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Last active April 22, 2017 16:12
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Pardus Druggy
// ==UserScript==
// @name Pardus Druggy
// @namespace
// @description Keep track of your druggenness...
// @include http*://**
// @include http*://**
// @include http*://**
// @include http*://**
// @include http*://**
// @version 1.3
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @updateURL about:blank
// ==/UserScript==
// v1.4 - Minor additions by Tro (Artemis) / Troo (Orion) to display druggy on the logout screen.
// v1.3 - minor changes by Miche (Orion) / Sparkle (Artemis) to accomodate hosting of druggy tracker
// - configured the script to use the drug tracker now available on
// - added version data, new grant directives for compatibility
// - added updateURL to point to invalid location so as to prevent auto updating of the script
// Beta v1.11 - Made more robust again, also added host variable, and additional config for moving from msg to main frame.
// v1.10 - Made more robust when there is a failure communicating with the server.
// v1.9 - Added password field to user config for multiCompFile on server.
// v1.8 - Changed color when undrugged but still TC drugginess drop available.
// v1.7 - Added multi computer support. Also filtering logs to avoid duplicates.
// - And... altered things a bit to allow for multiple users using the same computer.
// v1.6 - Added logging to external webserver (not the pardus servers!) for scientific purposes.
// v1.5 - Fixed bug.
// v1.4 - Fixed bug.
// v1.3 - Fixed bug.
// v1.2 - added drug use detection when in combat.
// Created by: Mentor in Pegasus
// Ideas and help by many members of Federation Underground!
// Leave this line alone....
var TCvalUsers = [];
// ****** USER CONFIG ******
// - here, set your TC med level (0-5) and you 'alter ego' for logging
// Array elements entries are: "real username", TClevel, "alter ego username", "password"
// one of these for each users,
// REMEMBER: increment the array # when you add a user!
// - you can have as many users as you like.
// - leaving the 'alter ego' blank will just use your real username by default.
// - make sure you assign a password.
TCvalUsers[0] = ["Tro", 5, "", "apassword"];
TCvalUsers[1] = ["Troo", 5, "", "3apasswd"];
TCvalUsers[2] = ["Alpha Nor", 0, "", "passme1"];
// - here, indicate if you want to save your drugginess to a remote server.
// This will allow you to use multiple computers and maintain your drugginess between them.
// (Or, multiple users on the same computer!)
// NOTE: your character ID will be used as the file name if not defined in the above array.
var multiCompFile = false;
// - here, indicate if you want to send logs for science to a webserver
// NOTE: your character ID will be used in the log if not defined in the above array.
var logDrugUsage = false;
// - here, indicate if you want it in the msg frame, or in the status box on the main frame
var showInMsgFrame = false;
// ****** End of USER CONFIG ******
// Main scripting setup code
// druggy host
var druggyhost = ""
var menuframe = null;
if(window.parent.frames.length > 0) menuframe = window.parent.frames[0].document;
var msgframe = null;
if(window.parent.frames.length > 1) msgframe = window.parent.frames[1].document;
var mainframe = null;
if(window.parent.frames.length > 2) mainframe = window.parent.frames[2].document;
var universe;
var universeCount = 0;
var myimg = msgframe.getElementsByTagName("IMG");
if (myimg[1].getAttribute('title').search(/Artemis:/) != -1) {
universe = "Arty";
universeCount = 1;
} else if (myimg[2].getAttribute('title').search(/Pegasus:/) != -1) {
universe = "Peg";
universeCount = 2;
} else {
universe = "Orion";
var userimg = msgframe.getElementsByTagName('img');
var username = userimg[universeCount].getAttribute('title').replace('Artemis: ', '').replace('Orion: ', '').replace('Pegasus: ', '').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
var pusername = username;
var password = "";
for(var tc = 0;tc < TCvalUsers.length ; tc++) {
if (TCvalUsers[tc][0] == username) {
GM_setValue("TCval"+username, TCvalUsers[tc][1]);
// assign alter-ego if not blank
if (TCvalUsers[tc][2] != "")
pusername = TCvalUsers[tc][2];
if (TCvalUsers[tc][3])
password = TCvalUsers[tc][3];
// End of Main scripting setup
// Functions
// First, trap the drug submit event.
