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Created April 15, 2017 07:43
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Pardus Easy Building Trading
// ==UserScript==
// @name Pardus Easy Building Trading
// @namespace Pardus
// @author Tsarugi (Artemis)
// @description Auto fills building trading form with an "easy" button for building stocking. Stock any building with 2 clicks and no typing. Search for Pardus Easy Planet Trading for easy buttons on planets.
// @include *
// @include *
// ==/UserScript==
// == Notes ==
// Created by Tsarugi (Artemis)
// Special thanks to Janarius for opening my eyes to Greasemonkey
// 2.0 Shopping List
// Added ability to track other players' buildings stock
// and display info list on building > overview page
// Added Keyboard Shortcuts
// Added Price Guarding capability
// 1.5 Numerous Substantial Improvements :
// Improved Remaining Space calculation to account for manually entered values
// Improved Remaining Space calculation to account for original click fill usage
// Clicking on individual commodity name will auto insert max buy / sell value
// Added form reset button
// Mag Scoop useablility added
// Added Free Space tracking display for building, ship, and Mag scoop
// 1.2 Added funtionality to prohibit :
// selling produced commodities to building and
// buying supply commodities from building
// 1.0 Created on 12 / 16 / 2007
// A traders best friend
// Gives three buttons on building trade screen :
// 'Sell All' - Auto fills 'Price (sell) column based on amount in ship, building min/max and avaliable space
// 'Buy All' - Auto fills 'Price (buy) column based on min, produced commodities, and available space in ship
// 'Easy Button' - does both
// Does not work on one's own building
// == End Notes ==
// ------------- Variable Declarations -------------
// Edit Your building tick capacity here in order shown on Building>Overview Screen:
var buildingTickMax = new Array();
buildingTickMax[0] = new Array(12, 12, 12, 12, 0, 0); // Orion buildings
buildingTickMax[1] = new Array(12, 12, 12, 12, 0, 0); // Pegasus Buiildings
buildingTickMax[2] = new Array(4, 20, 4, 4, 0, 0); // Artemis Buildings
var priceCheck = true; // Toggle 'false' to bypass price warning system
var universe;
var foundTable;
var shipSpace = 0;
var magScoopSpace = 0;
var buildingSpace = 0;
var shipSpaceLocation;
var buildingSpaceLocation;
var hasMagScoop = false;
// create pseudo commodity object
var commodity = new Array();
var commodityMaxPrice = new Array();
var commodityImage = new Array();
var shipStock = new Array();
var buildingStock = new Array();
var min = new Array();
var max = new Array();
var buy = new Array();
var sell = new Array();
var buyPrice = new Array();
var sellPrice = new Array();
// create pseudo building objects
var buildingID = new Array();
var buildingType = new Array();
var buildingOwner = new Array();
var buildingInclude = new Array();
var buildingCommodityNumber = new Array();
var buildingCommodityAmount = new Array();
var currentBuildingID;
var currentBuildingType;
var currentBuildingOwner;
var currentBuildingInclude;
var currentBuildingCommodityNumber = new Array();
var currentBuildingCommodityAmount = new Array();
// Set commodity numbers, Commodity warning prices, and Images
commodity[0] = 'Item'; commodityMaxPrice[0] = 0; commodityImage[0] = '';
commodity[1] = 'Food'; commodityMaxPrice[1] = 150; commodityImage[1] = '';
commodity[2] = 'Energy'; commodityMaxPrice[2] = 150; commodityImage[2] = '';
commodity[3] = 'Water'; commodityMaxPrice[3] = 150; commodityImage[3] = '';
commodity[4] = 'Animal embryos'; commodityMaxPrice[4] = 50; commodityImage[4] = '';
commodity[5] = 'Ore'; commodityMaxPrice[5] = 200; commodityImage[5] = '';
commodity[6] = 'Metal'; commodityMaxPrice[6] = 615; commodityImage[6] = '';
commodity[7] = 'Electronics'; commodityMaxPrice[7] = 900; commodityImage[7] = '';
