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Created December 10, 2016 16:30
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Load Secret File
loadSecretFile :: AppConfig -> IO AppConfig
loadSecretFile conf = extractAndTransform mSecret
mSecret = configJwtSecretOrFile conf
isB64 = configJwtSecretIsBase64 conf
extractAndTransform :: Maybe Text -> IO AppConfig
extractAndTransform Nothing = return conf
extractAndTransform (Just s) =
case stripPrefix "@" s of
Nothing -> setSecret <$> transformString isB64 s
Just filename -> fmap setSecret $ transformString isB64 =<< readFile (toS filename)
transformString :: Bool -> Text -> IO ByteString
transformString False t = return . encodeUtf8 $ t
transformString True t =
case decode (encodeUtf8 t) of
Left errMsg -> panic $ pack errMsg
Right bs -> return bs
setSecret bs = conf { configJwtSecret = Just bs }
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