function mysubmit(event) {
// Check to see if it is the button we want, then make sure it's for drugs
for(var i = 0; i < mainframe.getElementsByTagName('input').length; i++) {
var a = mainframe.getElementsByTagName('input')[i];
// Our button will have a value of 'Use'
if (a.value == 'Use') {
// ensure not the retreat button
if (|how many rounds/i) != -1) {
//alert("retreat button pressed");
} else {
if ( == 'resid') {
// combat drug use.
var resid = a.parentNode.firstChild;
var amount = resid.nextSibling;
} else {
// non-combat drug use.
var resid = a.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling;
var amount = resid.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling;
// Drugs have a value of 51 (bots are 8)
if ((resid.getAttribute('value') == 51)&&(parseInt(amount.value))) {
// set overdrug and drugTime
var overdrug = GM_getValue("overdrug" + universe, 0);
var TCval = GM_getValue("TCval" + username, 0);
if ((overdrug) <= 0) {
// we have no drugginess
var time = new Date()
var timeMS = time.getTime() / 1000;
var timeInt = parseInt(timeMS);
var lastDT = parseInt(GM_getValue("drugTime"+universe,0));
GM_setValue("lastDT"+universe, lastDT);
GM_setValue("lastDH" + universe, timeInt)
overdrug = overdrug + parseInt(amount.value);
GM_setValue("drugs" + universe, parseInt(amount.value));
GM_setValue("overdrug" + universe, overdrug);
// save multi comp info
if (multiCompFile) {
window.addEventListener('submit', mysubmit, true);
// Next, When the msg frame comes up, show the initial drug time, and the drugginess as a #.
//window.addEventListener('load', function(e) {
if(document.URL.indexOf('msgframe.php') >= 0) {
userimg = msgframe.getElementsByTagName('img');
username = userimg[universeCount].getAttribute('title').replace('Artemis: ', '').replace('Orion: ', '').replace('Pegasus: ', '').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
pusername = username;
password = "";
for(var tc = 0;tc < TCvalUsers.length ; tc++) {
if (TCvalUsers[tc][0] == username) {
GM_setValue("TCval"+username, TCvalUsers[tc][1]);
// assign alter-ego if not blank
if (TCvalUsers[tc][2] != "") {
pusername = TCvalUsers[tc][2];
if (TCvalUsers[tc][3]) {
password = TCvalUsers[tc][3];
// Try to load GM variables from external server
if (multiCompFile) {
var curtime = new Date();
var lastload = GM_getValue("ServerLoadTime",0);
curtime = parseInt(curtime.getTime() / 1000);
var lastUser = GM_getValue("lastUser",0);
var usingServer = GM_getValue("ServerLoaded", 0);
var sendServerFail = GM_getValue("ServerSaveFail"+pusername, 0);
var sendServerTime = GM_getValue("SendServerTime"+pusername, curtime);
// if save failed, retry every 60s or so..
if ((sendServerFail) && ((curtime - sendServerTime) > 60)) {
// have we loaded this in the last hour? OR has the user changed?
if (!sendServerFail && (((curtime - lastload) > 3600) || (!(lastUser == username)) || ((usingServer == 0) && ((curtime-lastload) > 60)))) {
GM_setValue("ServerLoaded", 0);
GM_setValue("ServerLoadTime", curtime);
GM_setValue("lastUser", username);
// Search for the ' You feel like you have XXX Action Points more than you just had.' text
// Table where child.child.child.child.child nodeType is text (3).
// nodeType is 1, innerHTML has the text above
var myfont = msgframe.getElementsByTagName("FONT");
for(var i = 0; i < msgframe.getElementsByTagName('FONT').length; i++) {
if (logDrugUsage) {
if( myfont[i] Points more than you just had/) != -1) {
// do something with the # APs.
var curtime = new Date();
curtime = parseInt(curtime.getTime() / 1000);
var drugTime = GM_getValue("drugTime" + universe, 0);
var lasthour = GM_getValue("lastDH" + universe, 0);
var lastDTtime = GM_getValue("lastDT" + universe, 0);
var drugsTaken = GM_getValue("drugs" + universe, 0);
var overdrug = GM_getValue("overdrug" + universe, 0);
var TCval = GM_getValue("TCval" + username, 0);
// filter variables
var sentTime = GM_getValue("sentTime", 0);
var sentAPs = GM_getValue("sentAPs", 0);
var sentOverdrug = GM_getValue("sentOverdrug", 0);
// innerHTML: You feel like you have 233 Action Points more than you just had.
