- We can realize this polynomial as a functor
⟦_⟧ : Poly → Set → Set
⟦ p ⟧ X = Σ[ i ∈ Ind ] (Exp i → X)
where open Poly p
-- The part that proves it is a functor is left to the reader.
-- Some examples
module Example where
-- Trivial examples left to the reader:
-- the polynomials X ↦ X, X ↦ 1 + X, X ↦ X² etc.
-- They can be easily constructed.
-- An interesting example is the List functor.
-- It is schematically
-- List(X) = 1 + X + X² + X³ + ⋯
-- So our `Ind` type should be `ℕ`, and the exponent
-- should be `Fin n`.
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Fin
open import Data.List
open import Data.Vec.Functional
𝕃 : Poly
𝕃 .Poly.Ind = ℕ
𝕃 .Poly.Exp = Fin
-- Let's demonstrate that this indeed gives the
-- list functor. These are just converting between
-- `Fin n → X` and `List X`.
⟦𝕃⟧→List : ⟦ 𝕃 ⟧ X → List X
⟦𝕃⟧→List (_ , xs) = toList xs
List→⟦𝕃⟧ : List X → ⟦ 𝕃 ⟧ X
List→⟦𝕃⟧ xs = _ , fromList xs
-- More generally, we can allow multiple variables
-- and multiple outputs. Here the input variables
-- are labelled with the type I, and the output
-- with the type O. `Poly` is simply `MPoly ⊤ ⊤`.
record MPoly (I O : Set) : Set₁ where
Ind : O → Set
Exp : (o : O) → Ind o → I → Set
-- `(I → Set)` represents the input of I-many
-- variables of type `Set`.
⟦_⟧ₘ : MPoly I O → (I → Set) → (O → Set)
⟦ p ⟧ₘ X[_] o = Σ[ j ∈ Ind o ] (∀ i → Exp o j i → X[ i ])
where open MPoly p
P Q : MPoly I O
-- What should the morphisms be? We would like
-- the morphisms to induce a natural transformation
-- on the functor `⟦ p ⟧ₘ`. So for the indices,
-- we should have a forward map. But the exponent
-- should have a backward map for contravariance.
record _⟶_ (P Q : MPoly I O) : Set₁ where
module P = MPoly P
module Q = MPoly Q
ind : ∀ o → P.Ind o → Q.Ind o
exp : ∀ o j i → Q.Exp o (ind o j) i → P.Exp o j i
-- This is the induced natural transformation.
[_] : P ⟶ Q → ∀ X o
→ ⟦ P ⟧ₘ X o → ⟦ Q ⟧ₘ X o
[ F ] X o (j , a) = ind o j , λ i e → a i (exp o j i e)
where open _⟶_ F
-- Naturality omitted.
open import Data.Sum
open MPoly
-- What operation can we have on polynomials?
-- As endofunctors, we should be able to compose them.
-- (...)
-- Also, we can add them.
_⊕_ : MPoly I O → MPoly I O → MPoly I O
(F ⊕ G) .Ind o = F .Ind o ⊎ G .Ind o
-- Their terms are simply put together
(F ⊕ G) .Exp o (inj₁ x) j = F .Exp o x j
(F ⊕ G) .Exp o (inj₂ y) j = G .Exp o y j
-- Their exponents are unchanged
-- We can multiply them, remember we have
-- distributivity of multiplication over addition.
_⊗_ : MPoly I O → MPoly I O → MPoly I O
(F ⊗ G) .Ind o = F .Ind o × G .Ind o
-- By distributivity, the terms are paired together
(F ⊗ G) .Exp o (x , y) j = F .Exp o x j ⊎ G .Exp o y j
-- Their exponents are added
-- We leave for the reader to prove that they are indeed
-- products and sums when considered categorically.
-- For exponentials, let's think about
-- the single variable case again. In the category
-- Functor(𝒞, 𝒞), the exponents should be
-- [P^Q](X) = Hom(よX, P^Q)
-- = Hom(よX × Q, P).
-- If Q is representable as よB, then
-- ... = Hom(よX × よB, P)
-- = Hom(よ(X + B), P)
-- = P(X+B)
-- Any general Q can be expressed as a sum of
-- representables.
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