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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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module Data.Hashable where
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Tuple
import Data.Either
import Data.String
import Data.Char
import Data.Function
import Data.Foldable
import Control.Plus
type HashCode = Number
class (Eq a) <= Hashable a where
hash :: a -> HashCode
newtype Complex = Complex { real :: Number, imaginary :: Number }
instance showComplex :: Show Complex where
show (Complex c) = "(Real: " ++ show c.real ++ ", Imaginary: " ++ show c.imaginary ++ ")"
instance eqComplex :: Eq Complex where
(==) (Complex a) (Complex b) = a.real == b.real && a.imaginary == b.imaginary
(/=) a b = not (a == b)
data NonEmpty a = NonEmpty a [a]
instance eqNonEmpty :: (Eq a) => Eq (NonEmpty a) where
(==) (NonEmpty l ls) (NonEmpty r rs) = l == r && ls == rs
(/=) l r = not (l == r)
data Extended a = Finite a | Infinite
instance eqExtended :: (Eq a) => Eq (Extended a) where
(==) (Finite a) (Finite b) = a == b
(/=) a b = not (a == b)
instance ordExteneded :: (Ord a) => Ord (Extended a) where
compare (Finite a) (Finite b) = compare a b
compare Infinite Infinite = EQ
compare _ Infinite = LT
compare Infinite _ = GT
instance showExtended :: (Show a) => Show (Extended a) where
show (Finite a) = "Finite " ++ show a
show Infinite = "Infinite"
data OneMore f a = OneMore a (f a)
instance plusOneMore :: (Semigroup a, Semigroup (f a)) => Semigroup (OneMore f a) where
(<>) (OneMore x xs) (OneMore y ys) = (OneMore (x <> y) (xs <> ys))
instance foldableOneMore :: (Foldable f) => Foldable (OneMore f) where
foldr f b (OneMore x xs) = f x (foldr f b xs)
foldl f b (OneMore x xs) = f (foldl f b xs) x
foldMap f (OneMore x xs) = f x <> foldMap f xs
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