var apmessage = myfont[i].innerHTML.replace("You feel like you have ",'');
var aps = apmessage.replace(' Action Points more than you just had.','');
apmessage = pusername + "," + aps + "," + drugsTaken + "," + overdrug + "," + TCval + "," + curtime + "," + drugTime + "," + lasthour + "," + lastDTtime + "\n";
// filter out POST if we already sent this one
if (!((curtime-sentTime < 60) && (sentAPs == aps) && (sentOverdrug == overdrug))) {
method: "POST",
url: druggyhost + "sendapinfo.php",
headers: { "Content-type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" },
data: encodeURI("message=" + apmessage),
onload: function(e) { }
// To filter out a refresh on the page, if time since last < 60s, and APs same, and druginnes same.
// then don't send again.
// So, need to store: 1) curtime 2) APs 3) drugginess
window.addEventListener('load', function(e) {
if (showInMsgFrame == true) {
if(document.URL.indexOf('msgframe.php') >= 0) {
//var root = msgframe.body;
var table = document.getElementsByTagName('table');
var root = table[0].firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[3];
var Sdrug = msgframe.createElement("SPAN");
var Sdrugi = msgframe.createElement("SPAN"); = "Sdrug"; = "5px"; = "Sdrugi"; = "5px";
var div = msgframe.createElement("DIV"); = "druggy";
div.setAttribute('style', "font-weight:bold; font-size:10px; color:#CCCCCC; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif");
div.align = "right";
// if you want to update the timer more than once per minute....
// getDrugTimer();
//}, 10000);
} else {
if(document.URL.indexOf('main.php') >= 0) {
//search for the parent table of the cargo section
var table = document.getElementsByTagName('table');
//Get the picture name to search for based on the Display Location Reference
for(i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
if(table[i].innerHTML.indexOf('status.png') != -1) {
var root = table[i+1].parentNode;
var Sdrug = mainframe.createElement("SPAN");
var Sdrugi = mainframe.createElement("SPAN"); = "Sdrug"; = "6px"; = "Sdrugi"; = "6px";
var div = mainframe.createElement("DIV"); = "druggy";
div.setAttribute('style', "font-weight:bold; font-size:10px; color:#CCCCCC; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif");
div.align = "center";
// if you want to update the timer more than once per minute....
window.setInterval(function() {
}, 1000);
if(document.URL.indexOf('logout.php') >= 0) {
//search for the parent table of the cargo section
var table = document.getElementsByClassName('messagestyle');
//Get the picture name to search for based on the Display Location Reference
for(i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
if(table[i].innerHTML.indexOf('Status') != -1) {
var root = table[i].children[0];
var Sdrug = mainframe.createElement("SPAN");
var Sdrugi = mainframe.createElement("SPAN"); = "Sdrug"; = "6px"; = "Sdrugi"; = "6px";
var tr1 = mainframe.createElement("tr");
var tr2 = mainframe.createElement("tr");
var td1 = mainframe.createElement("td");
var td2 = mainframe.createElement("td");
var td3 = mainframe.createElement("td");
var td4 = mainframe.createElement("td"); = "druggy"; = "druggy";
td1.setAttribute('style', "font-weight:bold; font-size:10px; color:#CCCCCC; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif");
td2.setAttribute('style', "font-weight:bold; font-size:10px; color:#CCCCCC; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif");
td3.setAttribute('style', "font-weight:bold; font-size:10px; color:#CCCCCC; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif");
td4.setAttribute('style', "font-weight:bold; font-size:10px; color:#CCCCCC; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif");
// if you want to update the timer more than once per minute....
window.setInterval(function() {
}, 1000);
}, false);
function getDrugTimer()
var curtime = new Date();
var difftime = new Date();
var showframe;
var overdrug = parseInt(GM_getValue("overdrug" + universe, 0));
var drugTime = parseInt(GM_getValue("drugTime" + universe, 0)) * 1000;
var lasthour = parseInt(GM_getValue("lastDH" + universe, 0)) * 1000
var TCval = parseInt(GM_getValue("TCval" + username, 0));
var timeSec = curtime.getTime();
// Subtract current time from drugtime.
