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Created July 27, 2023 13:03
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latest.log for bag of holding issue
[07:57:08] [main/INFO]: Loading Minecraft 1.19.2 with Fabric Loader 0.14.21
[07:57:08] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-11/WARN]: Mod floralench uses the version Fabric-1.19.2-1.1.3 which isn't compatible with Loader's extended semantic version format (Could not parse version number component 'Fabric'!), SemVer is recommended for reliably evaluating dependencies and prioritizing newer version
[07:57:08] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-5/WARN]: Mod naturalist uses the version 3.0.3a which isn't compatible with Loader's extended semantic version format (Could not parse version number component '3a'!), SemVer is recommended for reliably evaluating dependencies and prioritizing newer version
[07:57:08] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-13/WARN]: The mod "wabi_sabi_structures" contains invalid entries in its mod json:
- Unsupported root entry "pack_format" at line 24 column 18
[07:57:09] [main/WARN]: Warnings were found!
- Mod 'JourneyMapIntegration' (jmi) 0.13-40 recommends version 1900 or later of ftbchunks, which is missing!
- You should install version 1900 or later of ftbchunks for the optimal experience.
- Mod 'JourneyMapIntegration' (jmi) 0.13-40 recommends version 11 or later of waystones, which is missing!
- You should install version 11 or later of waystones for the optimal experience.
[07:57:09] [main/INFO]: Loading 223 mods:
- advancementframes 1.19.2-2.0.0
- alloy_forgery 2.0.20+1.19
- another_furniture 2.1.2-1.19.2
- appleskin 2.4.1+mc1.19
- architectury 6.5.85
- areas 5.0
- attributefix 17.2.7
- bagofholding 4.1.6
\-- extensibleenums 4.0.0
- balm-fabric 4.5.7
- barteringstation 4.0.3
- betteradvancements
- betteranimalsplus 1.19.2-11.0.10
- betterbeds 1.2.0
- betterdeserttemples 1.19.2-Fabric-2.2.2
\-- org_reflections_reflections 0.10.2
- betterdungeons 1.19.2-Fabric-3.2.1
- betterenchantmentboosting 1.2.2
- betterfortresses 1.19.2-Fabric-1.0.6
- bettermineshafts 1.19.2-Fabric-3.2.0
- betteroceanmonuments 1.19.2-Fabric-2.1.0
- betterstrongholds 1.19.2-Fabric-3.2.0
- bettertridents 4.0.2
- bettervillage 3.0.0
- betterwitchhuts 1.19.2-Fabric-2.1.0
- bisecthosting 1.0.3
- bookshelf 16.3.20
- botania 1.19.2-440-FABRIC
|-- fiber 0.23.0-2
|-- reach-entity-attributes 2.3.0
\-- step-height-entity-attribute 1.0.0
- carpeted 1.19.2-1.4
- charmofundying 6.2.1+1.19.2
- chunky 1.3.38
- cleancut 6.0
- cloth-api 4.0.65
|-- cloth-basic-math 0.6.1
|-- cloth-client-events-v0 4.0.65
|-- cloth-common-events-v1 4.0.65
|-- cloth-scissors-api-v1 4.0.65
\-- cloth-utils-v1 4.0.65
- cloth-config 8.3.103
\-- cloth-basic-math 0.6.1
- clumps 9.0.0+14
- collective 6.65
- colorfulenchantments 1.1.1+fabric_1.19.2
- comforts 6.0.4+1.19.2
\-- spectrelib 0.12.4+1.19.2
- conduitspreventdrowned 3.2
- cyclepaintings 3.2
- darkpaintings 13.1.5
- despawningeggshatch 4.1
- diagonalfences 4.2.6
- dismountentity 3.0
- doubledoors 5.0
- dragondropselytra 3.0
- dragonfight 1.19.2-2.8
- dragonloot 1.1.2
- easyanvils 4.0.11
- easymagic 4.3.3
- easyshulkerboxes 4.4.1
- enchantinginfuser 4.2.2
- enchantment_groups 1.3.0+1.19
- everycomp 1.19.2-2.4.12
- fabric-api 0.76.0+1.19.2
|-- fabric-api-base 0.4.15+8f4e8eb390
|-- fabric-api-lookup-api-v1 1.6.14+93d8cb8290
|-- fabric-biome-api-v1 9.1.1+16f1e31390
|-- fabric-block-api-v1 1.0.2+e415d50e90
|-- fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1 1.1.25+cafc6e8e90
|-- fabric-client-tags-api-v1 1.0.5+b35fea8390
|-- fabric-command-api-v1 1.2.16+f71b366f90
|-- fabric-command-api-v2 2.2.1+413cbbc790
|-- fabric-commands-v0 0.2.33+df3654b390
|-- fabric-containers-v0 0.1.41+df3654b390
