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Created August 21, 2018 09:02
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import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Dynamic
import GHC.Err
import GHC.Prim
data PyVal = PyVal { valTy :: TypeRep, val :: String } | ErrorMsg String
data PyStatement where
Import :: String -> PyStatement
RawStmtm :: String -> PyStatement
RawVal :: PyVal -> PyStatement
renderPyStatement :: PyStatement -> String
renderPyStatement (Import a) = "import " <> a
renderPyStatement (RawStmtm a) = a
renderPyStatement (RawVal (PyVal _ s)) = s
renderPyStatement (RawVal (ErrorMsg msg)) = error msg
-- ToDo: Ensure imports are Import
data PyLib = PyLib { imports :: [PyStatement]
, functions :: [PyFunction] }
data PyFunction = LocalFunction { arguments :: [String]
, name :: String
, funTy :: TypeRep
, statements :: [PyStatement] }
| ImportedFunction { name :: String
, funTy :: TypeRep }
f :: PyFunction
f = LocalFunction { arguments = ["a", "b", "c"]
, name = "f"
, funTy = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy (Int -> Int -> Int -> Int))
, statements = [RawStmtm "return (a + b + c)"] }
-- From stdlib
pyPrint :: PyFunction
pyPrint = ImportedFunction { name = "print"
, funTy = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy (Dynamic -> ()))}
-- For now, only things that have the same representation in
-- Haskell and in Python (e.g. Integers)
toPyVal :: (Typeable a, Show a) => a -> PyVal
toPyVal a = PyVal { valTy = typeOf a, val = show a }
funToVal :: PyFunction -> PyVal
funToVal f = PyVal { valTy = funTy f, val = name f}
py1 :: PyVal
py1 = toPyVal (1 :: Int)
py2 :: PyVal
py2 = toPyVal (2 :: Int)
py3 :: PyVal
py3 = toPyVal (3 :: Int)
fVal :: PyVal
fVal = funToVal f
printVal = funToVal pyPrint
showTyR :: TypeRep -> String
showTyR t = showsTypeRep t ""
arity :: TypeRep -> Int
arity rep = case (splitTyConApp rep) of
(tc, [arg, result]) | tc == funcTyCon -> 1 + (arity result)
_ -> 0
where funcTyCon = typeRepTyCon $ typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy (Int -> Int))
applyPyVal :: PyVal -> PyVal -> PyVal
applyPyVal _ (ErrorMsg emsg) = ErrorMsg emsg
applyPyVal (ErrorMsg emsg) _ = ErrorMsg emsg
applyPyVal (PyVal {valTy = ft, val = nm }) (PyVal {valTy = vt, val = v })
= case (funResultTy ft vt) of
Just rt -> newVal rt
Nothing -> case typeRepArgs ft of
[tr, rt] | typeRepTyCon tr == tyConOfDynamic -> newVal rt
_ -> ErrorMsg ( "cannot apply function " <> nm <> " of type "
<> (showTyR ft) <> " to " <> v <> " of type "
<> showTyR vt )
where newVal rt = PyVal { valTy = rt
, val = case arity rt of
0 -> appl
_ -> "partial(" <> nm <> "," <> v <> ")"}
appl = nm <> "(" <> v <> ")"
tyConOfDynamic = typeRepTyCon $ typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Dynamic)
renderPyFunc :: PyFunction -> String
renderPyFunc (LocalFunction {name = nm, arguments = args, statements = stmts, funTy = ty })
= unlines $ [ ""
, "# " <> show ty <> " of arity " <> show (arity ty)
, "def " <> nm <> "(" <> (intercalate "," args) <> ")" <> ":"
, unlines $ map ((<>) " " . renderPyStatement) stmts]
myProg :: PyLib
myProg = PyLib { imports = map Import [ "datetime", "math", "random" ]
, functions = [f] }
genPyLib :: PyLib -> String
genPyLib (PyLib { imports = imp, functions = functions }) =
concat [ renderPyStatement $ RawStmtm "from functools import partial\n"
, unlines $ map renderPyStatement imp
, unlines $ map renderPyFunc functions]
main :: IO ()
main = do putStrLn $ genPyLib myProg
putStrLn $ renderPyStatement $
RawVal $ applyPyVal printVal
$ applyPyVal (applyPyVal (applyPyVal fVal py1) py2) py3
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