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Created November 1, 2017 09:55
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StandingOrder contract sources, created by truffle-flattener
pragma solidity ^0.4.11;
// File: zeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/Math.sol
* @title Math
* @dev Assorted math operations
library Math {
function max64(uint64 a, uint64 b) internal constant returns (uint64) {
return a >= b ? a : b;
function min64(uint64 a, uint64 b) internal constant returns (uint64) {
return a < b ? a : b;
function max256(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
return a >= b ? a : b;
function min256(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
return a < b ? a : b;
// File: zeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol
* @title SafeMath
* @dev Math operations with safety checks that throw on error
library SafeMath {
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a * b;
assert(a == 0 || c / a == b);
return c;
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
// assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0
uint256 c = a / b;
// assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return c;
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
assert(b <= a);
return a - b;
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a + b;
assert(c >= a);
return c;
// File: contracts/StandingOrder.sol
* @title Standing order
* @dev Lifecycle of a standing order:
* - the payment amount per interval is set at construction time and can not be changed afterwards
* - the payee is set by the owner and can not be changed after creation
* - at <startTime> (unix timestamp) the first payment is due
* - every <intervall> seconds the next payment is due
* - the owner can add funds to the order contract at any time
* - the owner can withdraw only funds that do not (yet) belong to the payee
* - the owner can terminate a standingorder anytime. Termination results in:
* - No further funding being allowed
* - order marked as "terminated" and not being displayed anymore in owner UI
* - as long as there are uncollected funds entitled to the payee, it is still displayed in payee UI
* - the payee can still collect funds owned to him
* * Terminology *
* "withdraw" -> performed by owner - transfer funds stored in contract back to owner
* "collect" -> performed by payee - transfer entitled funds from contract to payee
* * How does a payment work? *
* Since a contract can not trigger a payment by itself, it provides the method "collectFunds" for the payee.
* The payee can always query the contract to determine how many funds he is entitled to collect.
* The payee can call "collectFunds" to initiate transfer of entitled funds to his address.
contract StandingOrder {
using SafeMath for uint;
using Math for uint;
address public owner; /** The owner of this order */
address public payee; /** The payee is the receiver of funds */
uint public startTime; /** Date and time (unix timestamp - seconds since 1970) when first payment can be claimed by payee */
uint public paymentInterval; /** Interval for payments (Unit: seconds) */
uint public paymentAmount; /** How much can payee claim per period (Unit: Wei) */
uint public claimedFunds; /** How much funds have been claimed already (Unit: Wei) */
string public ownerLabel; /** Label (set by contract owner) */
bool public isTerminated; /** Marks order as terminated */
uint public terminationTime; /** Date and time (unix timestamp - seconds since 1970) when order terminated */
modifier onlyPayee() {
require(msg.sender == payee);
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner);
/** Event triggered when payee collects funds */
event Collect(uint amount);
/** Event triggered when contract gets funded */
event Fund(uint amount);
/** Event triggered when owner withdraws funds */
event Withdraw(uint amount);
* Constructor
* @param _owner The owner of the contract
* @param _payee The payee - the account that can collect payments from this contract
* @param _paymentInterval Interval for payments, unit: seconds
* @param _paymentAmount The amount payee can claim per period, unit: wei
* @param _startTime Date and time (unix timestamp - seconds since 1970) when first payment can be claimed by payee
* @param _label Label for contract, e.g "rent" or "weekly paycheck"
function StandingOrder(
address _owner,
address _payee,
uint _paymentInterval,
uint _paymentAmount,
uint _startTime,
string _label
// Sanity check parameters
require(_paymentInterval > 0);
require(_paymentAmount > 0);
// Following check is not exact for unicode strings, but here i just want to make sure that some label is provided
// See
require(bytes(_label).length > 2);
// Set owner to _owner, as msg.sender is the StandingOrderFactory contract
owner = _owner;
payee = _payee;
paymentInterval = _paymentInterval;
paymentAmount = _paymentAmount;
ownerLabel = _label;
startTime = _startTime;
isTerminated = false;
* Fallback function.
* Allows adding funds to existing order. Will throw in case the order is terminated!
function() payable {
if (isTerminated) {
// adding funds not allowed for terminated orders
// Log Fund event
* Determine how much funds payee is entitled to collect
* Note that this might be more than actual funds available!
* @return Number of wei that payee is entitled to collect
function getEntitledFunds() constant returns (uint) {
// First check if the contract startTime has been reached at all
if (now < startTime) {
// startTime not yet reached
return 0;
// startTime has been reached, so add first payment
uint entitledAmount = paymentAmount;
// Determine endTime for calculation. If order has been terminated -> terminationTime, otherwise current time
uint endTime = isTerminated ? terminationTime : now;
// calculate number of complete intervals since startTime
uint runtime = endTime.sub(startTime);
uint completeIntervals = runtime.div(paymentInterval); // Division always truncates, so implicitly rounding down here.
entitledAmount = entitledAmount.add(completeIntervals.mul(paymentAmount));
// subtract already collected funds
return entitledAmount.sub(claimedFunds);
* Determine how much funds are available for payee to collect
* This can be less than the entitled amount if the contract does not have enough funds to cover the due payments,
* in other words: The owner has not put enough funds into the contract.
