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Created April 5, 2014 21:49
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Save Trinitek/9998525 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Monochrome MikeOS splash screen using 13h mode
; MikeOS Cat Splashscreen
; Uses VGA 320x200, 256 color, mode 13h
; Picture data is compressed into one bit per pixel
; Blake Burgess // 5 APR 2014
width equ 56 ; picture width
height equ 61 ; picture height
org 0x100 ; MS-DOS COM program for ease of testing
mov ax, 0x13 ; 320x200, 256 colors
int 0x10
push 0xA000
pop es
xor di, di
mov cx, 320*200 ; make screen white
mov al, 0xF
rep stosb
mov si, cat
mov di, 320*(100-height/2)+(160-width/2)
mov cx, height ; number of lines
push cx
mov cl, 7 ; number of bytes per line
push cx
mov al, byte [si] ; grab next byte
inc si
mov cl, 8 ; number of bits per byte
shl al, 1 ; extract leftmost bit
jc .putBlack ; if one, draw black pixel
inc di ; else, skip that pixel
jmp .extractNextBit.end
mov [es:di], byte 0
inc di
loop .extractNextBit
pop cx
loop .nextByte
add di, 320-width
pop cx
loop .nextLine
mov ah, 0x10 ; wait for a keypress
int 0x16
cmp ax, 0
jz waitForKey
mov ax, 0x4C00 ; exit to MS-DOS
int 0x21
.l1 db 00000000b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 01100000b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l2 db 00000000b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 10010000b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l3 db 00000000b, 00000110b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 10010000b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l4 db 00000000b, 00000101b, 00000000b, 00000001b, 00101000b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l5 db 00000000b, 00001000b, 10000000b, 00000001b, 01001000b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l6 db 00000000b, 00001010b, 10000000b, 00000010b, 10100100b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l7 db 00000000b, 00010101b, 01000000b, 10000010b, 01010100b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l8 db 00000000b, 00010010b, 01000101b, 01000100b, 10101010b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l9 db 00000000b, 00100101b, 00101010b, 10111001b, 01010010b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l10 db 00000000b, 00101010b, 10110100b, 01010000b, 10101010b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l11 db 00000000b, 00100101b, 01000000b, 00101001b, 01010010b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l12 db 00000000b, 00101010b, 10000000b, 00000100b, 00000010b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l13 db 00000000b, 00100100b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00000010b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l14 db 00000000b, 01010000b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00000010b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l15 db 00000000b, 01100000b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00000001b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l16 db 00000000b, 01010000b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00000001b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l17 db 00000000b, 01100000b, 00000000b, 00000011b, 00000001b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l18 db 00000000b, 01010000b, 00000000b, 00000011b, 10000001b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l19 db 00000000b, 01100000b, 00110000b, 00000011b, 10000001b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l20 db 00000000b, 01010000b, 00111000b, 00000001b, 10000001b, 11111100b, 00000000b
.l21 db 00000000b, 01100000b, 00111000b, 00000000b, 00011111b, 00000011b, 11110100b
.l22 db 00000000b, 01010000b, 00011000b, 00000000b, 00000001b, 00000000b, 00001010b
.l23 db 00000000b, 01100111b, 11000000b, 00000000b, 00000001b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l24 db 00000000b, 11111000b, 00000000b, 00100100b, 00011101b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l25 db 01011111b, 00100000b, 00000001b, 00100100b, 00000011b, 11100000b, 00000000b
.l26 db 10100000b, 00110000b, 11100000b, 11011000b, 00000001b, 00011100b, 00000000b
.l27 db 00000000b, 00101111b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00000001b, 00000010b, 10000000b
.l28 db 00000000b, 00111000b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00000010b, 00000001b, 00000000b
.l29 db 00000000b, 11001010b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00001100b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l30 db 00000001b, 00000111b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00110000b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l31 db 00000010b, 00000000b, 11110000b, 00000000b, 01000000b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l32 db 00010100b, 00000000b, 00100000b, 10001000b, 01001000b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l33 db 00001000b, 00000000b, 01000000b, 00100010b, 01011100b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l34 db 00000000b, 00000000b, 10100000b, 00000000b, 00101111b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l35 db 00000000b, 00000001b, 01000000b, 00000000b, 00100111b, 10000000b, 00000000b
.l36 db 00000000b, 00000010b, 10000000b, 00000000b, 00100111b, 11000000b, 00000000b
.l37 db 00000000b, 00000101b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00100011b, 10000000b, 00000000b
.l38 db 00000000b, 00001010b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00100001b, 00000000b, 00000000b
.l39 db 00000000b, 00001100b, 01000000b, 00000000b, 00010000b, 00000000b, 11100000b
.l40 db 00000000b, 00011000b, 10100000b, 00000000b, 00010000b, 00000001b, 00010000b
.l41 db 00000000b, 00010101b, 01000000b, 00000000b, 00010000b, 00000010b, 00010000b
.l42 db 00000000b, 00011000b, 10100000b, 00000000b, 00010000b, 00000100b, 00101000b
.l43 db 00000000b, 00010101b, 01000000b, 00000000b, 00010000b, 00000100b, 01001000b
.l44 db 00000000b, 00011000b, 10100000b, 00000000b, 00001000b, 00000100b, 00101000b
.l45 db 00000000b, 00110101b, 01000000b, 00000000b, 00001000b, 00000100b, 01010100b
.l46 db 00000000b, 00101000b, 10000000b, 00000000b, 00001000b, 00000010b, 00101100b
.l47 db 00000000b, 00110101b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00001000b, 00000010b, 00010100b
.l48 db 00000000b, 00101000b, 10000000b, 00000000b, 00001000b, 00000010b, 00101100b
.l49 db 00000000b, 00110101b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00010000b, 00000010b, 00010100b
.l50 db 00000000b, 00101000b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00010000b, 00000010b, 00101000b
.l51 db 00000000b, 00110100b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00010000b, 00000100b, 00011000b
.l52 db 00000000b, 00101000b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00100000b, 00001000b, 00101000b
.l53 db 00000000b, 00110100b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 01000000b, 00010000b, 01011000b
.l54 db 00000000b, 00011010b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 10000000b, 01100000b, 00110000b
.l55 db 00000000b, 00010100b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 01111111b, 10000000b, 01010000b
.l56 db 00000000b, 00011010b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 10100000b
.l57 db 00000000b, 00001101b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00000001b, 01000000b
.l58 db 00000000b, 00001010b, 10101000b, 00000000b, 00000000b, 00001011b, 10000000b
.l59 db 00000000b, 00000111b, 01010101b, 01000000b, 00000000b, 00011110b, 00000000b
.l60 db 00000000b, 00000001b, 11111010b, 10101010b, 10101111b, 11110000b, 00000000b
.l61 db 00000000b, 00000000b, 00001111b, 11111111b, 11111000b, 00000000b, 00000000b
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