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Created April 15, 2017 07:42
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Pardus Easy Planet Trading
// ==UserScript==
// @name Pardus Easy Planet Trading
// @namespace
// @author Tsarugi (Artemis)
// @version 2.1
// @description Auto Fills Starbase and Planet trade form using easy 1 click buttons with no typing. FWE has never been so easy. To add these easy trading buttons to buildings search for Pardus easy building trading.
// @include *
// @include *
// ==/UserScript==
// ==Notes==
// Created by Tsarugi (Artemis)
// 2.1 by Tro
// Added food run button on planets
// Added water run button on planets
// Added auto-fuel purchase
// Edit amount to buy using the variable below
var fuelAmountToPurchase = 5;
var droidWashMode = false;
// 2.0 Complete Redesign based on Trader Buddy 1.5
// Improved Remaining Space calculation to account for manually entered values
// Improved Remaining Space calculation to account for original click fill usage
// Clicking on individual commodity name will auto insert max buy/sell value
// Added form reset button
// Mag Scoop useablility added
// Added Free Space tracking display for building, ship, and Mag scoop
// 1.0 Created on 12/16/2007
// Auto inserts values for regular runs between Starbases, Planets, and Buildings
// At Starbase:
// "Planet Run" - Auto unloads ship and fills ship with energy
// "Unload Ship" - Take a guess
// At Planet:
// "Starbase Run" - Unloads ship and loads 3/5 to 2/5 ratio of food and water (starbase maintenance)
// "Stock Run" - unloads ship and loads 50/50 ratio of food and water
// "Water Run" - unloads ship and fills with water
// "Food Run" - unloads ship and fills with food
// note that fuel is never automatically unloaded
// ==/End Notes==
var inDBC = false;
var inPlanet = false;
var inStarbase = false;
var shipSpace = 0;
var shipSpaceLocation;
var shipSpaceLocationTop;
var buildingSpace = 500;
var buildingSpaceLocation;
var foundTable;
var hasMagScoop = false;
var magScoopSize = 150;
var magScoopSpace = 0;
var inPO = false;
// create pseudo commodity object
var commodity = new Array();
var shipStock = new Array();
var buildingStock = new Array();
var min = new Array();
var bal = new Array();
var max = new Array();
var buy = new Array();
var sell = new Array();
var buyPrice = new Array();
var sellPrice = new Array();
var sell_elements = new Array();
var buy_elements = new Array();
// Load commodities and associated numbers
commodity[0] ='Item';
commodity[1] ='Food';
commodity[2] = 'Energy';
commodity[3] = 'Water';
commodity[4] = 'Animal embryos';
commodity[5] = 'Ore';
commodity[6] = 'Metal';
commodity[7] = 'Electronics';
commodity[8] = 'Robots';
commodity[9] = 'Heavy plastics';
commodity[10] = 'Hand weapons';
commodity[11] = 'Medicines';
commodity[12] = 'Nebula gas';
commodity[13] = 'Chemical supplies';
commodity[14] = 'Gem stones';
commodity[15] = 'Liquor';
commodity[16] = 'Hydrogen fuel';
commodity[17] = 'Exotic matter';
commodity[18] = 'Optical components';
commodity[19] = 'Radioactive cells';
commodity[20] = 'Droid modules';
commodity[21] = 'Bio-waste';
commodity[22] = 'Leech baby';
commodity[23] = 'Nutrient clods';
commodity[24] = 'Cybernetic X-993 Parts';
commodity[25] = 'X-993 Repair-Drone';
commodity[26] = 'Neural Stimulator';
commodity[27] = 'Battleweapon Parts';
commodity[50] = 'Slaves';
commodity[51] = 'Drugs';
commodity[100] = 'Package';
commodity[101] = 'Faction package';
commodity[102] = 'Explosives';
commodity[103] = 'VIP';
commodity[104] = 'Christmas Glitter';
commodity[105] = 'Military Explosives';
commodity[201] = 'Human intestines';
commodity[202] = 'Skaari limbs';
commodity[203] = 'Keldon brains';
commodity[204] = 'Rashkir bones';
commodity[150] = 'Exotic Crystal'
commodity[211] = 'Blue Sapphire jewels';
commodity[212] = 'Ruby jewels';
commodity[213] = 'Golden Beryl jewels';
commodity[300] = 'Stim Chip';
commodity[301] = 'Neural Tissue';
commodity[302] = 'Capri Stim';
commodity[303] = 'Crimson Stim';
commodity[304] = 'Amber Stim';
// -------------------- Retrieve information from page and add position markers -----------------------
// Load each Commodity's values located within "Price (Sell)" table
for(var i = 0; i < document.getElementsByTagName('TH').length; i++)
var findTable = document.getElementsByTagName('TH')[i]
if (findTable.innerHTML == 'Price&nbsp;(sell)') { foundTable = findTable.parentNode.parentNode; }
// Add listener to table for keyboard entries and original click fillers
// Get info from ship side table and store into "commodity"
for(var i = 0; i < foundTable.getElementsByTagName('TD').length; i++) {
var cell = foundTable.getElementsByTagName('TD')[i];
if (commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent) != -1) {
// Get shipStock and sell price values
shipStock[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)] = scrubData(cell.nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent);
sellPrice[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)] = scrubData(cell.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent);
// insert id tag into commodity name cell
cell.innerHTML = "<a id = 'sell" + commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent) + "'>" + cell.innerHTML + "</a>";
// Search for available Space in ship.