commodity[8] = 'Robots'; commodityMaxPrice[8] = 3025; commodityImage[8] = '';
commodity[9] = 'Heavy plastics'; commodityMaxPrice[9] = 600; commodityImage[9] = '';
commodity[10] = 'Hand weapons'; commodityMaxPrice[10] = 3800; commodityImage[10] = '';
commodity[11] = 'Medicines'; commodityMaxPrice[11] = 800; commodityImage[11] = '';
commodity[12] = 'Nebula gas'; commodityMaxPrice[12] = 80; commodityImage[12] = '';
commodity[13] = 'Chemical supplies'; commodityMaxPrice[13] = 300; commodityImage[13] = '';
commodity[14] = 'Gem stones'; commodityMaxPrice[14] = 100; commodityImage[14] = '';
commodity[15] = 'Liquor'; commodityMaxPrice[15] = 800; commodityImage[15] = '';
commodity[16] = 'Hydrogen fuel'; commodityMaxPrice[16] = 100; commodityImage[16] = '';
commodity[17] = 'Exotic matter'; commodityMaxPrice[17] = 550; commodityImage[17] = '';
commodity[18] = 'Optical components'; commodityMaxPrice[18] = 300; commodityImage[18] = '';
commodity[19] = 'Radioactive cells'; commodityMaxPrice[19] = 400; commodityImage[19] = '';
commodity[20] = 'Droid modules'; commodityMaxPrice[20] = 8000; commodityImage[20] = '';
commodity[21] = 'Bio-waste'; commodityMaxPrice[21] = 100; commodityImage[21] = '';
commodity[22] = 'Leech baby'; commodityMaxPrice[22] = 50000; commodityImage[22] = '';
commodity[23] = 'Nutrient clods'; commodityMaxPrice[23] = 200; commodityImage[23] = '';
commodity[24] = 'Cybernetic X-993 Parts'; commodityMaxPrice[24] = 30000; commodityImage[24] = '';
commodity[25] = 'X-993 Repair-Drone'; commodityMaxPrice[25] = 100000; commodityImage[25] = '';
commodity[26] = 'Neural Stimulator'; commodityMaxPrice[26] = 100000; commodityImage[26] = '';
commodity[27] = 'Battleweapon Parts'; commodityMaxPrice[27] = 3800; commodityImage[27] = '';
commodity[50] = 'Slaves'; commodityMaxPrice[50] = 3000; commodityImage[50] = '';
commodity[51] = 'Drugs'; commodityMaxPrice[51] = 15500; commodityImage[51] = '';
commodity[100] = 'Package'; commodityMaxPrice[100] = 0; commodityImage[100] = '';
commodity[101] = 'Faction package'; commodityMaxPrice[101] = 0; commodityImage[101] = '';
commodity[102] = 'Explosives'; commodityMaxPrice[102] = 0; commodityImage[102] = '';
commodity[103] = 'VIP'; commodityMaxPrice[103] = 0; commodityImage[103] = '';
commodity[104] = 'Christmas Glitter'; commodityMaxPrice[104] = 0; commodityImage[104] = '';
commodity[105] = 'Military Explosives'; commodityMaxPrice[105] = 0; commodityImage[105] = '';
commodity[201] = 'Human intestines'; commodityMaxPrice[201] = 5000; commodityImage[201] = '';
commodity[202] = 'Skaari limbs'; commodityMaxPrice[202] = 5000; commodityImage[202] = '';
commodity[203] = 'Keldon brains'; commodityMaxPrice[203] = 5000; commodityImage[203] = '';
commodity[204] = 'Rashkir bones'; commodityMaxPrice[204] = 5000; commodityImage[204] = '';
commodity[150] = 'Exotic Crystal'; commodityMaxPrice[150] = 50000; commodityImage[150] = '';
commodity[211] = 'Blue Sapphire jewels'; commodityMaxPrice[211] = 1000; commodityImage[211] = '';
commodity[212] = 'Ruby jewels'; commodityMaxPrice[212] = 1000; commodityImage[212] = '';
commodity[213] = 'Golden Beryl jewels'; commodityMaxPrice[213] = 1000; commodityImage[213] = '';
// set building commodities to be bought and not sold at each building
var buildingName = new Array(30);
var commodityNumber = new Array(30);
for (i = 0; i < 30; i ++ ) commodityNumber[i] = new Array();
buildingName[0] = 'Fuel Collector'; commodityNumber[0].push(16);
buildingName[1] = 'Gas Collector'; commodityNumber[1].push(12);
buildingName[2] = 'Space Farm'; commodityNumber[2].push(1, 3, 21);
buildingName[3] = 'Energy Well'; commodityNumber[3].push(2);
buildingName[4] = 'Chemical Laboratory'; commodityNumber[4].push(13);
buildingName[5] = 'Asteroid Mine'; commodityNumber[5].push(5, 14);
buildingName[6] = 'Radiation Collector'; commodityNumber[6].push(19);
