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Protopia Futures Framework ideas: For and Against

Protopia Futures Framework ideas: For and Against

These are the ideas in the Protopia Futures Framework separated out into two sections: "For" and "Against".

Despite seeing the absurdity of this artificial dichotomy, I personally find this helpful to digestion. There's a lot here!


  • Learn to foster radically hopeful and inclusive future ways of seeing and being in this world
  • Engage the plurality of future possibilities: the scope of the probable, possible, plausible, and desirable
  • Open imagination doors so others can walk through them
  • Craft speculative fiction world design and foresight practices that challenge the status quo
  • Shared YES VISIONS of the future
  • Making the hardest choices of the decades to come
  • Proactive prototyping of radically inclusive futures that focus on future cultural values and ethics
  • Humanity as the driver for said evolution
  • Boldly address past and present injustice and exploitative frameworks
  • Replace said frameworks with regenerative and equitable alternatives
  • Continuous dialogue, an iterative process, to be questioned, adjusted, and expanded
  • Center previously marginalized perspectives, especially of indigeneity, queerness, and disability
  • Explore visions of embodied hope
  • Futures wherein we have come together, imperfect
  • Creating and recovering blueprints for action
  • Create spaces of active imagining
  • Resourcing in the present
  • Moving towards collaborative visions of liberation
  • Speculative futures with time horizons no more than 30 years into the future and that take place primarily on Earth
  • Narratives of life on our home planet


  • Gender and sexuality as an open, fluid exploration space
  • Futures are trans
  • Future-queering
  • Continuous becoming of our very own expanded selves
  • Extraordinary cultural plurality
  • The stories less heard in their narrative complexity
  • Hybrid identities of "third-culture people"
  • Anti-fascism
  • Culture as a continuum of history's blending and humans on the move
  • Disability
  • Neurodiversity
  • Networks of mutuality
  • Learning by adaptiveness, nurturing, and flexibility
  • Continuous process of learning from diverse lived experiences
  • Integration and melting of disciplinary boundaries
  • Contextual ecosystems education


  • Come together to radically expand each others' horizons
  • Uplift the previously silenced voices
  • Complement each other with diverse knowledge and experience
  • Evolve as plural planetary culture
  • Relationships between diverse individuals and between diverse communities
  • Learn from identity-rooted philosophies of interwoven, symbiotic coexistence
  • Look to Ubuntu, "I am because we all are. We are human because we participate, blend, and share."

Celebration of presence

  • Technologies that expand human potential
  • Technology at human scale
  • Technology that is buildable by communities
  • Technology that is maintainable by communities
  • Tools that bring us together
  • Innovation that ensures safety while enabling diverse experiences of togetherness, collaboration, and co-presence
  • Accessible physical experiences and expressions with sensorial augmentation
  • Sensorial expansion led by the needs of the previously excluded
  • Sensual rituals as places of ancestral reckoning
  • Reveling in tenderness
  • Expansive and creative sexuality
  • The joy of human connection

Regenerative action, life as technology

  • Equitable relationship with the planet
  • Honor how language about more-than-human beings matters
  • Position humans among and in relationship with all life
  • Life-centric design
  • Life is technology
  • Biology-based technologies
  • Circular ecosystems design
  • Learning from the living world
  • Organic, living compounds
  • World growing
  • Design for species both charismatic and microscopic
  • Leaning in to and honoring algae, mycelium, bacteria, and viruses
  • Seeing ourselves as ecosystems in communication with the world and each other
  • Honor the mind-body connection
  • Honor and nourish our living inner landscapes
  • A plurality of innovative and ancestral agricultural strategies to support all life
  • Find balance between industry, Earth, and community
  • The living world seeping into cities
  • Cities that nourish their living landscapes
  • Built environments and living landscapes in symbiotic relationships
  • Think of visible landscapes along with oceans, sub-terrains, and the atmosphere, all interconnected
  • Be a regenerative intelligence
  • Engage in regenerative action in every critical choice
  • Learn indigenous, symbiotic world-views

Symbiotic spirituality

  • Honor diverse intelligence of and our co-dependence with the living world
  • Spirituality and rituals
  • Cultural importance of ancestral and emerging spiritual practice
  • Design technologies that support spiritual practice
  • Space in cities for accessible gathering
  • Time in calendars for celebratory rituals of the living world's cycles
  • First nation sites and restitution of sacred land
  • Recognize the non-universality of linear time
  • Remembering cyclical life-visions of indigenous ancestors

Creative and emergent subcultures

  • Creativity: aesthetic, cultural, scientific, social, and political
  • Critical thinking
  • Analytical thinking
  • Subcultures
  • Plurality of creative expression
  • Creativity of youth
  • Creativity that explores deep listening and seeing

Evolution of values, culture of contribution

  • Engage the emergent values inherent in circular ways of being
  • Emergent values and recalibrated cultural constructs of material degrowth
  • Infinite growth in knowledge
  • Regenerative politics: equity and contribution, accountability and responsibility
  • Honoring aging, death, and grief
  • Embracing temporal experience
  • Ecosystem regeneration through mortality

Paths toward change

  • A cultural environment inhospitable for fascism and other genocidal ideologies
  • Embrace the lessons of history from the perspectives of the oppressed
  • Uncomfortable yet vital conversations about the harm we have experienced and in which we have participated
  • Vitalize the process of learning and unlearning
  • Don't give up when we fail, misunderstand, and misalign
  • Be honest and vulnerable
  • Deepen our engagement