|-- fabric-content-registries-v0 3.5.2+7c6cd14d90
|-- fabric-convention-tags-v1 1.3.0+4bc6e26290
|-- fabric-crash-report-info-v1 0.2.8+aeb40ebe90
|-- fabric-data-generation-api-v1 5.3.8+413cbbc790
|-- fabric-dimensions-v1 2.1.35+0d0f210290
|-- fabric-entity-events-v1 1.5.4+9244241690
|-- fabric-events-interaction-v0 0.4.34+562bff6e90
|-- fabric-events-lifecycle-v0 0.2.36+df3654b390
|-- fabric-game-rule-api-v1 1.0.24+b6b6abb490
|-- fabric-item-api-v1 1.6.6+b7d1888890
|-- fabric-item-groups-v0 0.3.39+9244241690
|-- fabric-key-binding-api-v1 1.0.25+5c4fce2890
|-- fabric-keybindings-v0 0.2.23+df3654b390
|-- fabric-lifecycle-events-v1 2.2.4+1b46dc7890
|-- fabric-loot-api-v2 1.1.13+83a8659290
|-- fabric-loot-tables-v1 1.1.16+9e7660c690
|-- fabric-message-api-v1 5.0.7+93d8cb8290
|-- fabric-mining-level-api-v1 2.1.24+33fbc73890
|-- fabric-models-v0 0.3.21+c6af733c90
|-- fabric-networking-api-v1 1.2.11+10eb22f490
|-- fabric-networking-v0 0.3.28+df3654b390
|-- fabric-object-builder-api-v1 4.2.2+d8ef690890
|-- fabric-particles-v1 1.0.14+4d0d570390
|-- fabric-recipe-api-v1 1.0.1+413cbbc790
|-- fabric-registry-sync-v0 0.9.32+9244241690
|-- fabric-renderer-api-v1 1.2.1+1adbf27790
|-- fabric-renderer-indigo 0.8.0+1adbf27790
|-- fabric-renderer-registries-v1 3.2.24+df3654b390
|-- fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1 0.3.19+6e0787e690
|-- fabric-rendering-fluids-v1 3.0.11+4d0d570390
|-- fabric-rendering-v0 1.1.27+df3654b390
|-- fabric-rendering-v1 1.12.1+d8ef690890
|-- fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1 2.1.2+aae9039d90
|-- fabric-resource-loader-v0 0.8.4+edbdcddb90
|-- fabric-screen-api-v1 1.0.32+4d0d570390
|-- fabric-screen-handler-api-v1 1.3.7+1cc24b1b90
|-- fabric-sound-api-v1 1.0.2+c4f28df590
|-- fabric-textures-v0 1.0.24+aeb40ebe90
|-- fabric-transfer-api-v1 2.1.6+413cbbc790
\-- fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1 1.3.3+08b73de490
- fabric-diagonal-panes 0.6.4
- fabric-language-kotlin 1.10.8+kotlin.1.9.0
|-- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-reflect 1.9.0
|-- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib 1.9.0
|-- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 1.9.0
|-- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 1.9.0
|-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_atomicfu-jvm 0.21.0
|-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm 1.7.2
|-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 1.7.2
|-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-datetime-jvm 0.4.0
|-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm 1.5.1
|-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm 1.5.1
\-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm 1.5.1
- fabricloader 0.14.21
- farmersdelight 1.19.2-1.3.10
- farmersknives 2.4
- farmersrespite 2.2.5
\-- porting_lib 2.1.815+1.19.2
|-- forge_tags 3.0
|-- porting_lib_accessors 2.1.815+1.19.2
|-- porting_lib_attributes 2.1.815+1.19.2
|-- porting_lib_base 2.1.815+1.19.2
|-- porting_lib_common 2.1.815+1.19.2
|-- porting_lib_constants 2.1.815+1.19.2
|-- porting_lib_entity 2.1.815+1.19.2
|-- porting_lib_extensions 2.1.815+1.19.2
|-- porting_lib_fake_players 2.1.815+1.19.2
|-- porting_lib_lazy_registration 2.1.815+1.19.2
|-- porting_lib_model_generators 2.1.815+1.19.2
|-- porting_lib_model_loader 2.1.815+1.19.2
|-- porting_lib_models 2.1.815+1.19.2
|-- porting_lib_networking 2.1.815+1.19.2
|-- porting_lib_obj_loader 2.1.815+1.19.2
|-- porting_lib_transfer 2.1.815+1.19.2
\-- serialization_hooks 0.3.26
- floralench Fabric-1.19.2-1.1.3
- flowerpatch 2.0.2
- forgeconfigapiport 4.2.11
|-- com_electronwill_night-config_core 3.6.5
\-- com_electronwill_night-config_toml 3.6.5
- geckolib3 3.1.40
\-- com_eliotlash_mclib_mclib 20
- giantspawn 4.6
- goml 1.6.4+1.19.2
|-- cardinal-components-base 5.0.2
