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Created May 2, 2024 14:10
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This is a standalone benchmark to evaluate copy-on-write in Python.
# The goal is to visit all the element of a tree by avoiding the branches that share the same name.
import random, uuid, timeit
# A random tree generator
def gen_name():
return random.choice("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
def gen_node(depth, max_depth):
if depth > max_depth:
yield (gen_name(), [])
for child in range(random.randint(1, 3)):
yield (gen_name() + gen_name() + gen_name(), gen_node(depth + 1, max_depth))
def gen_tree(max_depth):
return gen_node(0, max_depth).__next__()
# Helper to show a tree
def print_tree(node, indent):
(name, childs) = node
print(" " * indent + name)
for child in childs:
print_tree(child, indent + 1)
# print_tree(gen_tree(4), 0)
# Visitor implementation by mutating a "visited" set
def visit_mutate(visited, node):
count = 0
(name, childs) = node
if name not in visited:
count += 1
for child in childs:
count += visit_mutate(visited, child)
return count
# Pure visitor implementation using a copy-on-write pattern
def visit_cow(visited, node):
visited = visited.copy()
count = 0
(name, childs) = node
if name not in visited:
count += 1
for child in childs:
(new_count, new_visited) = visit_cow(visited, child)
count += new_count
visited = visited.union(new_visited)
return (count, visited)
def visit_cow_wrapper(visited, node):
return visit_cow(visited, node)[0]
# Benchmark helpers
def bench(impl):
assert impl(set(), gen_tree(30)) == 7920
# mutate - 0.0151767710049171
# cow - 4.07419129399932
print("mutate - ", timeit.timeit(lambda: bench(visit_mutate), number=1))
print("cow - ", timeit.timeit(lambda: bench(visit_cow_wrapper), number=1))
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