Scope of our futures

  • See ourselves as historical actors
  • Dream expansive, hopeful futures
  • Act in accordance with protopian values
  • Support forward-looking and regenerative-action-focused grassroots activism
  • Participating in policymaking
  • Engage with hypercorps


  • Constraints and suppositions of dominant perceptions of reality
  • Science fiction and corporate foresight visions with dystopian/Utopian stereotypes
  • Entrenching the status quo
  • Industrial markers of progress
  • Cultural, social, and political will informed by a multiplicity of biases and injustices from the 20th century
  • Colonialism
  • Cartesian dualism
  • The false binary of dystopia/Utopia
  • Neo-religious content outlets for dualistic ideas of heaven, hell, and the fetish for the apocalyptic rapture
  • Futures that are desolate, beyond repair, with engagement futility
  • Using dystopias as product road-maps
  • Inequality
  • Alienation
  • Xenophobia
  • Racism
  • Fascism
  • Biosphere collapse
  • Perpetuating the gaze and experience of privilege
  • Greenwashing
  • Eco-fascism
  • Leapfrogging all of the most urgent inequities of the present
  • Closure of critical inquiry
  • Eugenics
  • Genocidal nightmares
  • Aryan Utopia
  • Apartheid
  • Extreme surveillance capitalism
  • Endless economic growth based on exponential technology
  • Exponentialism
  • Colonial extraction consequences
  • Limitless extractive economic growth
  • Cultural and biosphere extinctions
  • Infinite material expansion on a finite planet
  • Underlying Christian mythos of technology as savior
  • Marginalizing other narratives and faiths
  • Ivory-tower delusions of colonizing grandeur
  • Technological innovation without humanitarian evolutions
  • Technology/science of Kelly's "What Technology Wants"
  • Patching things up with temporary, disposable, and technological solutions
  • Protopia indebtedness to or situation between dystopia and Utopia
  • Monologues moored in the gaze of privilege, tied to boundaries of thought established via patriarchal settler colonialism
  • Being bound to the realm of theoretical imagination
  • The inevitability of imposed futures
  • Sci-fi which features distance time periods and fantastic locations
  • Neocolonial approaches to space expansion


  • Rigid gender/sexual binary, a recent colonial invention
  • Oppressive cis-heteronormative boundaries
  • Colonial fictions of race
  • Stereotyping
  • Fascism
  • Callous and violent chauvinist bigotry
  • Nationalist bigotry
  • Xenophobic bigotry
  • Ableist world-views
  • Ableist infrastructure
  • Ableist language
  • Learning by forceful normalization, punishment, and austerity
  • Ageism
  • Drawing generational lines
  • Conventional hierarchies
  • Low-context seclusionist thinking
  • Biosphere and societal collapse
  • Isolationist approaches
  • Research and development within isolated fields, ideas, and discourses
  • Obsolescence


  • Solely relationships between diverse individuals
  • Reviving Western communitarian socialist frameworks of imposed homogeneity
  • Thought based on Cartesian fabrications such as "I think therefore I am."

Celebration of presence

  • Technologies that bind human potential
  • Tools that constrain, isolate, overwhelm, disembody, or split us apart
  • Historical erasure of the embodied knowledge of indigenous cultures
  • Sensorial expansion led by the wants of the privileged

Regenerative action, life as technology

  • The living world as environment or natural resources
  • Human-centric design
  • Positioning humans in the center
  • Obsession with mechanical technologies in mainstream and commercial futurist discourse
  • Fossil fuel based energy
  • Finite, mineral based materials
  • World building
  • Eremocene, the age of loneliness
  • Extinguishing all other life forms on Earth
  • Space design just for ourselves
  • Fear and disregard of algae, mycelium, bacteria, and viruses
  • Seeing ourselves as isolated entities or distant floating islands
  • Damage by mechanized, reductionist versions of agriculture
  • The duality of rural and urban
  • Cities that consume their living landscapes
  • Thinking only of visible landscapes while ignoring oceans, sub-terrain, and atmosphere
  • Being a destructive force
  • Settler-colonial relationships with the land
  • Science that is not entangled with and dependent on the living world

Symbiotic spirituality

  • Positioning ourselves as a superior consciousness
  • New age (con)spirituality commodification practices bound to colonial legacy as well as ableist prejudices and exclusions
  • Divisive religious dogmas which require dehumanization of the other
  • Time in calendars solely for human achievements

Creative and emergent subcultures

  • Subculture-ignorant future narratives, technologies, environmental efforts, and urban design
  • Perpetuating cultural ageism about creativity
  • Most rewards going to those who speak the loudest, often with tools, as self-expression

Evolution of values, culture of contribution

  • Capitalist model of infinite growth on a finite planet; unsustainable and deadly
  • Linear economies
  • Infinite growth in anything except knowledge
  • Obsolete binaries of conservative and liberal
  • Extractive politics: exploitation and expropriation
  • Novelty/innovation/youth-obsessed culture
  • Techno-utopian obsession with immortality

Paths toward change

  • Prejudice
  • Bigotry
  • Discrimination
  • Fascism and other genocidal ideologies
  • Violence
  • Lessons of history from the perspectives of the oppressors

Scope of our futures

  • Militarization of history; impotence of human actions
  • Exponential global warming
  • Climate pattern disruption
  • Biosphere collapse
  • Pandemics
  • Disinformation warfare
  • Fascist consolidation
  • Increasing inequality
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