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Created November 3, 2023 16:53
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node18 + npm Dockerfile using local proxy
# build me with: docker build --network host --build-arg UID=$(id -u) --build-arg GID=$(id -g) --build-arg HTTP_PROXY=$http_proxy docker/dev/ -t node-18
# then set an alias tu use me: alias node18c="docker run --rm -ti --mount type=bind,source=.,target=/mnt --mount type=bind,source=${HOME}/.gitconfig,target=/home/node/.gitconfig --network host node-18"
# then use me: node18c npm init
FROM node:18
USER root:root
ARG UID=1000
ARG GID=1000
ARG HTTP_PROXY=http://localhost:3128
# change UID and GID
RUN UID_FROM=$(id -u node) ;\
if [ "$UID" != "$UID_FROM" ]; then \
usermod -o --uid $UID node ;\
find / -uid $UID_FROM -exec chown node '{}' \; || /bin/true ;\
fi ;\
GID_FROM=$(id -g node) ;\
if [ "$GID" != "$GID_FROM" ]; then \
groupmod --gid $GID node ;\
find / -gid $GID_FROM -exec chgrp node '{}' \; || /bin/true ;\
USER node:node
RUN npm config set proxy ${HTTP_PROXY} ;\
npm config set https-proxy ${HTTP_PROXY} ;\
npm config set registry ;\
npm config set prefix ${HOME}/.npm ;\
npm install --global npm@latest ;\
npm install --global npm-check-updates
ENV PATH=/home/node/.npm/bin:${PATH}
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