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Created October 19, 2014 19:52
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Phaeton Minecraft Server - backup.bat
@echo off
set worldName="world3"
echo %0 n [/c] [/w] [/l] [/p]
echo. n - string to append to end of output filename
echo. /c - backup root files
echo. /w - backup world directory
echo. /l - backup log directory
echo. /p - backup plugin directory
echo. /a - backup patch directory
if "%2"=="/c" goto backupRoot
if "%2"=="/w" goto backupWorld
if "%2"=="/l" goto backupLogs
if "%2"=="/p" goto backupPlugins
if "%2"=="/a" goto backupPatches
goto end
if exist "backup\patch-%1.7z" goto alreadyExists
7z a "backup\patch-%1.7z" patch
goto end
if exist "backup\config-%1.7z" goto alreadyExists
7z a "backup\config-%1.7z" *.*
goto end
if exist "backup\world-%1.7z" goto alreadyExists
7z a "backup\world-%1_overworld.7z" %worldName%
7z a "backup\world-%1_nether.7z" %worldName%_nether
7z a "backup\world-%1_the_end.7z" %worldName%_the_end
goto end
if exist "backup\logs-%1.7z" goto alreadyExists
7z a "backup\logs-%1.7z" logs
goto end
if exist "backup\plugins-%1.7z" goto alreadyExists
7z a "backup\plugins-%1.7z" plugins
goto end
echo That archive already exists. Operation aborted.
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