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Created April 13, 2014 17:34
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require "formula"
class Fontforge < Formula
homepage ""
stable do
url ""
sha1 "abce297e53e8b6ff6f08871e53d1eb0be5ab82e7"
head do
url ''
sha1 "abce297e53e8b6ff6f08871e53d1eb0be5ab82e7"
depends_on :autoconf
depends_on :automake
depends_on :libtool
depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build
depends_on 'gettext'
depends_on 'glib'
depends_on 'freetype'
depends_on 'pango'
depends_on 'cairo'
depends_on 'readline'
depends_on 'bdw-gc'
depends_on :python => :recommended
depends_on 'giflib' => :recommended
depends_on :libpng => :recommended
depends_on 'jpeg' => :recommended
depends_on 'libtiff' => :recommended
depends_on 'libxml2' => :recommended
depends_on 'libspiro' => :recommended
depends_on 'bdw-gc'=> :recommended
option "with-x", "Build with X11 support, including"
depends_on :x11 if build.with? 'x'
depends_on 'czmq' => :optional
depends_on 'zeromq' => :optional
def install
args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}",
args << "--without-giflib" if build.without? 'giflib'
args << "--without-libpng" if build.without? 'libpng'
args << "--without-libjpeg" if build.without? 'jpeg'
args << "--without-libtiff" if build.without? 'libtiff'
args << "--without-libxml2" if build.without? 'libxml2'
args << "--without-libspiro" if build.without? 'libspiro'
args << "--with-x" if build.with? 'x'
if build.with? 'python'
args << "--enable-python-scripting"
args << "--enable-python-extension"
# This is required because pkg-config cannot find the python package.
ENV["PYTHON_CFLAGS"] = `/usr/bin/python-config --cflags`.strip
ENV["PYTHON_LIBS"] = `/usr/bin/python-config --libs`.strip
args << "--disable-python-scripting"
args << "--disable-python-extension"
# Add environment variables for system libs
ENV["ZLIB_CFLAGS"] = "-I/usr/include"
ENV["ZLIB_LIBS"] = "-L/usr/lib -lz"
system "git clone git://"
system "./bootstrap --gnulib-srcdir=gnulib"
system "./configure", *args
system "make"
system "make install"
# Move the .app to the prefix to be detected by brew linkapps.
prefix.install share/"fontforge_package_name/osx/"
test do
system "#{bin}/fontforge", "-version"
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