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Last active June 8, 2016 19:49
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  • Save TrevorBasinger/1473fafe157859070df470bd9a2b9a12 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TrevorBasinger/1473fafe157859070df470bd9a2b9a12 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
R = require ('ramda'),
request = require ('request'),
logI = function (x) { console.log (x); return x; },
id = function (x) { return x; },
konst = R.curry (function (a, b) { return a; }),
bind = function (a) { return R.chain (konst (a)); },
chain = R.chain,
map =,
ap = R.curry (function (ma, mf) { return mf.ap (ma); }),
random = R.curry (function (min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; }),
runTaskIO = R.curry (function (rej, res, t) { return IO (function () { t.fork (rej, res); }); }),
du = function (M) {
return function () {
return R.apply (R.pipe, arguments)(M.of ({}));
addOne = function (a) { return a + 1; },
//maybeAddTwoIfEven :: Int -> Maybe Int
maybeAddTwoIfEven = function (a) {
if (a % 2 === 0) { return new Just (a + 2); }
return new Nothing ();
//useThisWIthTask = R.curry (function (addToCache, incomingVal) {
// return new Task (function (reject, resolve) {
// http.get (incomingValue..., funtion (er, val) {
// x.val = val;
// x('key', val)
// });
// });
//TaskOne.chain (useThisWithTask (cacheFun))
nil = null;
function Maybe () {}
function Nothing () {}
function Just (a) { this.value = a; }
function Task (computation) { this.fork = computation; } = function (f) {
const fork = this.fork;
return new Task (function (reject, resolve) {
fork (
function (err) {
reject (err);
function (data) {
resolve (f (data));
Task.prototype.chain = function (f) {
const fork = this.fork;
return new Task (function (reject, resolve) {
fork (
function (err) {
reject (err);
function (data) {
f (data).fork (reject, resolve);
// map :: (a -> b) -> F a -> F b
// chain :: (a -> F b) -> F a -> F b
maybe = R.curry (function (d, M) {
if (M.value === undefined) { return d; }
return M.value;
Just.prototype = Object.create (Maybe.prototype); = function (f) {
return new Just (f (this.value));
Just.prototype.chain = function (f) {
return f (this.value);
Nothing.prototype = Object.create (Maybe.prototype); = function (x) { return new Nothing(); };
Nothing.prototype.chain = function (f) { return Nothing (); };
(function io () {
const maybeNum = new Just (2)
.map (addOne) // Maybe Int
.chain (maybeAddTwoIfEven) // Maybe Int
.map (addOne);
//const runMe = du (Maybe) ( m1, m2, m3);
// t1 :: Task String
const t1 = new Task (function (reject, resolve) {
request.get ('', function (err, res, body) {
if (err) { return reject (err); }
resolve (body);
.map (R.length)
.fork (errorCB, successCB);
//console.log (maybe (-9999, maybeNum))
function errorCB (err) { logI ('ERROR: ' + err); };
function successCB (x) { logI (x); }
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