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Last active April 17, 2017 15:57
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  • Save Tro95/7619e31eda1f8f4b41f78456c41432fb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Tro95/7619e31eda1f8f4b41f78456c41432fb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Pardus Hack Helper
// ==UserScript==
// @name Pardus Hack Helper
// @namespace
// @author Miche (Orion) / Sparkle (Artemis)
// @version 2.1
// @description Adds the ability to store pilot lists and retrieve them for quick hacking in the Hack screen. It also adjusts the position of the final hack to better accommodate a wide screen.
// @include http*://**
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_log
// ==/UserScript==
// v2.01 - updated to support new grant feature
// v2.1 - released with completed functionality
Hacking Helper Section
function hackingHelperInit() {
function _addHackHelperCSSToBody() {
var hackHelperCSS = document.createElement("style");
hackHelperCSS.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
var _css = '';
_css += '#hackHelperNameListDivHeading, #hackHelperNameListDiv2Heading { text-align:left;padding: 2px 0 5px 0;font-weight:bold;font-size:18px;font-family:Lucida Grande; } ';
_css += '#addToList1Btn, #addToList2Btn, #clearList1Btn, #clearList2Btn, #toggleTopList, #toggleSecondList { -moz-border-radius:5px;padding:2px;margin:0px;color:#fff; position:absolute;top:-30px;}';
_css += '#toggleTopList, #toggleSecondList { background-color:#d92;color:#000;right:157px;}';
_css += '#addToList1Btn, #addToList2Btn { background-color:#036;right:70px;}';
_css += '#clearList1Btn, #clearList2Btn { background-color:#c20;right:0px;}';
_css += '#hackHelperFirstNode .instructionMessage, #hackHelperSecondNode .instructionMessage { color:#fff; font-style:italic; }';
_css += '#hackHelperNameListDiv, #hackHelperNameListDiv2 { position:relative;min-height:60px;border-top:1px solid #CCC;border-bottom:1px solid #CCC;width:400px;float:left;background-color:#025;padding:8px 3px; }';
_css += '#hackHelperNameListDivHeading { border-top:1px solid #999;padding-top:17px; }';
_css += '#hackHelperFirstNode { padding-top:15px; }';
_css += '#hackHelperSecondNode { padding-top:10px; }';
_css += '.nameToHackStyles { float:left;padding:2px 0px 2px 4px;margin:2px 6px 3px 0px;background-color:#000;border:1px solid #999; }';
_css += '.deleteNameStyles { cursor:pointer;font-weight:bold;color:#b00;line-height:9px;font-size:18px;vertical-align:top; }';
_css += '#addToList1Btn.locked, #addToList2Btn.locked, #clearList1Btn.locked, #clearList2Btn.locked { background-color:#bbb;color:#999; }';
_css += '#hackHelperNameListDiv.locked .deleteNameStyles, #hackHelperNameListDiv2.locked .deleteNameStyles { color:#333; } ';
_css += '#hackHelperNameListDiv.locked .deleteNameStyles:hover, #hackHelperNameListDiv2.locked .deleteNameStyles:hover { text-decoration:none; } ';
_css += '';
// style the normal hack screen so that it is in keeping with our look-and-feel
_css += '#doHackButton { -moz-border-radius:5px;padding:5px 17px;margin:0 0 5px 0;color:#fff;background-color:#052;font-size:15px; }';
_css += '#doHackButton.disabled { background-color:#bbb;color:#999; }';
_css += 'button { -moz-border-radius:5px;padding:3px 5px;margin:0px;color:#fff;background-color:#036;width:auto!important;margin-left:7px; }';
_css += 'input[type="text"] { width:130px!important;-moz-border-radius:5px;padding:4px;margin-bottom:0px!important;margin-top:10px; } ';
_css += 'form br {display:none;}';
_css += 'form[name="hacking"] { width:150px;float:left; } ';
_css += 'form[name="hacking"] select { width:115px!important;-moz-border-radius:5px;padding:3px;margin-top:10px; } ';
_css += 'form[name="hacking_temp"] select { width:140px!important;-moz-border-radius:5px;padding:3px;margin-top:5px;margin-right:69px; } ';
_css += '#apcost {float:right;margin-top:15px!important;}';
_css += '';
// these styles allow us to see the cloned hack data to the right of the page
_css += '#hackWrapper {position: absolute; top:30px;right: 30px;}';
_css += '#hackWrapper>table {margin-bottom:20px;}';
_css += '';
hackHelperCSS.innerHTML = _css;
// add some css to prevent lots of inline styles
// force us to default to using Freaks every page load
var useIndex = 3;
if (document.getElementsByName('hacking')[0].getElementsByTagName('select')[0].options[2].value == 'freak') {
useIndex = 2;
// get our location to attach new content into
var btns = document.getElementsByTagName('button');
var table;
for (var i=0; i<btns.length; i++) {
if (btns[i].innerHTML == "Hack") {
Change the Hack button into a 'Freak' button and add an indential 'Guru' button.
