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Created March 13, 2019 17:12
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Scripts to automate parts of GCP instance management
export PROJECT_NAME="your_project_name"
echo "Selected project - "$PROJECT_NAME
gcloud config set project $PROJECT_NAME
export IMAGE_FAMILY="pytorch-latest-gpu" # or "pytorch-latest-cpu" for non-GPU instances
export ZONE="us-west2-b" # budget: "us-west1-b"
export INSTANCE_NAME="your-instance-name"
export INSTANCE_TYPE="n1-highmem-8" # budget: "n1-highmem-4"
# budget: 'type=nvidia-tesla-k80,count=1'
gcloud compute instances create $INSTANCE_NAME \
--zone=$ZONE \
--image-family=$IMAGE_FAMILY \
--image-project=deeplearning-platform-release \
--maintenance-policy=TERMINATE \
--accelerator="type=nvidia-tesla-p4,count=1" \
--machine-type=$INSTANCE_TYPE \
--boot-disk-size=200GB \
--metadata="install-nvidia-driver=True" \
export PROJECT_NAME="your_project_name"
echo "Selected project - "$PROJECT_NAME
gcloud config set project $PROJECT_NAME
export INSTANCE_NAME="your-instance-name"
export ZONE="us-west2-b" # budget: "us-west1-b"
echo "Logging in..."
gcloud compute ssh --zone=$ZONE jupyter@$INSTANCE_NAME -- -L 8080:localhost:8080
echo "Jupyter instance available at localhost:8080/tree"
export PROJECT_NAME="your_project_name"
echo "Selected project - "$PROJECT_NAME
gcloud config set project $PROJECT_NAME
export INSTANCE_NAME="your-instance-name"
export ZONE="us-west2-b" # budget: "us-west1-b"
echo "Starting..."
gcloud compute instances start --zone=$ZONE $INSTANCE_NAME
export PROJECT_NAME="your_project_name"
echo "Selected project - "$PROJECT_NAME
gcloud config set project $PROJECT_NAME
export INSTANCE_NAME="your-instance-name"
export ZONE="us-west2-b" # budget: "us-west1-b"
echo "Stopping..."
gcloud compute instances stop --zone=$ZONE $INSTANCE_NAME
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