if (cell.innerHTML == 'free&nbsp;space:') {
shipSpaceLocation = cell.nextSibling;
shipSpaceLocationTop = shipSpaceLocation.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.firstChild.lastChild.previousSibling.previousSibling;
shipSpaceLocationTop.innerHTML = 'Free Space: ' + shipSpaceLocation.innerHTML;
if (shipSpaceLocation.innerHTML.indexOf('+') != -1) {
hasMagScoop = true;
shipSpace = scrubData(shipSpaceLocation.innerHTML.substr(0,shipSpaceLocation.innerHTML.indexOf('+') - 1));
magScoopSpace = scrubData(shipSpaceLocation.innerHTML.substring(shipSpaceLocation.innerHTML.indexOf('+') + 2, shipSpaceLocation.innerHTML.length - 1));
if (magScoopSpace > 150) {
magScoopSize = 250;
} else {
shipSpace = scrubData(shipSpaceLocation.innerHTML.substr(0,cell.nextSibling.innerHTML.length - 1));
// Load each Commodity's values located within "Price (Buy)" table
for(var i = 0; i < document.getElementsByTagName('TH').length; i++) {
var findTable = document.getElementsByTagName('TH')[i]
if (findTable.innerHTML == 'Min') { inPO = true; }
if (findTable.innerHTML == 'Price&nbsp;(buy)') { foundTable = findTable.parentNode.parentNode; }
// Add listener to table for keyboard entries and original click fillers
// Get info from ship side table and store into "commodity"
for(var i = 0; i < foundTable.getElementsByTagName('TD').length; i++) {
var cell = foundTable.getElementsByTagName('TD')[i];
if (commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent) != -1) {
// Get building stock price values for Player Starbase
if (inPO) {
buildingStock[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)] = scrubData(cell.nextSibling.textContent);
min[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)] = scrubData(cell.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent);
max[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)] = scrubData(cell.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent);
buyPrice[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)] = scrubData(cell.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.lastChild.textContent);
// alert('PS St:' + buildingStock[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)] + ' Mi:' + min[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)] + ' Ma:' + max[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)] + ' Pr:' + buyPrice[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)]);
// Get info for planet/NPC SB
else {
buildingStock[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)] = scrubData(cell.nextSibling.textContent);
bal[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)] = scrubData(cell.nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent);
max[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)] = scrubData(cell.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent);
buyPrice[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)] = scrubData(cell.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling.lastChild.textContent);
min[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)] = bal[commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent)];
// insert id tag into commodity name cell
cell.innerHTML = cell.innerHTML.replace(cell.textContent, "<a id = 'buy" + commodity.indexOf(cell.textContent) + "'>" + cell.textContent + "</a>");
// Search for available Space in building.