buildingName[7] = 'Medical Laboratory'; commodityNumber[7].push(11);
buildingName[8] = 'Brewery'; commodityNumber[8].push(15);
buildingName[9] = 'Plastics Facility'; commodityNumber[9].push(9);
buildingName[10] = 'Optics Research Center'; commodityNumber[10].push(18);
buildingName[11] = 'Slave Camp'; commodityNumber[11].push(50);
buildingName[12] = 'Electronics Facility'; commodityNumber[12].push(7);
buildingName[13] = 'Recyclotron'; commodityNumber[13].push(1, 3);
buildingName[14] = 'Clod Generator'; commodityNumber[14].push(23);
buildingName[15] = 'Nebula Plant'; commodityNumber[15].push(2, 12);
buildingName[16] = 'Drug Station'; commodityNumber[16].push(51);
buildingName[17] = 'Dark Dome'; commodityNumber[17].push(21, 201, 202, 203, 204);
buildingName[18] = 'Handweapons Factory'; commodityNumber[18].push(10);
buildingName[19] = 'Battleweapons Factory'; commodityNumber[19].push(27);
buildingName[20] = 'Robot Factory'; commodityNumber[20].push(8);
buildingName[21] = 'Droid Assembly Complex'; commodityNumber[21].push(20);
buildingName[22] = 'Leech Nursery'; commodityNumber[22].push(22, 21);
buildingName[23] = 'Smelting Facility'; commodityNumber[23].push(6);
buildingName[24] = 'Alliance Command Station'; commodityNumber[24].push(0);
buildingName[25] = 'Military Outpost'; commodityNumber[25].push(0);
buildingName[26] = 'Trading Outpost'; commodityNumber[26].push(0);
var buildingNum = 0;
var universeNum = 0;
// Deterimine Universe
if ('orion') != - 1) universe = 'Orion'; universeNum = 0;
if ('pegasus') != - 1) universe = 'Pegasus'; universeNum = 1;
if ('artemis') != - 1) universe = 'Artemis'; universeNum = 2;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------- Unowned Building Data Extraction and Tagging -------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ('') != - 1) {
// Building Tracker stuff
// Deterimine Building ID #
var userloc = document.getElementsByTagName('SCRIPT')[0].textContent;
userloc = userloc.slice(userloc.lastIndexOf(' '), userloc.length);
userloc = userloc.slice(1, userloc.length - 2);
currentBuildingID = userloc;
// Determine building Type
buildingNum = buildingName.indexOf(document.links[0].innerHTML);
currentBuildingType = buildingNum;
// Determine Owner Name
for (i=0; i<document.getElementsByTagName('B').length; i++) {
if (document.getElementsByTagName('B')[i].textContent.indexOf("'") != -1) {
var owner = document.getElementsByTagName('B')[i].textContent;
owner = owner.substring(0, owner.indexOf("'"));
currentBuildingOwner = owner;
// End Building Tracker stuff
// Load each Commodity's values located within "Price (Sell)" table
for(var i = 0; i < document.getElementsByTagName('TH').length; i ++ ) {
var findTable = document.getElementsByTagName('TH')[i];
if (findTable.textContent == 'Price (sell)') foundTable = findTable.parentNode.parentNode;
// Add listener to table for keyboard entries and original click fillers
foundTable.addEventListener('keyup', updateSpace, true);
foundTable.addEventListener('click', pauseUpdate, true);
// Get info from ship side table and store into "commodity"
for (i = 0; i < foundTable.getElementsByTagName('TD').length; i ++ ) {
var cell = foundTable.getElementsByTagName('TD')[i];
if (commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent) != - 1) {
// Get shipStock and sell price values
shipStock[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)] = scrubData(cell.nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent);
sellPrice[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)] = scrubData(cell.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent);
// insert id tag into commodity name cell
var tagString = "<a id = 'sell" + commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent) + "'>" + cell.textContent + "</a>";
cell.innerHTML = cell.innerHTML.replace(cell.textContent, tagString);
// Search for available Space in ship.
