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TristanVaccon / Cluster_Pictures_Examples.sage
Last active February 14, 2025 16:47
Implementation in Sagemath of the OM algorithms and their application to the computation of Valuative Trees and Cluster Pictures
A = FunctionField(QQ,'t')
t = A.gen()
# Exp 3.4 #
TristanVaccon /
Created February 20, 2023 15:06
Implementation of the computation of Universal Analytic Gröbner Bases
# Tools #
# #
def Single_Newton_Polytope(f,R):
TristanVaccon /
Last active March 9, 2022 08:25
from copy import*
# Tools #
# #
def Tate_LT(f,R,w):
TristanVaccon /
Last active February 25, 2021 12:04
from copy import*
# Linear preliminary #
# #
def diagonalisable_in_glnZp_with_blocks_growing_valuation_random_eigenvalues(dim=6,blocks=[2,1,3],p=5,prec=10):
R = Zp(p,prec)
diag0 = [[R.random_element() for i in range(blocks[u])] for u in range(len(blocks))]
This module implements the tropicalF5+FGLM technique to compute lex basis over fields with valuation.
.. [F02] Jean-Charles Faugère. *A new efficient algorithm for computing Gröbner bases without reduction to zero (F5)*. In Proceedings of the 2002 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation, ISSAC '02, pages 75-83, New York, NY, USA, 2002. ACM.
TristanVaccon / toy_F4_Tate.pyx
Created January 24, 2019 13:31
Toy implementation of the F4 algorithm for Tate algebra in Cython
#This module implements a variant of the F4 algorithm to compute (approximate)
#Groebner bases for Tate algebras.
#- Tristan Vaccon (2018)
TristanVaccon /
Created January 24, 2019 13:30
Toy implementation of the F4 algorithm for Tate algebras in Sagemath
#This module implements a variant of the F4 algorithm to compute (approximate)
#Groebner bases for Tate algebras.
#- Tristan Vaccon (2018-2019)
# Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Tristan Vaccon <>
Educational Versions of the F5 Algorithm to compute tropical Groebner bases.
We have followed [F02], [AP11] [EF17] and [VY17].
No attempt was made to optimize the algorithm as the emphasis of
these implementations is to obtain an as clean and easy presentation as possible. To compute a
Groebner basis in Sage efficiently use the
Educational Versions of the F5 Algorithm to compute tropical Groebner bases.
We have followed [F02], [AP11] [EF17] and [VY17].
No attempt was made to optimize the algorithm as the emphasis of
these implementations is to obtain an as clean and easy presentation as possible. To compute a
Groebner basis in Sage efficiently use the
# Matrix tools #
def Make_Macaulay_Matrix_sparse_dict(list_poly, monom):
Build the Macaulay matrix for the polynomials of degree d in list_poly. It is represented as a couple of a matrix and the list of the signatures of its rows, assuming compatibility.
The matrix is sparse.