|-- cardinal-components-world 5.0.2
|-- common-protection-api 1.0.0
|-- fabric-permissions-api-v0 0.2-SNAPSHOT
|-- hologram-api 0.2.2+1.19
|-- placeholder-api 2.0.0-pre.1+1.19.2
|-- playerabilitylib 1.6.0
|-- rtree-3i-lite-fabric 0.3.0
|-- server_translations_api 1.4.18+1.19.2
| \-- packet_tweaker 0.3.0+1.18.2
\-- sgui 1.1.5+1.19.1
- guardvillagers 1.19.2-1.1.2
- harvestwithease
- iceberg 1.0.46
- jade 8.7.3
- java 17
- jmi 0.13-40
- journeymap 5.9.7
\-- journeymap-api-fabric 1.19.1-1.9-fabric-SNAPSHOT
- libraryferret 4.0.0
- lithium 0.11.1
- mcwfences 1.0.7
- mcwpaintings 1.0.4
- midnightlib 1.0.0
- minecraft 1.19.2
- minelib 0.1.3+1.19
\-- com_sksamuel_scrimage_scrimage-core 4.0.31
- mo_glass 1.6.1-MC1.19.2
- moonlight 1.19.2-2.2.43
- moreadvancementsmod 1.2.1-1.19.2
- musketmod 1.4.6
- mythicmetals 0.17.3+1.19.2
|-- additionalentityattributes 1.2.0+1.19
|-- cardinal-components-base 5.0.2
|-- cardinal-components-entity 5.0.2
|-- com_github_llamalad7_mixinextras 0.1.1
\-- reach-entity-attributes 2.3.0
- mythicmetals_decorations 0.5.2+1.19.2
- mythicmounts 1.19.2-7.2
- naturalist 3.0.3a
- naturescompass 1.19.2-2.1.0-fabric
- owo 0.9.3+1.19
\-- blue_endless_jankson 1.2.1
- patchouli 1.19.2-77-FABRIC
\-- fiber 0.23.0-2
- paxi 1.19.2-Fabric-3.0.1
- phosphor 0.8.1
- pickupnotifier 4.2.4
- placementpog 1.2.0
- plushies 1.2
- puzzleslib 4.4.3
|-- cardinal-components-base 5.0.2
|-- cardinal-components-block 5.0.2
|-- cardinal-components-chunk 5.0.2
|-- cardinal-components-entity 5.0.2
\-- cardinal-components-world 5.0.2
- roughlyenoughitems 9.1.632
\-- error_notifier 1.0.9
- smoothchunk 1.19.2-3.0
- supplementaries 1.19.2-2.3.20
- sushimod 1.0.5
- tinyskeletons 4.2.2
- tradingpost 4.2.0
- trinkets 3.4.2
- twilightforest 4.2.357
|-- com_google_code_findbugs_jsr305 3.0.2
|-- here-be-no-dragons 1.0.0
|-- javax_annotation_javax_annotation-api 1.3.2
|-- mm 2.3
\-- reach-entity-attributes 2.3.0
- universal-graves 2.1.3+1.19.2
|-- common-protection-api 1.0.0
|-- hologram-api 0.2.2+1.19
|-- placeholder-api 2.0.0-pre.1+1.19.2
|-- server_translations_api 1.4.18+1.19.2
| \-- packet_tweaker 0.3.0+1.18.2
\-- sgui 1.1.5+1.19.1
- universal_shops 1.0.3+1.19.2
|-- common-economy-api 1.0.0
|-- common-protection-api 1.0.0
|-- hologram-api 0.2.2+1.19
|-- placeholder-api 2.0.0-pre.1+1.19.2
|-- polymer 0.2.28+1.19.2
| |-- packet_tweaker 0.3.0+1.18.2
| \-- polymer-registry-sync-manipulator 0.0.3+1.19.2
|-- server_translations_api 1.4.18+1.19.2
| \-- packet_tweaker 0.3.0+1.18.2
\-- sgui 1.1.5+1.19.1
- universalenchants 4.2.15
\-- extensibleenums 4.0.0
- untitledduckmod 0.6.1
- villagernames 5.2
- visualworkbench 4.2.4
- wabi_sabi_structures 1.1.2
- wildlife 1.19.2-2.3
- woof 3.0.0-1.19
\-- advanced_runtime_resource_pack 0.6.2
- yungsapi 1.19.2-Fabric-3.8.9
\-- org_javassist_javassist 3.28.0-GA
- yungsextras 1.19.2-Fabric-3.1.0
- zombieproofdoors 3.0
[07:57:09] [main/INFO]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.5 Source=file:/home/mch/multicraft/servers/server195142/libraries/net/fabricmc/sponge-mixin/0.12.5+mixin.0.8.5/sponge-mixin-0.12.5+mixin.0.8.5.jar Service=Knot/Fabric Env=SERVER
[07:57:10] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_17
[07:57:10] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'advancementframes-fabric-refmap.json' for advancementframes.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[07:57:10] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'advancementframes-common-refmap.json' for advancementframes-common.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[07:57:10] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'carpeted-fabric-refmap.json' for carpeted.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[07:57:10] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'carpeted-common-refmap.json' for carpeted-common.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[07:57:10] [main/INFO]: Loaded configuration file for Lithium: 114 options available, 0 override(s) found
