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Created August 16, 2021 10:44
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COMP3702 Tutorial 3 solutions
from matt_q1_q2 import *
class EightPuzzle:
ACTIONS = ['U', 'D', 'L', 'R']
def __init__(self, init_state, goal_state):
self.size = 3
self.init_state = init_state
self.goal_state = goal_state
def coord_map(single):
return single % 3, single // 3
def coord_reverse(x, y):
return y * 3 + x
def swap(config, coord1, coord2):
c1 = EightPuzzle.coord_reverse(*coord1)
c2 = EightPuzzle.coord_reverse(*coord2)
result = list(config)
result[c1], result[c2] = result[c2], result[c1]
return ''.join(result)
def step(self, state, action):
x, y = self.coord_map(state.index('_'))
action_map = {'L': (x - 1, y), 'R': (x + 1, y),
'U': (x, y - 1), 'D': (x, y + 1)}
next_move = action_map.get(action, None)
if next_move is None:
assert False, "Invalid Action"
if (not 0 <= next_move[0] < self.size) \
or (not 0 <= next_move[1] < self.size):
return False, state
next_state = self.swap(state, (x, y), next_move)
return True, next_state
def is_goal(self, state):
return state == self.goal_state
def get_state_cost(self, state):
return 1
def num_mismatches_heuristic(env, state):
mismatches = 0
for tile in '12345678_':
x, y = EightPuzzle.coord_map(state.index(tile))
xx, yy = EightPuzzle.coord_map(env.goal_state.index(tile))
mismatches += (x != xx) + (y != yy)
return mismatches // 2
def summed_manhattan_heuristic(env, state):
total_displacement = 0
for tile in '12345678_':
x, y = EightPuzzle.coord_map(state.index(tile))
xx, yy = EightPuzzle.coord_map(env.goal_state.index(tile))
total_displacement += (abs(xx - x) + abs(yy - y))
return total_displacement // 2
if __name__ == "__main__":
n_trials = 100
print('== Exercise 3.3 ==')
env = EightPuzzle("281463_75", "1238_4765")
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(n_trials):
actions_bfs = bfs(env, verbose=(i == 0))
t_bfs = (time.time() - t0) / n_trials
print(f'Num Actions: {len(actions_bfs)},\nActions: {actions_bfs}')
print(f'Time: {t_bfs}')
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(n_trials):
actions_iddfs = iddfs(env, verbose=(i == 0))
t_iddfs = (time.time() - t0) / n_trials
print(f'Num Actions: {len(actions_iddfs)},\nActions: {actions_iddfs}')
print(f'Time: {t_iddfs}')
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(n_trials):
actions_ucs = ucs(env, verbose=(i == 0))
t_ucs = (time.time() - t0) / n_trials
print(f'Num Actions: {len(actions_ucs)},\nActions: {actions_ucs}')
print(f'Time: {t_ucs}')
print('A* (num mismatches):')
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(n_trials):
actions_a_star = a_star(env, num_mismatches_heuristic, verbose=(i == 0))
t_a_star = (time.time() - t0) / n_trials
print(f'Num Actions: {len(actions_a_star)},\nActions: {actions_a_star}')
print(f'Time: {t_a_star}')
print('A* (summed manhattan):')
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(n_trials):
actions_a_star = a_star(env, summed_manhattan_heuristic, verbose=(i == 0))
t_a_star = (time.time() - t0) / n_trials
print(f'Num Actions: {len(actions_a_star)},\nActions: {actions_a_star}')
print(f'Time: {t_a_star}')
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