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Created August 19, 2022 22:00
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import enum
import io
import itertools
import json
import math
import numpy as np
import struct
import typing
import zlib
class Map:
class Classification(enum.IntEnum):
"""Enumeration mapping the map pixel classifications."""
UNKNOWN = 0b000
TILE = 0b001
WALL = 0b010
WATER = 0b011
LAVA = 0b100
HONEY = 0b101
_elem_dtype = np.dtype([
('color_id', np.uint16),
('classification', np.uint8),
('paint_id', np.uint8),
('light', np.uint8),
def __init__(self, f:typing.BinaryIO, world_surface=None, rock_layer=None):
"""Load a Map. world_surface and rock_layer are the corresponding Y positions, if known."""
# Map header
if struct.unpack('<4x7sB12x', != (b'relogic', 1):
raise RuntimeError("This doesn't appear to be a valid map file.")[0],1) # Skip the world name
height, width, n_tiles, n_walls, n_liquids, n_sky, n_dirt, n_rock = struct.unpack('<4x2I6H',
def iter_bits(bytes_obj):
for byte in bytes_obj:
for n in (0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80):
yield byte&n==n
tile_has_multiple_options =
wall_has_multiple_options =
tile_option_count = [([0] if has_mo else 1) for i,has_mo in zip(range(n_tiles),iter_bits(tile_has_multiple_options))]
wall_option_count = [([0] if has_mo else 1) for i,has_mo in zip(range(n_walls),iter_bits(wall_has_multiple_options))]
color_id_counter = itertools.count()
unknown_id = next(color_id_counter)
tile_id = tuple(itertools.chain.from_iterable([next(color_id_counter) for i in range(num_options)] for num_options in tile_option_count))
wall_id = tuple(itertools.chain.from_iterable([next(color_id_counter) for i in range(num_options)] for num_options in wall_option_count))
water_id = next(color_id_counter)
lava_id = next(color_id_counter)
honey_id = next(color_id_counter)
sky_id = tuple(next(color_id_counter) for i in range(n_sky))
dirt_id = tuple(next(color_id_counter) for i in range(n_dirt))
rock_id = tuple(next(color_id_counter) for i in range(n_rock))
hell_id = next(color_id_counter)
n_color_ids = next(color_id_counter)
# Map data
if world_surface is None:
world_surface = height*0.3 # TODO Calculate based on rock_layer if present
if rock_layer is None:
rock_layer = world_surface + height*0.2
def tile_iter(f):
x = 0
y = 0
read_u16 = struct.Struct('<H')
while True:
flags =[0]
has_paint = flags&0x01==0x01
classification = (flags&0x0E)>>1
word_type = flags&0x10==0x10
light_saved = flags&0x20==0x20
rle_byte = flags&0x40==0x40
rle_word = flags&0x80==0x80
if has_paint:
paint_id =[0] >> 1
paint_id = 0
if classification in {0b001, 0b010, 0b111}:
if word_type:
tile_type, = read_u16.unpack(
tile_type =[0]
tile_type = 0
if light_saved:
light =[0]
elif classification==0b000:
light = 0
light = 255
if classification==0b000:
color_id = unknown_id
elif classification==0b001:
color_id = tile_id[tile_type]
elif classification==0b010:
color_id = wall_id[tile_type]
elif classification==0b011:
color_id = water_id
elif classification==0b100:
color_id = lava_id
elif classification==0b101:
color_id = honey_id
elif classification==0b110:
if y<world_surface:
color_id = sky_id[math.floor(n_sky * (y / world_surface))]
color_id = hell_id
elif classification==0b111:
if y<rock_layer:
color_id = dirt_id[tile_type]
color_id = rock_id[tile_type]
yield (color_id, classification, paint_id, light)
x += 1
if rle_byte or rle_word:
if rle_byte:
rle_count =[0]
rle_count, = read_u16.unpack(
if light_saved:
for light in
yield (color_id, classification, paint_id, light)
for i in range(rle_count):
yield (color_id, classification, paint_id, light)
x += rle_count
y += x//width
x -= (x//width)*width
with io.BytesIO(zlib.decompress(,wbits=-15)) as uncompressed_stream:
self._data = np.fromiter(tile_iter(uncompressed_stream), dtype=Map._elem_dtype, count=width*height)
assert self._data.flags.c_contiguous
self._data.shape = (height, width)
assert self._data.flags.c_contiguous
self._data.flags.writeable = False
def color_ids(self)->np.ndarray:
"""Get an array of color IDs."""
return self._data['color_id']
def classifications(self)->np.ndarray:
"""Get an array of classifications."""
return self._data['classification']
def paint_ids(self)->np.ndarray:
"""Get an array of paint IDs."""
return self._data['paint_id']
def light_levels(self)->np.ndarray:
"""Get an array of light levels."""
return self._data['light']
class GameInfo:
"""Class responsible for holding information from Terraria's information dump."""
class Construct:
"""Base class holding general information on tiles and walls from the game."""
