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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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module Data.Trev where
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Function
import Data.Foldable
import Data.String (length)
import Data.String.Unsafe (charCodeAt)
map = (<$>)
instance concatNumber :: Semigroup Number where
(<>) x y = x * y
instance memptyNumber :: Monoid Number where
mempty = 1
class (Monoid m) <= Action m a where
act :: m -> a -> a
instance repeatAction :: Action Number String where
act 0 _ = ""
act n s = s <> act (n - 1) s
instance arrayAction :: (Monoid m) => Action m [a] where
act mempty _ = []
act m aa = (\x -> m) <$> aa
newtype Self m = Self m
instance concatSelf :: (Semigroup s) => Semigroup (Self s) where
(<>) (Self x) (Self y) = Self (x <> y)
instance selfAction :: (Monoid m) => Action m (Self m) where
act m (Self s) = Self (m <> s)
type HashCode = Number
class (Eq a) <= Hashable a where
hash :: a -> HashCode
(<##>) :: HashCode -> HashCode -> HashCode
(<##>) h1 h2 = (73 * h1 + 51 * h2) % 65536
hashEqual :: forall a. (Hashable a) => a -> a -> Boolean
hashEqual = (==) `on` hash
instance hashString :: Hashable String where
hash s = go 0 0
go :: Number -> HashCode -> HashCode
go i acc | i >= length s = acc -- Return accumulator when full string is processed
go i acc = go (i + 1) acc <##> charCodeAt i s
instance hashNumber :: Hashable Number where
hash = hash <<< show -- Calls Hashable String instance
instance hashBoolean :: Hashable Boolean where
hash false = 0
hash true = 1
instance hashArray :: (Hashable a) => Hashable [a] where
hash [] = 0
hash (x:xs) = hash x <##> hash xs
hashHasDupes :: forall a. (Hashable a) => [a] -> Boolean
hashHasDupes [] = false
hashHasDupes (x:xs) = any (hashEqual x) xs || hashHasDupes xs
newtype Uniform = Uniform Number
instance eqUniform :: Eq Uniform where
(==) (Uniform u1) (Uniform u2) = u1 % 1.0 == u2 % 1.0
(/=) (Uniform u1) (Uniform u2) = not (u1 == u2)
instance hashUniform :: Hashable Uniform where
hash (Uniform u1) = hash u1
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