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Created September 16, 2015 01:38
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a mediocre linear equation solver written in C
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
enum OpType { OpNull = 0, OpAdd, OpSubtract };
typedef int64_t eqVal;
#define eqPRI PRIi64
typedef struct {
int type;
int rowA, rowB;
eqVal multiplyA, multiplyB;
} operation_t;
#define VAR_COUNT 4
const char *varLetters = "xyzA";
void print_vars(eqVal *vars, int varCount) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < varCount; i++) {
printf((i == 0) ? "{ %c = %"eqPRI : ", %c = %"eqPRI, varLetters[i], vars[i]);
printf(" }");
void print_equation(eqVal *equation, int varCount) {
// Print out an equation in neat form
int i;
for (i = 0; i < varCount; i++) {
printf((i == 0) ? "%4"eqPRI"%c" : " + %4"eqPRI"%c", equation[i], varLetters[i]);
printf(" = %4"eqPRI, equation[varCount]);
int solve(eqVal *equations, eqVal *outputVars, int varCount) {
eqVal *matrix, *prevMatrix;
int *sortIndices;
operation_t *operations;
int stride = varCount + 1;
int matrixSize = sizeof(eqVal) * stride * varCount;
int pass, row, row2, flag, i;
eqVal coef, check, sum;
int isUnique;
for (i = 0; i < varCount; i++)
outputVars[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
matrix = malloc(matrixSize);
prevMatrix = malloc(matrixSize);
sortIndices = malloc(sizeof(int) * varCount);
operations = malloc(sizeof(operation_t) * varCount);
memcpy(matrix, equations, matrixSize);
// STAGE 1: Convert the set of equations into triangular form
for (pass = 0; pass < (varCount - 1); pass++) {
printf("[ PASS %d ]\n", pass + 1);
// In pass n, we shall eliminate all coefficients
// in variable n underneath row n.
// We must ensure all rows with coefficient 0 in variable n are
// located underneath all rows with non-zero coefficients.
// To do this, we scan the matrix twice.
// The first pass grabs all non-zero rows and the second pass
// grabs all zero rows;
flag = 0;
i = pass;
for (row = pass; row < varCount; row++) {
if (matrix[row * stride + pass] != 0) {
sortIndices[i] = row;
if (i != row) flag = 1;
for (row = pass; row < varCount; row++) {
if (matrix[row * stride + pass] == 0) {
sortIndices[i] = row;
if (i != row) flag = 1;
if (flag) {
// If the flag is true, then we must do some reordering.
// Print every row that comes before this, for consistency
for (row = 0; row < pass; row++) {
print_equation(&matrix[row * stride], varCount);
memcpy(prevMatrix, matrix, matrixSize);
for (row = pass; row < varCount; row++) {
// Copy the row to its rightful new location
if (sortIndices[row] != row) {
for (i = 0; i < stride; i++) {
matrix[row * stride + i] = prevMatrix[sortIndices[row] * stride + i];
print_equation(&matrix[row * stride], varCount);
if (sortIndices[row] != row) {
printf(" | r'%d = r%d", row + 1, sortIndices[row] + 1);
printf("[ PASS %d.1 ]\n", pass + 1);
// Figure out what operations must be performed.
memset(operations, 0, sizeof(operation_t) * varCount);
for (row = pass + 1; row < varCount; row++) {
coef = matrix[row * stride + pass];
// If the coefficient here is already zero,
// then we don't need to work on this row
// this time round.
if (coef == 0)
flag = 0;
// Find a way to MAKE it zero!
// Are there any rows with the same coefficient,
// either positive or negative?
for (row2 = row - 1; row2 >= pass; row2--) {
if (row == row2)
check = matrix[row2 * stride + pass];
if ((coef == check) || (coef == -check)) {
// Same coef means we don't have to do any multiplication! :D
operations[row].type = (coef == check) ? OpSubtract : OpAdd;
operations[row].rowA = row;
operations[row].multiplyA = 1;
operations[row].rowB = row2;
operations[row].multiplyB = 1;
flag = 1;
if (flag) continue;
// Nope, so we must do some multiplication.