if (cell.innerHTML == 'free&nbsp;space:') {
shipSpaceLocation = cell.nextSibling;
if (shipSpaceLocation.innerHTML.indexOf('+') != - 1) {
hasMagScoop = true;
shipSpace = scrubData(shipSpaceLocation.innerHTML.substr(0, shipSpaceLocation.innerHTML.indexOf('+') - 1));
magScoopSpace = scrubData(shipSpaceLocation.innerHTML.substring(shipSpaceLocation.innerHTML.indexOf('+') + 2, shipSpaceLocation.innerHTML.length - 1));
else {
shipSpace = scrubData(shipSpaceLocation.innerHTML.substr(0, cell.nextSibling.innerHTML.length - 1));
// Load each Commodities value located within the "Price (buy)" table
for (i = 0; i < document.getElementsByTagName('TH').length; i ++ ) {
var findTable = document.getElementsByTagName('TH')[i];
if (findTable.textContent == 'Price (buy)') foundTable = findTable.parentNode.parentNode;
// Add listener to table for keyboard entries and original click fillers
foundTable.addEventListener('keyup', updateSpace, true);
foundTable.addEventListener('click', pauseUpdate, true);
// Get info from ship side table and store into "commodity"
for (i = 0; i < foundTable.getElementsByTagName('TD').length; i ++ ) {
var cell = foundTable.getElementsByTagName('TD')[i];
if (commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent) != - 1) {
buildingStock[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)] = scrubData(cell.nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent);
min[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)] = scrubData(cell.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent);
max[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)] = scrubData(cell.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent);
buyPrice[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)] = scrubData(cell.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent);
var tagString = "<a id = 'buy" + commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent) + "'>" + cell.textContent + "</a>";
cell.innerHTML = cell.innerHTML.replace(cell.textContent, tagString);
// Search for available Space in building.
if (cell.innerHTML == 'free&nbsp;space:') {
buildingSpaceLocation = cell.nextSibling;
buildingSpace = scrubData(cell.nextSibling.innerHTML.substr(0, cell.nextSibling.innerHTML.length - 1));
// Calculate needed and have values for building tracker and store info
for (i = 1; i < commodity.length; i ++ ) {
if (max[i] != null) {
var pushVal = buildingStock[i] - max[i];
if (pushVal > 0) pushVal = 0;
if (commodityNumber[buildingNum].indexOf(i) == - 1) currentBuildingCommodityAmount.push(pushVal*1);
else {
pushVal = buildingStock[i] - min[i];
if (pushVal <= 0) pushVal = 0;
// Calculate amount to trade
for (i = 1; i < commodity.length; i ++ ) {
if (max[i] != null) {
sell[i] = max[i] - buildingStock[i];
if (sell[i] > shipStock[i]) sell[i] = shipStock[i];
buy[i] = buildingStock[i] - min[i];
// ---------- Insert the Buttons ---------
// code buttons
var buttons = '';
if (hasMagScoop) buttons = buttons + '<br><input type="checkbox" id="useMagScoop">Use Magscoop';
buttons = buttons + '<br><input type="button" id="tradeAll" value = "Easy Button"><br>';
buttons = buttons + '<br><input type="button" id="sellAll" value = "Sell Items"><br>';
buttons = buttons + '<br><input type="button" id="buyAll" value = "Buy Items"><br>';
buttons = buttons + '<br><input type="button" id="reset" value = "Reset Form"><br>';
// insert buttons
for(i = 0; i < document.getElementsByTagName('input').length; i ++ ) {
var placeButtons = document.getElementsByTagName('input')[i];
if (placeButtons.value == '<- Transfer ->') {
// insert buttons after transfer button
placeButtons.parentNode.innerHTML = placeButtons.parentNode.innerHTML + buttons;
// Add listeners to new buttons
document.getElementById('tradeAll').addEventListener('click', serviceBuilding, true);
document.getElementById('sellAll').addEventListener('click', sellItems, true);
document.getElementById('buyAll').addEventListener('click', buyItems, true);
document.getElementById('reset').addEventListener('click', resetForm, true);
// Add listeners to inserted tags for commodity clicking
for (i = 0; i < commodity.length; i ++ ) {
if (document.getElementById('buy' + i)) document.getElementById('buy' + i).addEventListener('click', buySingle, true);
if (document.getElementById('sell' + i)) document.getElementById('sell' + i).addEventListener('click', sellSingle, true);
// Add listener for keyboard shortcuts
document.addEventListener('keyup', keyStroke, true);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// ----------------- Support Functions -----------------
// -----------------------------------------------------
// ---------------- Space Calculating Routines -------------
// calculate final ship / building space and display on form