[07:57:10] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'minelib11-refmap.json' for minelib.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[07:57:11] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'universal_shops-refmap.json' for universal_shops.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[07:57:11] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'wildlife-refmap.json' for wildlife.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[07:57:11] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'yungsextras.refmap.json' for yungsextras.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[07:57:11] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'yungsextras.refmap.json' for yungsextras_fabric.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message
[07:57:12] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_310 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_310)
[07:57:12] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_310 was not found cleancut.mixins.json:MinecraftClientMixin from mod cleancut
[07:57:12] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: appeng/entity/TinyTNTPrimedEntity (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: appeng/entity/TinyTNTPrimedEntity)
[07:57:12] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: vazkii/botania/common/entity/EntityManaBurst (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: vazkii/botania/common/entity/EntityManaBurst)
[07:57:12] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: vazkii/botania/common/item/ItemLaputaShard (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: vazkii/botania/common/item/ItemLaputaShard)
[07:57:12] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target vazkii.botania.common.item.ItemLaputaShard was not found goml.mixins.json:compat.BotaniaItemLaputaShardMixin from mod goml
[07:57:12] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_1007 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_1007)
[07:57:12] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_1007 was not found mythicmetals.mixins.json:PlayerEntityRendererMixin from mod mythicmetals
[07:57:14] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_1163 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_1163)
[07:57:14] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_1163 was not found from mod mm
[07:57:14] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_1142 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_1142)
[07:57:14] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_1142 was not found from mod mm
[07:57:14] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_898 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_898)
[07:57:14] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_898 was not found from mod mm
[07:57:14] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_761 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_761)
[07:57:14] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_761 was not found from mod mm
[07:57:14] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_759 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_759)
[07:57:14] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_759 was not found from mod mm
[07:57:14] [main/INFO]: I used the json to destroy the json
[07:57:17] [main/WARN]: @Inject(@At("INVOKE")) Shift.BY=2 on everycomp-common.mixins.json:LootTableHackMixin from mod everycomp::handler$beg000$everycomp$addSimpleFastECdrops exceeds the maximum allowed value: 0. Increase the value of maxShiftBy to suppress this warning.
