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Last active June 18, 2016 19:38
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module Lib where
import System.Directory
-- Free Monad and helpers
data Free f a = Free (f (Free f a)) | Pure a
instance Functor f => Functor (Free f) where
fmap k (Pure a) = Pure (k a)
fmap k (Free f) = Free $ fmap (fmap k) f
instance Functor f => Applicative (Free f) where
pure = Pure
Pure k <*> Pure a = Pure (k a)
Pure k <*> Free mb = Free $ fmap k <$> mb
Free k <*> a = Free $ fmap (\f -> f <*> a) k
instance Functor f => Monad (Free f) where
return = pure
(Pure a) >>= f = f a
(Free a) >>= f = Free $ (>>= f) <$> a
liftF :: Functor f => f a -> Free f a
liftF f = Free $ Pure <$> f
iter :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Free f a -> a
iter _ (Pure a) = a
iter k (Free f) = k (iter k <$> f)
iterM :: (Functor f, Monad m) => (f (m a) -> m a) -> Free f a -> m a
iterM _ (Pure a) = return a
iterM k (Free f) = k (iterM k <$> f)
-- Implementation of a free monad dsl
data DSLF a =
Echo String a
| ReadLine (String -> a)
| Ls FilePath ([String] -> a)
type DSL = Free DSLF
instance Functor DSLF where
fmap f (Echo str a) = Echo str (f a)
fmap f (ReadLine k) = ReadLine (f . k)
fmap f (Ls path k) = Ls path (f . k)
echo :: String -> DSL ()
echo str = liftF $ Echo str ()
ls :: FilePath -> DSL [String]
ls path = liftF (Ls path id)
readLine :: DSL String
readLine = liftF $ ReadLine id
testDSL :: DSL ()
testDSL = do
echo "getting directory contest of $CWD:"
echo ""
xs <- fmap formatNice . zip [1..] <$> ls "."
mapM echo xs
pure ()
formatNice :: (Int, String) -> String
formatNice (i, str) = show i ++ ") " ++ str
-- Interpreter
runDSL :: DSL a -> IO a
runDSL = iterM $ \op ->
case op of
Echo str next -> putStrLn str >> next
Ls path k -> listDirectory path >>= k
ReadLine k -> getLine >>= k
void :: Monad m => m a -> m ()
void m = m >> return ()
someFunc :: IO ()
someFunc = void $ runDSL testDSL
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