function updateSpace() {
var newShipSpace = shipSpace + magScoopSpace;
var newBuildingSpace = buildingSpace;
var newSpaceString;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < commodity.length; i ++ ) {
if (document.getElementById('sell_' + i)) {
newBuildingSpace = newBuildingSpace - document.getElementById('sell_' + i).value * 1;
newShipSpace = newShipSpace + document.getElementById('sell_' + i).value * 1;
for (i = 0; i < commodity.length; i ++ ) {
if (document.getElementById('buy_' + i)) {
newShipSpace = newShipSpace - document.getElementById('buy_' + i).value * 1;
if (hasMagScoop) {
if (newShipSpace < 0) newSpaceString = newShipSpace + 't + 0t';
if (newShipSpace < 150) newSpaceString = '0t + ' + newShipSpace + 't';
if (newShipSpace >= 150) newSpaceString = (newShipSpace - 150) + 't + 150t';
else newSpaceString = newShipSpace + 't';
shipSpaceLocation.innerHTML = newSpaceString;
buildingSpaceLocation.innerHTML = newBuildingSpace + 't';
// determine amount of free space available including current tansaction values
function freeShipSpace()
var freeSpace = shipSpace;
if (document.getElementById('useMagScoop')) {
if (document.getElementById('useMagScoop').checked) freeSpace = freeSpace + magScoopSpace;
if ( ! document.getElementById('useMagScoop').checked) freeSpace = freeSpace - 150 + magScoopSpace;
for (var i = 0; i < commodity.length; i ++ ) {
if (document.getElementById('sell_' + i)) freeSpace = freeSpace + document.getElementById('sell_' + i).value * 1;
if (document.getElementById('buy_' + i)) freeSpace = freeSpace - document.getElementById('buy_' + i).value;
return freeSpace;
// --------------- Service Building functions --------------
// buy / sell max amount of a single commodity
function buySingle(commodityType) {
var commodityNumber =,;
buyCommodity(commodityNumber, buy[commodityNumber]);
function sellSingle(commodityType) {
var commodityNumber =,;
sellCommodity(commodityNumber, sell[commodityNumber]);
// Sell the max amount of commodity based on available space and building settings
function sellCommodity(commodityNumber, amount) {
if (document.getElementById('sell_' + commodityNumber)) {
document.getElementById('sell_' + commodityNumber).value = '';
var newBuildingSpace = buildingSpace;
for (var i = 0; i < commodity.length; i ++ ) {
if (document.getElementById('sell_' + i)) newBuildingSpace = newBuildingSpace - document.getElementById('sell_' + i).value;
if (amount > newBuildingSpace) amount = newBuildingSpace;
if (amount > 0) document.getElementById('sell_' + commodityNumber).value = amount;
// Buy the max amount of commodity based on available space and building settings
function buyCommodity(commodityNumber, amount) {
if (document.getElementById('buy_' + commodityNumber)) {
var freeSpace = freeShipSpace();
document.getElementById('buy_' + commodityNumber).value = '';
if (amount > freeSpace) amount = freeSpace;
if (amount > 0) document.getElementById('buy_' + commodityNumber).value = amount;
if (priceCheck && buyPrice[commodityNumber] > commodityMaxPrice[commodityNumber]) alert ('High Buy Price on ' + commodity[commodityNumber] + '!');
// fill in the 'sell' side except for commodities that are produced there
function sellItems() {
for (i = 1; i < commodity.length; i ++ ) {
if (document.getElementById('sell_' + i) && document.getElementById('sell_' + i).value == '' && commodityNumber[buildingNum].indexOf(i) == -1) {
sellCommodity(i, sell[i]);
// fill in the buy side for each produced commodity only
function buyItems() {
for (i = 1; i < commodity.length; i ++ ) {
if (document.getElementById('buy_' + i) && document.getElementById('buy_' + i).value == '' && commodityNumber[buildingNum].indexOf(i) != -1) {
buyCommodity(i, buy[i]);
// Sell to and buy from building
function serviceBuilding()
// reset the trade form
function resetForm() {
for (var i = 0; i < commodity.length; i ++ ) {
if (document.getElementById('buy_' + i)) document.getElementById('buy_' + i).value = '';
if (document.getElementById('sell_' + i)) document.getElementById('sell_' + i).value = '';
// --------------------- Misc Functions -----------------------
// Short pause, then update space numbers when using original commodity form filler
function pauseUpdate() {
var t = setTimeout(updateSpace, 100);
// scrub number data
function scrubData(data) {
if (,/) != - 1) data = data.replace(/,/, '');
if (\+/g) != - 1) data = 0;
else if ( != - 1) data = data.replace('-', '');
data = data * 1;
return data;
// Keystroke shortcuts
function keyStroke(keypressed) {
var key = keypressed.keyCode;
key = String.fromCharCode(key);
if (key == "E") serviceBuilding();
if (key == "S") sellItems();
if (key == "B") buyItems();
if (key == "R") resetForm();
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