var timeSince = timeSec - drugTime;
// frame to display values
if (showInMsgFrame == true) {
showframe = msgframe;
} else {
showframe = mainframe;
// initialization problems fix.
if (overdrug <= 0) {
overdrug = 0;
// how many hours since last checked
var hours = parseInt((timeSec - lasthour) / 1000 / 3600);
if ((hours > 0) && (overdrug > 0)) {
// drugginess goes down by # hours
var drugdiff = overdrug - hours;
if (drugdiff <= 0) {
// reset clock when DREFF goes to 0. - note only increment by overdrug*3600
var zeroDrugTime = (lasthour/1000) + (overdrug*3600);
GM_setValue("lastDT"+universe, (drugTime/1000));
GM_setValue("drugTime"+universe, zeroDrugTime);
// init display clock
timeSince = curtime.getTime() - (zeroDrugTime*1000);
overdrug = 0;
} else {
overdrug = drugdiff;
GM_setValue("overdrug" + universe, overdrug);
GM_setValue("lastDH" + universe, ((lasthour/1000) + (hours * 3600)) );
if ((multiCompFile) && (GM_getValue("ServerLoaded", 0) == 1)) {
if ((GM_getValue("ServerLoaded",0) == 1) && (GM_getValue("ServerSaveFail"+pusername, 0) == 0)) {
showframe.getElementById("druggy").setAttribute('style', "font-weight:bold; font-size:10px; color:#CCCCCC; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif");
} else if (GM_getValue('ServerSaveFail'+pusername,0) == 1) {
showframe.getElementById("druggy").setAttribute('style', "font-weight:bold; font-size:10px; color:red; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif");
} else {
if (GM_getValue('ServerLoaded',0) == 2)
showframe.getElementById("druggy").setAttribute('style', "font-weight:bold; font-size:10px; color:blue; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif");
showframe.getElementById("druggy").setAttribute('style', "font-weight:bold; font-size:10px; color:yellow; font-family: arial, verdana, sans-serif");
if((overdrug-TCval) >= 1 ) {
showframe.getElementById("Sdrug").style.color = "Red";
showframe.getElementById("Sdrugi").style.color = "Red";
} else {
if (overdrug) {
showframe.getElementById("Sdrug").style.color = "Yellow";
showframe.getElementById("Sdrugi").style.color = "Yellow";
} else {
showframe.getElementById("Sdrug").style.color = "Limegreen";
showframe.getElementById("Sdrugi").style.color = "Limegreen";
if (overdrug == 0) {
//showframe.getElementById("Sdrug").innerHTML = "<b>00:00</b>";
showframe.getElementById("Sdrug").innerHTML = "<b>" + showTimeVal(difftime.getUTCHours()) + ":" + showTimeVal(difftime.getMinutes()) + ":" + showTimeVal(difftime.getSeconds())+"</b>";
} else if ((overdrug-TCval) > 0) {
showframe.getElementById("Sdrug").innerHTML = "<b>" + (overdrug-TCval-1) + ":" + showTimeVal(parseInt(59-difftime.getMinutes())) + ":" + showTimeVal(59-difftime.getSeconds())+"</b>";
} else if ((overdrug-TCval) <= 0) {
showframe.getElementById("Sdrug").innerHTML = "<b>" + (overdrug-1) + ":" + showTimeVal(parseInt(59-difftime.getMinutes())) + ":" + showTimeVal(59-difftime.getSeconds())+"</b>";
overdrug = overdrug - TCval;
showframe.getElementById("Sdrugi").innerHTML = "<b>" + overdrug + "</b>";
//var buttons = ''
//buttons = '<br><input type="button" id="reset2" value = "Init Drug"><br>';
//msgframe.getElementById("Sdrugi").innerHTML = msgframe.getElementById("Sdrugi").innerHTML + buttons;
function resetDrugTimer()
var drugtime = new Date();
var drugSecs = drugtime.getTime() / 1000;
var drugint = parseInt(drugSecs);
drugint = drugint - (59*60);
function showTimeVal(value)
return (value > 9) ? "" + value : "0" + value;
function RS_getValue(storageName)
// note: default should return the local
// to make it easier, and because it doesn't happen often
// - GET all the values from the file.