if (cell.innerHTML == 'free&nbsp;space:') {
buildingSpaceLocation = cell.nextSibling;
buildingSpace = scrubData(buildingSpaceLocation.innerHTML.substring(0,cell.nextSibling.innerHTML.length - 1));
// Calculate amount to trade
for (i = 1; i < commodity.length; i++) {
if (max[i] != null) {
sell[i] = max[i] - buildingStock[i];
if (sell[i] > shipStock[i]) {
sell[i] = shipStock[i];
buy[i] = buildingStock[i] - min[i];
// Add listeners for commodity clicking
for (var i = 0; i < commodity.length; i++) {
// Add listener to inserted commodity Tags
if (document.getElementById('buy' + i)) { document.getElementById('buy' + i).addEventListener('click', buySingle, true); }
if (document.getElementById('sell' + i)) { document.getElementById('sell' + i).addEventListener('click', sellSingle, true); }
for (var i = 0; i < commodity.length; i++) {
var elem = document.getElementById('sell_' + i);
var buy_elem = document.getElementById('buy_' + i);
if (elem) {
sell_elements[i] = elem;
if (buy_elem) {
buy_elements[i] = buy_elem;
// -------------------- Create and insert Buttons ------------------
// Determine if at Planet, Starbase, or DBC
for(var i = 0; i < document.links.length; i++) {
var a = document.links[i];
if (a.textContent == 'Return to starbase menu') { inStarbase = true; }
if (a.textContent == 'Return to planet menu') { inPlanet = true; }
if (a.textContent == 'Disco Boogie Club') {inDBC = true;}
// If on DBC Trade Screen, Load DBC customized buttons
if (inDBC) {
inStarbase = false;
// Insert Buttons
// Complile Buttons to be inserted
var buttons = '';
buttons = buttons + '<br><input type="button" id="DBCloadPlanet" value = "Planet Run"><br>';
buttons = buttons + '<br><input type="button" id="loadSF" value = "Load Farm"><br>';
buttons = buttons + '<br><input type="button" id="loadRecyc" value = "Load Recylo"><br>';
// Add Event Listeners to Buttons
if (inPlanet) {
var buttons = '';
buttons = buttons + '<br><input type="button" id="loadStarbase" value = "Starbase Run"><br>';
buttons = buttons + '<br><input type="button" id="loadFood" value = "Food Run"><br>';
buttons = buttons + '<br><input type="button" id="loadWater" value = "Water Run"><br>';
buttons = buttons + '<br><input type="button" id="loadStock" value = "Stock Run"><br>';
if (droidWashMode) {
buttons = buttons + '<br><input type="button" id="loadDroidWash" value = "Droid Wash"><br>';
if (droidWashMode) {
document.getElementById('loadDroidWash').addEventListener('click', loadDroidWash, true);
if (droidWashMode) {
if (inStarbase) {
var buttons = '';
buttons = buttons + '<br><input type="button" id="loadPlanet" value = "Planet Run"><br>';
buttons = buttons + '<br><input type="button" id="loadRobots" value = "Bot Run"><br>';
buttons = buttons + '<br><input type="button" id="loadMetal" value = "Metal Run"><br>';
buttons = buttons + '<br><input type="button" id="loadOre" value = "Ore Run"><br>';
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------- Functions ----------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------- Buy/Sell Routines ---------------------
// buy a commodity using the commodity link
function buySingle(commodityLink) {
var commodityNumber =, * 1;
buyCommodity(commodityNumber, buy[commodityNumber]);
// sell a commodity using commodity link
function sellSingle(commodityLink) {
var commodityNumber =, * 1;
sellCommodity(commodityNumber, sell[commodityNumber]);
// Sell the max amount of commodity based on available space and building settings
function sellCommodity(commodityNumber, amount) {
var ele = sell_elements[commodityNumber];
if (ele) {
ele.value = '';
var newBuildingSpace = buildingSpace;
for (var i = 0; i < commodity.length; i++) {
if (sell_elements[i]) {
newBuildingSpace = newBuildingSpace - sell_elements[i].value;
if (amount > newBuildingSpace) { amount = newBuildingSpace; }
if (amount > 0) { sell_elements[commodityNumber].value = amount; }
// Buy the max amount of commodity based on available space and building settings
function buyCommodity(commodityNumber, amount)
if (document.getElementById('buy_' + commodityNumber))
var freeSpace = freeShipSpace();
document.getElementById('buy_' + commodityNumber).value = '';