_name: str
_properties: typing.FrozenSet[str]
_color_ids: typing.Tuple[int, ...]
def __init__(self, json_obj:dict):
self._name = json_obj['Name']
self._properties = frozenset(json_obj['Sets'])
self._color_ids = tuple(json_obj['ColorIDs'])
def name(self)->str:
"""Internal name for the construct."""
return self._name
def properties(self)->typing.FrozenSet[str]:
"""Collection of various attributes the construct has."""
return self._properties
def color_ids(self)->typing.Tuple[int, ...]:
"""Palette indexes for each variation of the construct."""
return self._color_ids
def __repr__(self)->str:
return f"<{type(self).__name__}: {self._name}>"
class Tile(Construct):
"""Class holding information about a tile from the game."""
class Wall(Construct):
"""Class holding information about a wall from the game."""
class Cell:
"""Base class that represents a map cell's block type, excluding paint and light."""
def __eq__(self, other)->bool:
return isinstance(other, type(self))
def __ne__(self, other)->bool:
return not self==other
def __hash__(self)->int:
return 0
def __repr__(self)->str:
return f"<{type(self).__name__}>"
class VariantCell(Cell):
"""Base class for a cell holding a block that exists in variations."""
_variant: int
def __init__(self, variant:int):
self._variant = variant
def variant(self)->int:
"""The particular variation held by the cell."""
return self._variant
def __eq__(self, other)->bool:
return super().__eq__(other) and self._variant==other._variant
def __hash__(self)->int:
return self._variant
def __repr__(self)->str:
return f"<{type(self).__name__}: #{self._variant}>"
class UnknownCell(Cell):
"""Cell that doesn't have any information known, other than it being within bounds of the map."""
class TileCell(VariantCell):
"""Cell that contains a tile."""
_tile: 'GameInfo.Tile'
def __init__(self, variant:int, tile:'GameInfo.Tile'):
self._tile = tile
def tile(self)->'GameInfo.Tile':
"""Information about the contained tile."""
return self._tile
def __eq__(self, other)->bool:
return super().__eq__(other) and self._tile==other._tile
def __hash__(self)->int:
return hash((self._tile,self.variant))
def __repr__(self)->str:
return f"<{type(self).__name__}: {} #{self._variant}>"
class WallCell(VariantCell):
"""Cell that contains a wall."""
_wall: 'GameInfo.Wall'
def __init__(self, variant:int, wall:'GameInfo.Wall'):
self._wall = wall
def wall(self)->'GameInfo.Wall':
"""Information about the contained wall."""
return self._wall
def __eq__(self, other)->bool:
return super().__eq__(other) and self._wall==other._wall
def __hash__(self)->int:
return hash((self._wall,self.variant))
def __repr__(self)->str:
return f"<{type(self).__name__}: {} #{self._variant}>"
class LiquidCell(Cell):
"""Base class for cells containing liquid."""
class WaterCell(LiquidCell):
"""Cell that contains water."""
class LavaCell(LiquidCell):
"""Cell that contains lava."""
class HoneyCell(LiquidCell):
"""Cell that contains honey."""
class BackgroundCell(Cell):
"""Base class for cells that represent the background."""
class SkyCell(VariantCell, BackgroundCell):
"""Cell that shows the sky."""
class DirtCell(VariantCell, BackgroundCell):
"""Cell that shows a dirt background."""
class RockCell(VariantCell, BackgroundCell):
"""Cell that shows a rock background."""
class HellCell(BackgroundCell):
"""Cell that shows hell."""
_color_id_to_cell: typing.Dict[int, Cell]
_default_palette: np.ndarray
_tiles: typing.Tuple[Tile, ...]
_walls: typing.Tuple[Wall, ...]
_paint_names: typing.Tuple[str, ...]
