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Last active April 15, 2019 08:46
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#include "texture_load.hlsli"
uint4 XeDXT3AAs1111TwoBlocksRowToBGRA4(uint2 halfblocks) {
// Only 16 bits of half-blocks are used. X contains pixels 0123, Y - 4567 (in
// the image, halfblocks.y is halfblocks.x + 8).
// In the row, X contains pixels 01, Y - 23, Z - 45, W - 67.
uint4 row = (((halfblocks.xxyy >> uint2(0u, 8u).xyxy) & 1u) << 8u) |
(((halfblocks.xxyy >> uint2(4u, 12u).xyxy) & 1u) << 24u) |
(((halfblocks.xxyy >> uint2(1u, 9u).xyxy) & 1u) << 4u) |
(((halfblocks.xxyy >> uint2(5u, 13u).xyxy) & 1u) << 20u) |
((halfblocks.xxyy >> uint2(2u, 10u).xyxy) & 1u) |
(((halfblocks.xxyy >> uint2(6u, 14u).xyxy) & 1u) << 16u) |
(((halfblocks.xxyy >> uint2(3u, 11u).xyxy) & 1u) << 12u) |
(((halfblocks.xxyy >> uint2(7u, 15u).xyxy) & 1u) << 28u);
row |= row << 1u;
row |= row << 2u;
return row;
[numthreads(16, 32, 1)]
void main(uint3 xe_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
// 1 thread = 2 DXT3A-as-1111 blocks to 8x4 B4G4R4A4 texels.
uint3 block_index = xe_thread_id;
block_index.x <<= 1u;
[branch] if (any(block_index >= xe_texture_load_size_blocks)) {
uint4 block_offsets_guest =
XeTextureLoadGuestBlockOffsets(block_index, 8u, 3u);
uint4 blocks = uint4(xe_texture_load_source.Load2(block_offsets_guest.x),
blocks = XeByteSwap(blocks, xe_texture_load_endianness);
uint3 texel_index_host = block_index << uint3(2u, 2u, 0u);
uint texel_offset_host = XeTextureHostLinearOffset(
texel_index_host, xe_texture_load_size_texels.y,
xe_texture_load_host_pitch, 2u) + xe_texture_load_host_base;
for (uint i = 0u; i < 4u; ++i) {
(i >= 2u ? blocks.yw : blocks.xz) >> ((i & 1u) << 4u)));
if (++texel_index_host.y >= xe_texture_load_size_texels.y) {
texel_offset_host += xe_texture_load_host_pitch;
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