if (amount > freeSpace) { amount = freeSpace; }
if (amount > 0) { document.getElementById('buy_' + commodityNumber).value = amount; }
// ---------------- Space Calculating Routines -------------
// determine amount of free space available including current tansaction values
function freeShipSpace()
var freeShipSpace = shipSpace;
if (document.getElementById('useMagScoop')) {
if (document.getElementById('useMagScoop').checked) { freeShipSpace = freeShipSpace + magScoopSpace; }
if (!document.getElementById('useMagScoop').checked) { freeShipSpace = freeShipSpace - magScoopSize + magScoopSpace; }
for (var i = 0; i < commodity.length; i++) {
if (sell_elements[i]) {
freeShipSpace = freeShipSpace + sell_elements[i].value * 1;
if (buy_elements[i]) {
if (i != 16) {
freeShipSpace = freeShipSpace - buy_elements[i].value;
if (shipStock[16] < 5) {
freeShipSpace = freeShipSpace - (5 - shipStock[16]);
return freeShipSpace;
// calculate final ship/building space and display on form
function updateSpace()
var newShipSpace = shipSpace + magScoopSpace;
var newBuildingSpace = buildingSpace;
var newSpaceString;
for (var i = 0; i < commodity.length; i++) {
if (sell_elements[i]) {
newBuildingSpace = newBuildingSpace - sell_elements[i].value * 1;
newShipSpace = newShipSpace + sell_elements[i].value * 1;
for (var i = 0; i < commodity.length; i++) {
if (document.getElementById('buy_' + i)) {
newShipSpace = newShipSpace - document.getElementById('buy_' + i).value * 1;
if (hasMagScoop) {
if (newShipSpace < 0) { newSpaceString = newShipSpace + 't + 0t'; }
if (newShipSpace < magScoopSize) { newSpaceString = '0t + ' + newShipSpace + 't'; }
if (newShipSpace >= magScoopSize) { newSpaceString = (newShipSpace - magScoopSize) + 't + ' + magScoopSize + 't'; }
} else {
newSpaceString = newShipSpace + 't';
shipSpaceLocation.innerHTML = newSpaceString;
shipSpaceLocationTop.innerHTML = 'Free Space: ' + newSpaceString;
if (inPO) {
buildingSpaceLocation.innerHTML = newBuildingSpace + 't';
// Short pause, then update space numbers when using original commodity form filler
function pauseUpdate() { var t=setTimeout(updateSpace,100); }
// scrub number data
function scrubData(data)
if (,/) != -1) { data = data.replace(/,/,''); }
if (\+/g) != -1) { data = 0; }
else if ( != -1) { data = data.replace('-',''); }
data = data * 1;
return data;
// ------------------- Button Functions ----------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// put Buttons on page
function placeButtons(newButtons)
// add magScoop check box, Auto-unload, and Reset Form to buttons
if (hasMagScoop) { newButtons = '<br><input type="checkbox" id="useMagScoop">Use MagScoop' + newButtons; }
newButtons = '<br><input type="checkbox" id="autoUnload" checked = true>Unload Ship' + newButtons;
newButtons = newButtons + '<br><input type="button" id="unloadShip" value = "Unload Ship"><br>';
newButtons = newButtons + '<br><input type="button" id="resetForm" value = "Reset Form"><br>'
for(var i = 0; i < document.getElementsByTagName('input').length; i++)
var a = document.getElementsByTagName('input')[i];
if (a.value == '<- Transfer ->')
// insert buttons after transfer button
a.parentNode.innerHTML = a.parentNode.innerHTML + newButtons;
// Add event listener to Reset Form and Unload Ship buttons
// ------------------ General Functions -----------------
// Unload ship (excluding fuel)
function unloadShip() {
for (i=1; i<commodity.length; i++) {
if (sell_elements[i] && i != 16) {
sellCommodity(i, sell[i]);
} else {
if (shipStock[16] > fuelAmountToPurchase) {
var amountToSell = shipStock[16] - fuelAmountToPurchase;
// Make sure we don't try to sell more fuel than the planet/SB allows us to sell
if (amountToSell > (max[16] - buildingStock[16])) {
amountToSell = max[16] - buildingStock[16];
sellCommodity(16, amountToSell);
} else if (shipStock[16] < fuelAmountToPurchase) {
buyCommodity(16, fuelAmountToPurchase - shipStock);
// reset the trade form
function resetForm()
for (var i = 0; i < commodity.length; i++)
if (document.getElementById('buy_' + i)) { document.getElementById('buy_' + i).value = ''; }
if (sell_elements[i]) { sell_elements[i].value = ''; }
// -------------- Planet Specific Functions --------------