[07:57:22] [main/INFO]: Constructing shapes for nodeWith 2.0, extensionWidth 2.0, nodeHeight 24.0, extensionBottom 0.0, extensionHeight 24.0 took 199 milliseconds
[07:57:22] [main/INFO]: Constructing shapes for nodeWith 2.0, extensionWidth 2.0, nodeHeight 16.0, extensionBottom 0.0, extensionHeight 16.0 took 235 milliseconds
[07:57:22] [main/INFO]: Constructing shapes for nodeWith 2.0, extensionWidth 1.0, nodeHeight 16.0, extensionBottom 6.0, extensionHeight 15.0 took 358 milliseconds
[07:57:26] [main/INFO]: Building unoptimized datafixer
[07:57:32] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod bagofholding
[07:57:32] [main/INFO]: Creating capability controller for mod id bagofholding
[07:57:32] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod bagofholding
[07:57:32] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod barteringstation
[07:57:32] [main/INFO]: Creating capability controller for mod id barteringstation
[07:57:32] [main/INFO]: Injecting super coyotes...
[07:57:32] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id betteranimalsplus:main_channel/23ca639241d73eaf919246602470f295
[07:57:32] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id betteranimalsplus:main_channel/d8f3c48219d933a6b2302c4d780df514
[07:57:32] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id betteranimalsplus:main_channel/dd94e2f3f0db361b8621d0f834adec1b
[07:57:32] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id betteranimalsplus:main_channel/59f1974289d63eb58cbd6fe813098096
[07:57:32] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id betteranimalsplus:main_channel/fd8d1482ead03ca8a9954263aa7f6289
[07:57:32] [main/INFO]: Overspawning lammergeiers...
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 84 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 8 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 4 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 3 values
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 5 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 3 values
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 3 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 3 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 3 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 14 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 2 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod bettertridents
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Loading common config for bettertridents
[07:57:33] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading common config for bettertridents
[07:57:33] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for loyal_item
[07:57:33] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for loyal_experience_orb
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Creating capability controller for mod id bettertridents
[07:57:33] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading common config for bettertridents
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 1 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: [BisectHosting] BisectHosting fabric mod initialized.
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:pufferfish_bucket is now minecraft:bucket.
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:salmon_bucket is now minecraft:bucket.
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:cod_bucket is now minecraft:bucket.
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:tropical_fish_bucket is now minecraft:bucket.
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:axolotl_bucket is now minecraft:bucket.
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:powder_snow_bucket is now minecraft:bucket.
[07:57:33] [main/INFO]: Fixing MC-151457. Crafting remainder for minecraft:tadpole_bucket is now minecraft:bucket.
[07:57:35] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for botania:mana_burst
[07:57:35] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for botania:pixie
[07:57:35] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for botania:flame_ring
[07:57:35] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for botania:vine_ball
[07:57:35] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for botania:doppleganger
[07:57:35] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for botania:magic_landmine
[07:57:35] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for botania:spark
[07:57:35] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for botania:thrown_item
[07:57:35] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for botania:magic_missile
[07:57:35] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for botania:thorn_chakram
[07:57:35] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for botania:corporea_spark
[07:57:35] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for botania:ender_air_bottle
[07:57:35] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for botania:pool_minecart
[07:57:35] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for botania:pink_wither
[07:57:35] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for botania:player_mover
[07:57:35] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for botania:mana_storm
[07:57:35] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for botania:babylon_weapon
[07:57:35] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for botania:falling_star
[07:57:35] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for botania:ender_air
[07:57:35] [main/INFO]: Loading Collective version 6.65.