_default_paint_palette: np.ndarray
def __init__(self, f:typing.BinaryIO):
json_object = json.load(f)
self._color_id_to_cell = {}
self._color_id_to_cell[json_object['EmptyColorID']] = GameInfo.UnknownCell()
self._tiles = tuple(map(GameInfo.Tile, json_object['Tiles']))
for tile_obj in self._tiles:
for variant, color_id in zip(itertools.count(), tile_obj.color_ids):
self._color_id_to_cell[color_id] = GameInfo.TileCell(variant, tile_obj)
self._walls = tuple(map(GameInfo.Wall, json_object['Walls']))
for wall_obj in self._walls:
for variant, color_id in zip(itertools.count(), wall_obj.color_ids):
self._color_id_to_cell[color_id] = GameInfo.WallCell(variant, wall_obj)
for cell, color_id in zip(
(GameInfo.WaterCell(), GameInfo.LavaCell(), GameInfo.HoneyCell()),
self._color_id_to_cell[color_id] = cell
for variant, color_id in zip(itertools.count(), json_object['SkyColorIDs']):
self._color_id_to_cell[color_id] = GameInfo.SkyCell(variant)
for variant, color_id in zip(itertools.count(), json_object['DirtColorIDs']):
self._color_id_to_cell[color_id] = GameInfo.DirtCell(variant)
for variant, color_id in zip(itertools.count(), json_object['RockColorIDs']):
self._color_id_to_cell[color_id] = GameInfo.RockCell(variant)
self._color_id_to_cell[json_object['HellColorID']] = GameInfo.HellCell()
self._default_palette = np.array(
[[x['R'],x['G'],x['B'],x['A']] for x in json_object['Colors']],
self._paint_names = tuple(x['Name'] for x in json_object['Paint'])
self._default_paint_palette = np.array(
[[x['Color']['R'],x['Color']['G'],x['Color']['B'],x['Color']['A']] for x in json_object['Paint']],
def default_palette(self)->np.ndarray:
"""Color palette for cells as extracted from the game."""
return self._default_palette
def make_palette(self, fn: typing.Callable[['GameInfo.Cell'],np.ndarray])->np.ndarray:
"""Make a color palette; fn takes a Cell and returns the "color" to use for that position."""
palette = [None]*len(self._color_id_to_cell)
for color_id, cell in self._color_id_to_cell.items():
palette[color_id] = np.array(fn(cell))
return np.array(palette)
def tiles(self)->typing.Tuple[Tile, ...]:
"""Sequence of Tiles in index order."""
return self._tiles
def walls(self)->typing.Tuple[Wall, ...]:
"""Sequence of Walls in index order."""
return self._walls
def paint_names(self)->typing.Tuple[str, ...]:
"""Sequence of paint internal names in index order."""
return self._paint_names
def default_paint_palette(self)->np.ndarray:
"""Paint color palette as extracted from the game. Does not account for special effects."""
return self._default_paint_palette
def render_as_game(self, map_obj:Map)->np.ndarray:
"""Render map_obj as the game probably would."""
# Based on Terraria.Map.MapHelper.GetMapTileXnaColor in 1.4.2
base_color = self.default_palette[map_obj.color_ids].transpose([2,0,1]) # Move RGBA to the outer dimension
paint_id = map_obj.paint_ids
base_color_rgb = base_color[0:-1]
# BEGIN Terraria.Map.MapHelper.MapColor
paint_color = self.default_paint_palette[paint_id].transpose([2,0,1]) # Move RGBA again
paint_color_rgb = paint_color[0:-1]
x, y, z = base_color_rgb
x = np.fmax(x,y)
x,z = np.fmax(x,z), np.fmin(x,z)
mapcolor_case_31_rgb = base_color_rgb
mapcolor_case_29_rgb = np.floor(paint_color_rgb * (z * 0.3))
mapcolor_case_30_wall_rgb = np.floor((255-base_color_rgb)*0.5)
mapcolor_case_30_tile_rgb = 255-base_color_rgb
mapcolor_case_30_rgb = np.where(
mapcolor_rgb = np.floor(paint_color_rgb * x)
mapcolor_rgb = np.where(paint_id==31,mapcolor_case_31_rgb,mapcolor_rgb)
mapcolor_rgb = np.where(paint_id==29,mapcolor_case_29_rgb,mapcolor_rgb)
mapcolor_rgb = np.where(paint_id==30,mapcolor_case_30_rgb,mapcolor_rgb)
# END Terraria.Map.MapHelper.MapColor
base_color_rgb = np.where(paint_id==0,base_color_rgb,mapcolor_rgb)
dark_color_rgb = np.floor(base_color_rgb * (map_obj.light_levels/255.0))
use_base = (map_obj.light_levels==255) | (paint_id==31)
color_rgb = np.where(use_base,base_color_rgb,dark_color_rgb)
color_rgba = np.concatenate([color_rgb,base_color[-1,np.newaxis]],axis=0)
return color_rgba.transpose([1,2,0]) # Move RGBA back to the outer layer
def color_id_to_cell(self, color_id:int)->Cell:
"""Convert a color ID to a Cell"""
return self._color_id_to_cell[color_id]
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