* @return Number of wei that payee can collect
function getUnclaimedFunds() constant returns (uint) {
// don't return more than available balance
return getEntitledFunds().min256(this.balance);
* Determine how much funds are still owned by owner (not yet reserved for payee)
* Note that this can be negative in case contract is not funded enough to cover entitled amount for payee!
* @return number of wei belonging owner, negative if contract is missing funds to cover payments
function getOwnerFunds() constant returns (int) {
// Conversion from unsigned int to int will produce unexpected results only for very large
// numbers (2^255 and greater). This is about 5.7e+58 ether.
// -> There will be no situation when the contract balance (this.balance) will hit this limit
// -> getEntitledFunds() might end up hitting this limit when the contract creator INTENTIONALLY sets
// any combination of absurdly high payment rate, low interval or a startTime way in the past.
// Being entitled to more than 5.7e+58 ether obviously will never be an expected usecase
// Therefor the conversion can be considered safe here.
return int256(this.balance) - int256(getEntitledFunds());
* Collect payment
* Can only be called by payee. This will transfer all available funds (see getUnclaimedFunds) to payee
* @return amount that has been transferred!
function collectFunds() onlyPayee returns(uint) {
uint amount = getUnclaimedFunds();
if (amount <= 0) {
// nothing to collect :-(
// keep track of collected funds
claimedFunds = claimedFunds.add(amount);
// create log entry
// initiate transfer of unclaimed funds to payee
return amount;
* Withdraw requested amount back to owner.
* Only funds not (yet) reserved for payee can be withdrawn. So it is not possible for the owner
* to withdraw unclaimed funds - They can only be claimed by payee!
* Withdrawing funds does not terminate the order, at any time owner can fund it again!
* @param amount Number of wei owner wants to withdraw
function WithdrawOwnerFunds(uint amount) onlyOwner {
int intOwnerFunds = getOwnerFunds(); // this might be negative in case of underfunded contract!
if (intOwnerFunds <= 0) {
// nothing available to withdraw :-(
// conversion int -> uint is safe here as I'm checking <= 0 above!
uint256 ownerFunds = uint256(intOwnerFunds);
if (amount > ownerFunds) {
// Trying to withdraw more than available!
// Log Withdraw event
* Terminate order
* Marks the order as terminated.
* Can only be executed if no ownerfunds are left
function Terminate() onlyOwner {
assert(getOwnerFunds() <= 0);
terminationTime = now;
isTerminated = true;
* @title StandingOrder factory
contract StandingOrderFactory {
// keep track who issued standing orders
mapping (address => StandingOrder[]) public standingOrdersByOwner;
// keep track of payees of standing orders
mapping (address => StandingOrder[]) public standingOrdersByPayee;
// Events
event LogOrderCreated(
address orderAddress,
address indexed owner,
address indexed payee
* Create a new standing order
* The owner of the new order will be the address that called this function (msg.sender)
* @param _payee The payee - the account that can collect payments from this contract
* @param _paymentInterval Interval for payments, unit: seconds
* @param _paymentAmount The amount payee can claim per period, unit: wei
* @param _startTime Date and time (unix timestamp - seconds since 1970) when first payment can be claimed by payee
* @param _label Label for contract, e.g "rent" or "weekly paycheck"
* @return Address of new created standingOrder contract
function createStandingOrder(address _payee, uint _paymentAmount, uint _paymentInterval, uint _startTime, string _label) returns (StandingOrder) {
StandingOrder so = new StandingOrder(msg.sender, _payee, _paymentInterval, _paymentAmount, _startTime, _label);
LogOrderCreated(so, msg.sender, _payee);
return so;
* Determine how many orders are owned by caller (msg.sender)
* @return Number of orders
function getNumOrdersByOwner() constant returns (uint) {
return standingOrdersByOwner[msg.sender].length;
* Get order by index from the Owner mapping
* @param index Index of order
* @return standing order address
function getOwnOrderByIndex(uint index) constant returns (StandingOrder) {
return standingOrdersByOwner[msg.sender][index];
* Determine how many orders are paying to caller (msg.sender)
* @return Number of orders
function getNumOrdersByPayee() constant returns (uint) {
return standingOrdersByPayee[msg.sender].length;
* Get order by index from the Payee mapping
* @param index Index of order
* @return standing order address
function getPaidOrderByIndex(uint index) constant returns (StandingOrder) {
return standingOrdersByPayee[msg.sender][index];
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