// load 50/50 of food and water for building stocking
function loadStock()
if (document.getElementById('autoUnload').checked) { unloadShip(); }
if (document.getElementById('buy_1')) { document.getElementById('buy_1').value = ''; }
if (document.getElementById('buy_16')) { document.getElementById('buy_16').value = ''; }
if (document.getElementById('buy_3')) { document.getElementById('buy_3').value = ''; }
var useSpace = freeShipSpace();
useSpace = useSpace - useSpace%2
buyCommodity(1, useSpace / 2);
buyCommodity(3, useSpace / 2);
// load 60/40 of food and water for Starbase stocking
function loadStarbase()
if (document.getElementById('buy_1')) { document.getElementById('buy_1').value = ''; }
if (document.getElementById('buy_16')) { document.getElementById('buy_16').value = ''; }
if (document.getElementById('buy_3')) { document.getElementById('buy_3').value = ''; }
var useSpace = freeShipSpace();
var oldSpace = useSpace;
useSpace = useSpace - useSpace%5;
buyCommodity(1, useSpace * 3/5);
buyCommodity(3, (useSpace * 2/5) + oldSpace%5);
function loadFood() {
if (document.getElementById('autoUnload').checked) { unloadShip(); }
if (document.getElementById('buy_1')) { document.getElementById('buy_1').value = ''; }
if (document.getElementById('buy_16')) { document.getElementById('buy_16').value = ''; }
var useSpace = freeShipSpace();
buyCommodity(1, useSpace);
function loadWater() {
if (document.getElementById('autoUnload').checked) { unloadShip(); }
if (document.getElementById('buy_3')) { document.getElementById('buy_3').value = ''; }
if (document.getElementById('buy_16')) { document.getElementById('buy_16').value = ''; }
var useSpace = freeShipSpace();
buyCommodity(3, useSpace);
// -------------- Starbase Specific Functions --------------
// get a full load of energy
function loadPlanet()
if (document.getElementById('autoUnload').checked) { unloadShip(); }
if (document.getElementById('buy_2')) { document.getElementById('buy_2').value = ''; }
if (document.getElementById('buy_16')) { document.getElementById('buy_16').value = ''; }
buyCommodity(2, buy[2]);
// get a full load of robots
function loadRobots()
if (document.getElementById('autoUnload').checked) { unloadShip(); }
if (document.getElementById('buy_8')) { document.getElementById('buy_8').value = ''; }
if (document.getElementById('buy_16')) { document.getElementById('buy_16').value = ''; }
buyCommodity(8, buy[8]);
// get a full load of metal
function loadMetal()
if (document.getElementById('autoUnload').checked) {
if (document.getElementById('buy_6')) {
document.getElementById('buy_6').value = '';
if (document.getElementById('buy_16')) {
document.getElementById('buy_16').value = '';
buyCommodity(6, buy[6]);
// get a full load of ore
function loadOre()
if (document.getElementById('autoUnload').checked) {
if (document.getElementById('buy_5')) {
document.getElementById('buy_5').value = '';
if (document.getElementById('buy_16')) {
document.getElementById('buy_16').value = '';
buyCommodity(5, buy[5]);
// --------------- DBC Specific Functions -----------------
// Load Space Farm Stock at Starbase
function loadSF()
// Load 48 energy and 60 Embryos
buyCommodity(2, 48);
buyCommodity(4, 60);
// Load Energy and Fuel for Waayan run
function DBCloadPlanet()
sellCommodity(16, sell[16]);
buyCommodity(16, 3);
buyCommodity(16, buy[16]);
// Load ship with Recyclotron Stock
function loadRecyc()
buyCommodity(2, 34);
buyCommodity(13, 10);
buyCommodity(21, 24);
function loadDroidWash() {
itemsToUse = [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 20, 27];
for (i=1; i<200; i++) {
var keepGoing = false;
for (j = 0; j < itemsToUse.length; j++) {
if (i == itemsToUse[j]) {
keepGoing = true;
if (keepGoing) {
var item = 'sell_' + i;
if (document.getElementById(item)) {
var amount = 20;
if (shipStock[i] < 20) {
amount = shipStock[i];
if (buildingStock[i] > max[i] - 20) {
amount = Math.min(amount, max[i] - 20);
sellCommodity(i, amount);
item = 'buy_' + i;
if (document.getElementById(item)) {
var amount = 20;
var min = 0;
if (bal[i] != 0) {
min = bal[i];
if (buildingStock[i] < 20) {
amount = buildingStock[i] - min;
buyCommodity(i, amount);
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