// For simplicity's sake, rather than trying to find the
// "simplest" operation, we'll just use the last
// row with a non-zero coefficient.
for (row2 = row - 1; row2 >= pass; row2--) {
check = matrix[row2 * stride + pass];
if (check == 0)
// If the two coefficients have the same sign,
// we subtract one from the other. If they're
// different, we add them both together so they'll
// cancel each other out.
if ((coef < 0 && check < 0) || (coef > 0 && check > 0))
operations[row].type = OpSubtract;
operations[row].type = OpAdd;
// Now make them match through multiplication!
operations[row].rowA = row;
operations[row].multiplyA = abs(check);
operations[row].rowB = row2;
operations[row].multiplyB = abs(coef);
flag = 1;
// Make these operations take effect!
memcpy(prevMatrix, matrix, matrixSize);
for (row = 0; row < varCount; row++) {
if (operations[row].type == OpAdd) {
for (i = 0; i < stride; i++) {
matrix[row * stride + i] =
(operations[row].multiplyA * prevMatrix[operations[row].rowA * stride + i]) +
(operations[row].multiplyB * prevMatrix[operations[row].rowB * stride + i]);
} else if (operations[row].type == OpSubtract) {
for (i = 0; i < stride; i++) {
matrix[row * stride + i] =
(operations[row].multiplyA * prevMatrix[operations[row].rowA * stride + i]) -
(operations[row].multiplyB * prevMatrix[operations[row].rowB * stride + i]);
print_equation(&matrix[row * stride], varCount);
if (operations[row].type != OpNull) {
printf(" | r'%d = ", row + 1);
if (operations[row].multiplyA == 1)
printf("r%d", operations[row].rowA + 1);
printf("%"eqPRI"r%d", operations[row].multiplyA, operations[row].rowA + 1);
printf((operations[row].type == OpAdd) ? " + " : " - ");
if (operations[row].multiplyB == 1)
printf("r%d", operations[row].rowB + 1);
printf("%"eqPRI"r%d", operations[row].multiplyB, operations[row].rowB + 1);
// STAGE 2: We should now be in triangular form,
// so work backwards and derive every variable.
isUnique = 1;
for (pass = varCount - 1; pass >= 0; pass--) {
sum = matrix[pass * stride + varCount];
// Subtract the terms following this one, if any
for (i = pass + 1; i < varCount; i++)
sum -= (outputVars[i] * matrix[pass * stride + i]);
// Now, sum should be equal to coef * var
coef = matrix[pass * stride + pass];
if (coef == 0) {
// This probably means we're not unique
isUnique = 0;
outputVars[pass] = 0;
} else {
outputVars[pass] = sum / coef;
return isUnique;
int do_random_test() {
eqVal realVars[VAR_COUNT], calculatedVars[VAR_COUNT];
eqVal equations[VAR_COUNT][VAR_COUNT + 1];
eqVal sum, coeff;
int i, j, isUnique;
// Generate some random values for x, y, z, ...
for (i = 0; i < VAR_COUNT; i++)
realVars[i] = (rand() % 40) - 20;
print_vars(realVars, VAR_COUNT);
// Generate some random equations that we'll use
for (i = 0; i < VAR_COUNT; i++) {
// random coefficients
sum = 0;
for (j = 0; j < VAR_COUNT; j++) {
coeff = (rand() % 15) + 1;
sum += (coeff * realVars[j]);
equations[i][j] = coeff;
equations[i][VAR_COUNT] = sum;
print_equation(equations[i], VAR_COUNT);
isUnique = solve(equations[0], calculatedVars, VAR_COUNT);
print_vars(calculatedVars, VAR_COUNT);
if (!isUnique) printf(" (NOT UNIQUE!!!)");
// Check the results for correctness
for (i = 0; i < VAR_COUNT; i++)
if (realVars[i] != calculatedVars[i])
return 0;
return 1;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int i, successes = 0, failures = 0, failure_log[100];
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
if (do_random_test()) {
} else {
failure_log[failures] = i;
printf("successes: %d\n", successes);
printf("failures: %d\n", failures);
for (i = 0; i < failures; i++) {
printf((i == 0) ? "[ %d" : ", %d", failure_log[i]);
if (failures) printf(" ]\n");
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