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Last active February 15, 2018 11:34
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Shiny App.. wordcloud

A shiny app which lets you make a wordcloud and download the image (png) and the freq of words (csv). To know more head over to - wordcloud

Title: Wordcloud
Author: TrigonaMinima
# This above package is loaded by the tm by default but is not installed
# when the above packages were being installed
# so naturally doesn't install this too.
# So, it is explicitly loaded here to be installed by the shinyapps server.
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
datainput <- reactive({
# Outputs a helpful message when neither text is entered nor
# the text file uploaded.
need((input$text != "") || (!is.null(input$file)),
"Please give me some text to work upon!"
# If text input is not empty then get the corpus
# else load text from the text file uploaded.
# case of both text box and file uploader being empty was
# covered by the above validate function.
if (nchar(input$text) > 0){
words <- Corpus(VectorSource(input$text))
else if (!is.null(input$file)){
a <- input$file$datapath
a <- substr(a, 1, nchar(a) - 1)
words <- Corpus(DirSource(a))
# Cleaning & normalizing the corpus.
words <- tm_map(words, stripWhitespace)
words <- tm_map(words, content_transformer(tolower))
words <- tm_map(words, removeWords, stopwords("SMART"))
words <- tm_map(words, removeNumbers)
words <- tm_map(words, removePunctuation)
# Reactive element to transform the data on the basis of
# (de)selection of checkbox3 in ui.R
finalinput <- reactive({
if (input$checkbox3) datainput <- tm_map(datainput(), stemDocument)
# Reactive element to transform the data on the basis of
# (de)selection of checkbox2 in ui.R
asdas <- reactive({
if (input$checkbox2) wordcloud_rep <- repeatable(wordcloud)
else wordcloud_rep <- wordcloud
# Reactive element to generate the wordcloud and save it as a png
# and return the filename.
make_cloud <- reactive ({
wordcloud_rep <- asdas()
png("wordcloud.png", width=10, height=8, units="in", res=350)
w <- wordcloud_rep(finalinput(),
scale=c(5, 0.5),
colors=brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))
filename <- "wordcloud.png"
# Download handler for the image.
output$wordcloud_img <- downloadHandler(
filename = "wordcloud.png",
content = function(cloud) {
file.copy(make_cloud(), cloud)
# Download handler for the csv.
output$freq_csv <- downloadHandler(
filename = "freq.csv",
content = function(freq) {
a <- DocumentTermMatrix(finalinput())
b <- sort(colSums(as.matrix(a)), decreasing=TRUE)
write.csv(b, freq)
# Sending the wordcloud image to be rendered.
output$wordcloud <- renderImage({
list(src=make_cloud(), alt="Image being generated!", height=600)
deleteFile = FALSE)
# Title of the app
# Checkboxes for the wordcloud settings
checkboxInput("checkbox3", label = "Document stemming", value = TRUE),
checkboxInput("checkbox4", label = "Random Order", value = FALSE),
checkboxInput("checkbox2", label = "Repeatable", value = TRUE),
# Slider input for frequency change
sliderInput("slider1", "Minimum Frequency:",
min = 1, max = 50, value = 5),
# Slider input for rotation change
sliderInput("slider3", "Rotation:",
min = 0.0, max = 1.0, value = 0.35),
# Slider input for number of words change
sliderInput("slider2", "Max words:",
min = 10, max = 1000, value = 100),
# Text box to input the text
textInput("text", "Text input:"),
# Text file uploader
fileInput("file", "Text file", accept=c("text/plain", ".txt"))),
# Image download button
downloadButton("wordcloud_img", "Download Image"),
# CSV download button
downloadButton("freq_csv", "Download Freq CSV"),
# Wordcloud image rendered
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Unable to process the results using a text file input. After I select a file, it shows Error: Empty Directory error

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