btns[i].innerHTML = "Freak";
btns[i].addEventListener("click", function() { changeFreak() }, false);
btns[i].setAttribute("onclick", "doHack();");
var guruButton = document.createElement("button");
var newTd = document.createElement("td");
guruButton.setAttribute("id", "doHackButton");
guruButton.addEventListener("click", function() { changeGuru() }, false);
guruButton.setAttribute("onclick", "doHack();");
if (btns[i].hasAttribute("disabled")) {
guruButton.setAttribute("class", "disabled");
guruButton.setAttribute("disabled", "");
newTd.setAttribute("align", "center");
guruButton.innerHTML = "Guru";
table = btns[i].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
// create and insert a new row for the top hacking list
var childHeading = document.createElement("div");
childHeading.setAttribute("id", "hackHelperNameListDivHeading");
childHeading.innerHTML = "Hacking Helper";
var child = document.createElement("div");
child.setAttribute("id", "hackHelperNameListDiv");
var row = table.insertRow(-1);
var cell = row.insertCell(-1);
cell.colSpan = 2; = 'hackHelperFirstNode';
// create and insert a new row for the second hacking list
var child2Heading = document.createElement("div");
child2Heading.setAttribute("id", "hackHelperNameListDiv2Heading");
child2Heading.innerHTML = "Daily Hack List";
var child2 = document.createElement("div");
child2.setAttribute("id", "hackHelperNameListDiv2");
var row = table.insertRow(-1);
var cell = row.insertCell(-1);
cell.colSpan = 2;
function lockButtonsAndList(listPlace) {
if (listPlace == 'topList') {
var _toggleBtnID = 'toggleTopList';
var _addButtonId = 'addToList1Btn';
var _clearListButtonId = 'clearList1Btn';
} else
if (listPlace == 'secondList') {
var _toggleBtnID = 'toggleSecondList';
var _addButtonId = 'addToList2Btn';
var _clearListButtonId = 'clearList2Btn';
} else {
// unknown caller - log an error
GM_log('Error running lockButtonsAndList(). Unable to determine the list to lock');
saveLock(listPlace, true);
var toggleButton = document.getElementById(_toggleBtnID);
toggleButton.value = 'Unlock list';
var addButton = document.getElementById(_addButtonId);
addButton.setAttribute('disabled', true);
addButton.className = 'locked';
var clearListButton = document.getElementById(_clearListButtonId);
clearListButton.setAttribute('disabled', true);
clearListButton.className = 'locked';
// lock the table contents by placing a class on a node that wraps them all - this will
// change the colour and can be tested to determine whether to let the click through
toggleButton.parentNode.className = 'locked';
function unlockButtonsAndList(listPlace) {
if (listPlace == 'topList') {
var _toggleBtnID = 'toggleTopList';
var _addButtonId = 'addToList1Btn';
var _clearListButtonId = 'clearList1Btn';
} else
if (listPlace == 'secondList') {
var _toggleBtnID = 'toggleSecondList';
var _addButtonId = 'addToList2Btn';
var _clearListButtonId = 'clearList2Btn';
} else {
// unknown caller - log an error
GM_log('Error running unlockButtonsAndList(). Unable to determine the list to unlock');
saveLock(listPlace, false);
var toggleButton = document.getElementById(_toggleBtnID);
toggleButton.value = 'Lock list';
var addButton = document.getElementById(_addButtonId);
addButton.className = '';
var clearListButton = document.getElementById(_clearListButtonId);
clearListButton.className = '';
// unlock the table contents by removing the class on the node that wraps them all - this will
// change the colour and can be tested to determine whether to let the click through
toggleButton.parentNode.className = '';
// toggle the lock/unlock feature to prevent "accidental" alteration of the list contents by a mis-click
function toggleLockList(e) {
var _clickedButton =;
if ( == 'toggleTopList') {
var listPlace = 'topList';
} else
if ( == 'toggleSecondList') {
var listPlace = 'secondList';
} else {
// unknown caller - log an error
GM_log('Error running toggleLockList(). Unable to determine the list to toggle');
if ( == 'Lock list') {
} else {
// write out the list of pilots to be hacked and related html furniture
function writeNameList(listPlace) {
var EMPTY_HACKLIST_BOX_INSTRUCTION_MESSAGE_HTML = '<span class="instructionMessage">There are currently no pilots saved in this list.<br><br>Use the &quot;<b>Add a name</b>&quot; button above each list to add the name of the pilot you have typed in order to perform a hack.</span>';
var EMPTY_HACKLIST_BOX_TOPLIST_EXTRA_INSTRUCTION_MESSAGE_HTML = '<br><br><span class="instructionMessage">You can also use the &quot;<b>Append all to top list</b>&quot; button in the &quot;<b>Alliance Helper</b>&quot; section (top left) to add a large number of pilots in one click.</span>';