// - put all values into GM_getValue stored variables.
// file format:
// <universe name = "Arty,Peg,Orion">
// <lastDH>value</lastDH>
// <lastDT>value</lastDT>
// <overdrug>value</overdrug>
// <drugTime>value</drugTime>
var lastDH = GM_getValue("lastDH"+universe, 0);
var lastDT = GM_getValue("lastDT"+universe, 0);
var overdrug = parseInt(GM_getValue("overdrug"+universe, 0));
var drugTime = GM_getValue("drugTime"+universe, 0);
method: 'POST',
url: druggyhost + "getuserinfo.php",
headers: { "Content-type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" },
data: encodeURI("filename=" + storageName + "&universe=" + universe + "&lastDH=" + lastDH + "&lastDT=" + lastDT + "&overdrug=" + overdrug + "&drugTime=" + drugTime + "&pw=" + password),
onload: function(responseDetails) {
//alert("b4get: filename=" + storageName + "&universe=" + universe + "&lastDH=" + lastDH + "&lastDT=" + lastDT + "&overdrug=" + overdrug + "&drugTime=" + drugTime + "&pw=" + password)
var pwdok = responseDetails.responseText;
if ( password/) == -1)
var parser = new DOMParser();
var dom = parser.parseFromString(responseDetails.responseText,
var unis = dom.getElementsByTagName('Universe');
for (var i = 0; i < unis.length; i++) {
if (unis[i].getAttribute('value') == universe)
// these are the values we want
lastDH = parseInt(unis[i].getElementsByTagName('lastDH')[0].getAttribute('value'));
lastDT = parseInt(unis[i].getElementsByTagName('lastDT')[0].getAttribute('value'));
overdrug = parseInt(unis[i].getElementsByTagName('overdrug')[0].getAttribute('value'));
drugTime = parseInt(unis[i].getElementsByTagName('drugTime')[0].getAttribute('value'));
if ((lastDT != 0) || (drugTime != 0))
GM_setValue("lastDH" + universe, lastDH);
GM_setValue("lastDT" + universe, lastDT);
GM_setValue("overdrug" + universe, overdrug);
GM_setValue("drugTime" + universe, drugTime);
GM_setValue("ServerLoaded", 1);
GM_setValue("ServerLoaded", 2); // indicate invalid password
onerror: function(responseDetails) {
GM_setValue("ServerLoaded", 0);
function RS_setValue(storageName)
// make it one file per username - user gives username to help avoid conflict.
// XML file with the following properties:
// overdrug
// drugTime
// lastDH
// lastDT
// don't care about TCval and drugs.
// security issue - if it is per user, someone else could messup/overwrite your file.
// Invesitgate if I can get local IP or mac # or something.
// to make it easier, and because it doesn't happen often
// - grab all values from GM_getValue stored variables.
// - format for the XML file, then POST them to the file.
var lastDH = parseInt(GM_getValue("lastDH"+universe, 0));
var lastDT = parseInt(GM_getValue("lastDT"+universe, 0));
var overdrug = parseInt(GM_getValue("overdrug"+universe, 0));
var drugTime = parseInt(GM_getValue("drugTime"+universe, 0));
var curtime = new Date();
var failrequest = 1;
curtime = parseInt(curtime.getTime() / 1000);
// indicate we tried to send data from server
GM_setValue("SendServerTime"+pusername, curtime);
// send data to php script
method: "POST",
url: druggyhost + "senduserinfo.php",
headers: { "Content-type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" },
data: encodeURI("filename=" + storageName + "&universe=" + universe + "&lastDH=" + lastDH + "&lastDT=" + lastDT + "&overdrug=" + overdrug + "&drugTime=" + drugTime + "&pw=" + password),
onload: function(responseDetails) {
var pwdok = responseDetails.responseText;
failrequest = 0;
if ( password/) == -1)
if ( ok/) != -1)
onerror: function(responseDetails) {
failrequest = 0;
if (failrequest)
// GM_xmlhttpRequest didn't call onload OR onerror!
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