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Created November 5, 2018 10:14
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Type-level complexity annotations in Haskell
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies,
UndecidableInstances, ConstraintKinds #-}
module ONotation where
import GHC.TypeLits as L
import Data.Type.Bool
import Data.Type.Equality
-- Simplistic asymptotic polynomials
data AsymP = NLogN Nat Nat
-- Synonyms for common terms
type N = NLogN 1 0
type LogN = NLogN 0 1
type One = NLogN 0 0
-- Just to be able to write it nicely
type O (a :: AsymP) = a
type family (^.) (n :: AsymP) (m :: Nat) :: AsymP where
(NLogN a b) ^. n = NLogN (a L.* n) (b L.* n)
type family (*.) (n :: AsymP) (m :: AsymP) :: AsymP where
(NLogN a b) *. (NLogN c d) = NLogN (a+c) (b+d)
type family OCmp (n :: AsymP) (m :: AsymP) :: Ordering where
OCmp (NLogN a b) (NLogN c d) =
If (CmpNat a c == EQ) (CmpNat b d) (CmpNat a c)
type family OGEq (n :: AsymP) (m :: AsymP) :: Bool where
OGEq n m = Not (OCmp n m == 'LT)
type (>=.) n m = OGEq n m ~ True
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies,
TypeApplications #-}
module Sorting ( mergeSort, quickSort, insertionSort
, Sorted, runSort, module ONotation) where
import ONotation
import Data.List (insert, sort, partition, foldl')
-- Sorted encodes average computational and auxiliary
-- memory complexity. The complexities presented
-- here are the in-place complexities, and do not match
-- the naive but concise implementations included here.
newtype Sorted (cpu :: AsymP) (mem :: AsymP) a
= Sorted {runSort :: [a]}
insertionSort :: (n >=. O(N^.2), m >=. O(One), Ord a)
=> [a] -> Sorted n m a
insertionSort = Sorted . foldl' (flip insert) []
mergeSort :: (n >=. O(N*.LogN), m >=. O(N), Ord a)
=> [a] -> Sorted n m a
mergeSort = Sorted . sort
quickSort :: (n >=. O(N*.LogN) , m >=. O(LogN), Ord a)
=> [a] -> Sorted n m a
quickSort (x:xs) = Sorted $ (recr lt) ++ (x:(recr gt))
where (lt, gt) = partition (< x) xs
recr = runSort . quickSort @(O(N*.LogN)) @(O(LogN))
quickSort [] = Sorted []
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