if (listPlace == 'topList') {
// these differ between the lists
var _addToListID = 'addToList1Btn';
var _clearListID = 'clearList1Btn';
var _wrapperDivID = 'hackHelperNameListDiv';
var _deleteBtnName = 'deleteName';
var _toggleBtnID = 'toggleTopList';
var _toggleBtnValue = 'Lock list'; // check it is locked or not
} else
if (listPlace == 'secondList') {
// these differ between the lists
var _addToListID = 'addToList2Btn';
var _clearListID = 'clearList2Btn';
var _wrapperDivID = 'hackHelperNameListDiv2';
var _deleteBtnName = 'deleteName2';
var _toggleBtnID = 'toggleSecondList';
} else {
// unknown caller - log an error
GM_log('Error running writeNameList(). Unable to determine the unique ids for the param listPlace (' + listPlace + ')');
// build up our new markup
var toggleLockButton = '<input type="button" id="' + _toggleBtnID + '" value="Lock list"/>';
var addNameToListButton = '<input type="button" id="' + _addToListID + '" value="Add a name"/>';
var deleteButton = '<input type="button" id="' + _clearListID + '" value="Clear list"/>';
var namesHtml = getNamesHtml(listPlace);
if (namesHtml == '') namesHtml = _instructionMessage;
var wrapperDiv = document.getElementById(_wrapperDivID);
wrapperDiv.innerHTML = toggleLockButton + addNameToListButton + deleteButton + '' + namesHtml;
// set the locked/unlocked state of the list buttons
if (getSavedData(listPlace).locked == true) {
} else {
// add in the listeners for the 'Lock list', 'Add a name' and 'Clear list' buttons
document.getElementById(_toggleBtnID).addEventListener('click', toggleLockList, true);
document.getElementById(_addToListID).addEventListener('click', addName, true);
document.getElementById(_clearListID).addEventListener('click', clearAList, true);
// add in the delete actions
var buttonEls = document.getElementsByName(_deleteBtnName);
for (var i=0; i<buttonEls.length; i++) {
buttonEls[i].addEventListener('click', deleteName, true);
// prompt the user if they really want to clear out the corresponding list - and clear it out if confirmed
function clearAList(e) {
if ( == 'clearList1Btn') {
var listPlace = 'topList';
var messageStr = 'top';
} else
if ( == 'clearList2Btn') {
var listPlace = 'secondList';
var messageStr = 'second';
} else {
// unknown caller - log an error
GM_log('Error running clearAList(). Unable to determine which list to clear');
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to clear out the " + messageStr + " list?")) {
saveList(listPlace, '');
// add the name that is in the current hack lookup text area to the list asociated with the "Add a name" button
function addName(e) {
if ( == 'addToList1Btn') {
var listPlace = 'topList';
} else
if ( == 'addToList2Btn') {
var listPlace = 'secondList';
} else {
// unknown caller - log an error
GM_log('Error running addName(). Unable to determine the unique ids from the button');
var name = document.getElementsByName("lookup_name")[0].value;
// read in our cookie data for the second hack list
var nameStr = getSavedData(listPlace).list;
if (nameStr == null) {
nameStr = name;
} else {
nameStr += "~" + name;
nameStr = cleanNameStr(nameStr);
saveList(listPlace, nameStr);
// delete the requested pilot from the list of pilots to be hacked
function deleteName(e) {
if ( == 'deleteName') {
var listPlace = 'topList';
var listWrapperID = 'hackHelperNameListDiv';
} else
if ( == 'deleteName2') {
var listPlace = 'secondList';
var listWrapperID = 'hackHelperNameListDiv2';
} else {
// unknown caller - log an error
GM_log('Error running deleteName(). Unable to determine the unique ids from the button');
if (document.getElementById(listWrapperID).className.indexOf('locked') > -1) {
return; // we are in locked mode so leave this node alone
var deleteName = '~' + + '~';
var nameStr = '~' + getSavedData(listPlace).list + '~';
var newNameStr = nameStr.substr(0, nameStr.indexOf(deleteName)) + '~';
newNameStr += nameStr.substr(nameStr.indexOf(deleteName) + deleteName.length);
newNameStr = cleanNameStr(newNameStr);
saveList(listPlace, newNameStr);
// return the HTML for the list of names corresponding to the list being built
function getNamesHtml(listPlace) {
if (listPlace == 'topList') {
var _deleteBtnName = 'deleteName';
} else
if (listPlace == 'secondList') {
var _deleteBtnName = 'deleteName2';
} else {
// unknown caller - log an error
GM_log('Error running getNamesHtml(). Unable to determine the unique ids for the param listPlace (' + listPlace + ')');
