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Last active January 8, 2019 16:51
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  • Save Trucido/5020ecb30d9df22484f26956f9b9f39d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Path")]
Mandatory = $false,
ValueFromPipeline = $true,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
if(!$Path) {
$Path = $pwd.ProviderPath
if((Test-Path $Path)-and(Convert-Path $Path)) {
$LiteralPath = Convert-Path $Path
if(Test-Path -IsValid $($pwd.Path + '\' + $Path)){
$LiteralPath = $($pwd.Path + '\' + $Path)
}elseif(Test-Path -IsValid $($pwd.Path + $Path)){
$LiteralPath = $($pwd.Path + $Path)
}else{return $Path}
}catch{return $Path}
if($LiteralPath) {
return $LiteralPath
}elseif($Path) {
return $Path
if( ($LiteralPath.Contains('\')) -and -not
($LiteralPath.Contains('\ ')) -and -not
($LiteralPath.Contains('\\')) ){
[string]$EscapedPath = [string]::new($LiteralPath).Replace('\','\\') # | sed.exe 's@\\@\\\\@g'
if( ($EscapedPath.Contains('\\\\')) -and -not
($EscapedPath.StartsWith('\\\\')) ){
# Handle UNC paths?
$EscapedPath = $EscapedPath -Replace '\\\\','\\'
# Handle whitespaces in path. (cygpath and msys2/cygwin utils choke on single quotes backtick escapes.)
if($EscapedPath.Contains(' ')){
# Note: [string] = [object] = [string] ... prevent arg splitting when [object] undergoes string transformation.
# Native utils don't need quotes (piped values/content or used as a variable/nameref), but others do.
# Explicit double quotes are mostly ignored, particularly cmd.exe and others strip them.
# Explicit single quotes are interpretted literally as if the [string] contains them, which can cause issues.
# ...This also simplifies copy/pasting output from console too.
$EscapedPath = [string]::Concat('"', $EscapedPath, '"') # Add explicit double quotes to the string # $('"' + $EscapedPath + '"')
# Or single quotes $("'" + "${string}" + "'")
# Or backtick escapes: $string.Replace(' ','` ')
return $EscapedPath
}else{return $LiteralPath}
}Catch{return $LiteralPath}
}else{return $LiteralPath}
}Catch{return $LiteralPath}
}else{return $Path}
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