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Created October 17, 2021 20:27
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awc sample configuration
let Natural/enumerate =
let List/map =
let Types = env:AWC_TYPES
let D = Types.Direction
let M = Types.Modifier
let mod = M.Logo
let forKeys =
λ(keys : List Types.Key) →
λ(mods : List M) →
λ(buildAction : ∀(n : Natural) → Types.Action) →
{ index : Natural, value : Types.Key }
( λ(x : { index : Natural, value : Types.Key }) →
{ mods, key = x.value, action = buildAction (x.index + 1) }
(List/indexed Types.Key keys)
let forKeyRange =
λ(n : Natural) →
λ(mods : List M) →
λ(keyPrefix : Text) →
λ(buildAction : ∀(n : Natural) → Types.Action) →
( λ(i : Natural) →
{ mods
, key = Types.Key.Sym (keyPrefix ++ Natural/show (i + 1))
, action = buildAction (i + 1)
(Natural/enumerate n)
let forKeyCodeRange =
λ(start : Natural) →
λ(stop : Natural) →
λ(mods : List M) →
λ(buildAction : ∀(n : Natural) → Types.Action) →
( λ(i : Natural) →
{ mods
, key = Types.Key.Code (start + i)
, action = buildAction (i + 1)
(Natural/enumerate (Natural/subtract start stop))
in Types.Config::{
, keyboards =
[ { type = Types.KeyboardType.Builtin, layout = "de(neo)" }
, { type = Types.KeyboardType.External, layout = "de(nodeadkeys)" }
, buttonBindings =
[ { mods = [ mod ]
, button = Types.Button.Left
, action = Types.ButtonAction.Move
, { mods = [ mod ]
, button = Types.Button.Right
, action = Types.ButtonAction.Resize
, keyBindings =
[ { -- Terminal on Mod + Shift + Return
mods =
[ mod, M.Shift ]
, key = Types.Key.Sym "Return"
, action =
Types.Action.Execute "kitty -o linux_display_server=wayland"
, { -- App menu on Mod + e
mods =
[ mod ]
, key = Types.Key.Sym "e"
, action =
Types.Action.Execute "j4-dmenu-desktop --dmenu=whisker-menu"
, { -- Screenshot on Mod + Shift + g
mods =
[ mod, M.Shift ]
, key = Types.Key.Sym "G"
, action =
"slurp | grim -g - - | wl-copy -t image/png"
, { -- Lock screen on Mod + l
mods =
[ mod ]
, key = Types.Key.Sym "l"
, action = Types.Action.Execute "swaylock"
, { -- Focus down on Mod + j
mods =
[ mod ]
, key = Types.Key.Sym "j"
, action = Types.Action.FocusDown
, { -- Focus up on Mod + k
mods =
[ mod ]
, key = Types.Key.Sym "k"
, action = Types.Action.FocusUp
, { -- Swap down on Shift + Mod + j
mods =
[ mod, M.Shift ]
, key = Types.Key.Sym "J"
, action = Types.Action.SwapDown
, { -- Swap up on Shift + Mod + k
mods =
[ mod, M.Shift ]
, key = Types.Key.Sym "K"
, action = Types.Action.SwapUp
, { -- Next layout on Mod + Space
mods =
[ mod ]
, key = Types.Key.Sym "space"
, action = Types.Action.NextLayout
, { -- Swap the focused surface and the primary surface
mods =
[ mod ]
, key = Types.Key.Sym "Return"
, action = Types.Action.SwapPrimary
, { -- Close focused surface on Mod + Shift + c
mods =
[ mod, M.Shift ]
, key = Types.Key.Sym "C"
, action = Types.Action.Close
, { -- Swap workspaces on primary and secondary output on Mod + s
mods =
[ mod ]
, key = Types.Key.Sym "s"
, action = Types.Action.SwapWorkspaces
, { -- Focus primary surface on Mod + m
mods =
[ mod ]
, key = Types.Key.Sym "m"
, action = Types.Action.FocusPrimary
, { -- Push focused surface back into tiling on Mod + t
mods =
[ mod ]
, key = Types.Key.Sym "t"
, action = Types.Action.Sink
, { -- Reload config on Mod + Ctrl + Alt + r
mods =
[ mod, M.Ctrl, M.Alt ]
, key = Types.Key.Sym "r"
, action = Types.Action.ConfigReload
, { -- Expand main area with Mod + +
mods =
[ mod, M.Mod5 ]
, key = Types.Key.Sym "plus"
, action = Types.Action.Expand
, { -- Shrink main area with Mod + -
mods =
[ mod, M.Mod5 ]
, key = Types.Key.Sym "minus"
, action = Types.Action.Shrink
, { -- Reset layouts on current workspace with Mod + Shift + Space
mods =
[ mod, M.Shift ]
, key = Types.Key.Sym "space"
, action = Types.Action.ResetLayouts
, { mods = [] : List M
, key = Types.Key.Sym "XF86MonBrightnessDown"
, action = Types.Action.Execute "light -U 5"
, { mods = [] : List M
, key = Types.Key.Sym "XF86MonBrightnessUp"
, action = Types.Action.Execute "light -A 5"
# forKeys
[ Types.Key.Sym "q", Types.Key.Sym "w" ]
[ mod ]
# forKeys
[ Types.Key.Sym "Q", Types.Key.Sym "W" ]
[ mod, M.Shift ]
# forKeyRange
[ M.Alt, M.Ctrl ]
# forKeyRange
[ mod ]
(λ(i : Natural) → Types.Action.View (Natural/show i))
# forKeyRange
[ mod, M.Ctrl ]
( λ(i : Natural) →
Types.Action.SwapWorkspaceTagWith (Natural/show i)
# forKeyCodeRange
[ mod, M.Shift ]
(λ(i : Natural) → Types.Action.MoveTo (Natural/show i))
, outputs = [ { name = "DP-5", x = +1920, y = +0, scale = 1.0 } ]
, modifier = mod
, layout =
let twoPane = Types.twoPane 0.5 0.05
let rotatedTwoPane = Types.rotated twoPane
in Types.buildLayout
( Types.choose
[ twoPane
, Types.rotated twoPane
, Types.reflected D.Horizontal twoPane
, Types.reflected D.Vertical rotatedTwoPane
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