// handle errors in the input string and clean them up
var nameStr = getSavedData(listPlace).list;
nameStr = cleanNameStr(nameStr);
if (nameStr == null || nameStr == "") return "";
var names = nameStr.split('~');
var html = "";
for (var i=0; i<names.length; i++) {
if (names[i] == "") return;
html += "<span class=\"nameToHackStyles\"><a href=\"javascript:document.name_lookup.lookup_name.value = '" + names[i] + "'; document.name_lookup.method.value = document.hacking.method.value; document.name_lookup.submit();\" style=\"cursor:pointer;\">" + names[i] + "</a> <a name=\"" + _deleteBtnName + "\" id=\"" + names[i] + "\" class=\"deleteNameStyles\">&times;</a></span>";
return html;
Allow the Hack Data to be displayed elsewhere on the page
// when the hack data is on the page, clone it all and place it in a div to the right of the hack controls
function cloneTheHackData() {
var tables = document.getElementsByTagName('TABLE');
if (tables.length > 4) {
// insert a wrapper to clone the hack tables into
var hackWrapperDiv = document.createElement("div");
hackWrapperDiv.setAttribute("id", "hackWrapper");
tables[4].parentNode.insertBefore(hackWrapperDiv, tables[4]);
// create an array to record the tables we want to clone
var tablesToClone = [];
var parentNode = hackWrapperDiv.parentNode;
for (var i=0; i<parentNode.childNodes.length; i++) {
var node = parentNode.childNodes[i];
if (node.nodeType == 1 && node.tagName == 'TABLE') {
tablesToClone[tablesToClone.length] = node;
// get rid of the first table since it is our hack table
// clone all the others into the wrapper and hide the real ones
// we don't actually move them because if we do the infocenter
// scripts can't pick up the data they need
for (var i=0; i<tablesToClone.length; i++) {
tablesToClone[i].style.display = 'none';
Shared Helper methods
// return our universe for use in keying our data store variable
function getUniverse() {
// deals with improperly formatted data string
function cleanNameStr(newNameStr) {
if (newNameStr == null) return "";
if (newNameStr.indexOf('~~') >= 0) {
newNameStr = newNameStr.replace(/~~/g, '~');
if (newNameStr.indexOf('~') == 0) {
newNameStr = newNameStr.substr(1);
if (newNameStr.lastIndexOf('~') == newNameStr.length - 1) {
newNameStr = newNameStr.substr(0, newNameStr.length - 1);
return newNameStr;
// returns all related saved data for a list defined by the following keys:
// >> getSavedData('topList') or getSavedData('list1') returns the data for the top list
// >> getSavedData('secondList') or getSavedData('list2') returns the data for the second list
function getSavedData(listname) {
switch (listname) {
case 'topList' || 'list1': var key = 'HackHelperNames'; break;
case 'secondList' || 'list2': var key = 'HackHelperNamesSecondList'; break;
var returnData = { 'list': '', 'locked': false }; // initially represent the default values
if (key) {
var prefx = getUniverse() + '-' + key;
returnData.list = GM_getValue(prefx, ''); // default to empty list of pilot names
returnData.locked = GM_getValue(prefx + '-locked', false); // default to unlocked button state
return returnData;
// sets the data for the lists using the same keys as getSavedData() above to determine which list
function saveList(listname, data) {
switch (listname) {
case 'topList' || 'list1': var key = 'HackHelperNames'; break;
case 'secondList' || 'list2': var key = 'HackHelperNamesSecondList'; break;
if (key) {
var prefx = getUniverse() + '-' + key;
GM_setValue(prefx, data);
function saveLock(listname, data) {
switch (listname) {
case 'topList' || 'list1': var key = 'HackHelperNames'; break;
case 'secondList' || 'list2': var key = 'HackHelperNamesSecondList'; break;
if (key) {
var prefx = getUniverse() + '-' + key + '-locked';
GM_setValue(prefx, data);
function changeGuru() {
// force us to default to using Freaks every page load
useIndex = 0;
for (i = 1; i < document.getElementsByName('hacking')[0].getElementsByTagName('select')[0].length; i++) {
if (document.getElementsByName('hacking')[0].getElementsByTagName('select')[0].options[i].value == 'guru') {
useIndex = i;
function changeFreak() {
// force us to default to using Freaks every page load
useIndex = 0;
for (i = 0; i < document.getElementsByName('hacking')[0].getElementsByTagName('select')[0].length; i++) {
if (document.getElementsByName('hacking')[0].getElementsByTagName('select')[0].options[i].value == 'freak') {
useIndex = i;
Main Code Execution Section
// insert the hacking helper code containing the two lists to show below the "Hack" button
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