[07:57:35] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod diagonalfences
[07:57:35] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod easyanvils
[07:57:35] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod easymagic
[07:57:35] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod easyshulkerboxes
[07:57:35] [main/INFO]: Creating capability controller for mod id easyshulkerboxes
[07:57:35] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod enchantinginfuser
[07:57:35] [main/INFO]: Loaded config literal{Common Configs}
[07:57:36] [main/INFO]: Farmer's Knives loaded!
[07:57:36] [main/INFO]: Registering Mod Blocks for floralench
[07:57:36] [main/INFO]: Registering Mod Items for floralench
[07:57:36] [main/INFO]: Initializing ServerSide Packet Registries
[07:57:36] [main/INFO]: Initialize mod Library Ferret
[07:57:36] [main/INFO]: Initialized mod Library Ferret
[07:57:38] [main/INFO]: Registering ModBlocks for mcwfences
[07:57:38] [main/INFO]: Registering Paintings for mcwpaintings
[07:57:38] [main/INFO]: Definitely not up to no good
[07:57:38] [main/INFO]: Configuration has been loaded
[07:57:39] [main/INFO]: [Mythic Metals] Mythic Metals is now initialized.
[07:57:39] [main/INFO]: This custom packet isn't supported by Gadget - Add support via DrawPacketHandler.EVENT
[07:57:39] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod pickupnotifier
[07:57:39] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod puzzleslib
[07:57:39] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider AlloyForgeryCommonPlugin [alloy_forgery] for REIPlugin
[07:57:39] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:request_tags_c2s
[07:57:39] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIPlugin
[07:57:39] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIPlugin
[07:57:39] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider TwilightForestREIServerPlugin [twilightforest] for REIPlugin
[07:57:39] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider AlloyForgeryCommonPlugin [alloy_forgery] for REIServerPlugin
[07:57:39] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIServerPlugin
[07:57:39] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIServerPlugin
[07:57:39] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider TwilightForestREIServerPlugin [twilightforest] for REIServerPlugin
[07:57:39] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin for REIServerPlugin
[07:57:39] [main/INFO]: [REI] Registered plugin provider FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin for REIPlugin
[07:57:39] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:delete_item
[07:57:39] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:create_item
[07:57:39] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:create_item_grab
[07:57:39] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:create_item_hotbar
[07:57:39] [main/INFO]: Registering C2S receiver with id roughlyenoughitems:move_items
[07:57:40] [main/INFO]: Loaded config literal{Common Configs}
[07:57:40] [main/INFO]: Loaded config literal{Client Configs}
[07:57:40] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod tinyskeletons
[07:57:40] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for baby_skeleton
[07:57:40] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for baby_wither_skeleton
[07:57:40] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for baby_stray
[07:57:40] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod tradingpost
[07:57:42] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod universalenchants
[07:57:42] [main/INFO]: Loading common config for universalenchants
[07:57:42] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading common config for universalenchants
[07:57:42] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading common config for universalenchants
[07:57:42] [main/INFO]: Creating capability controller for mod id universalenchants
[07:57:42] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for untitledduckmod:duck
[07:57:42] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for untitledduckmod:duck_egg
[07:57:42] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for untitledduckmod:goose
[07:57:42] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for untitledduckmod:goose_egg
[07:57:42] [main/INFO]: Constructing common components for mod visualworkbench
[07:57:43] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Registered Packet: minecraft:dog_command
[07:57:43] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 4 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 4 values
[07:57:43] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 5 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 4 values
[07:57:43] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 7 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values
[07:57:43] [main/INFO]: Reflections took 6 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 2 values
[07:57:43] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Starting Mo Glass...
[07:57:45] [main/INFO]: Initialized block sets in 20ms
[07:57:45] [main/INFO]: Loaded config literal{Wood Types Configs}
[07:57:45] [main/INFO]: Registering Compat Wood Blocks
[07:57:47] [main/INFO]: Registering Compat Leaves Blocks
[07:57:47] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for dispenser_minecart
[07:57:47] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for falling_urn
[07:57:47] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for falling_ash
[07:57:47] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for falling_lantern
[07:57:47] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for falling_sack
[07:57:47] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for brick_projectile
[07:57:47] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for bomb
[07:57:47] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for rope_arrow
[07:57:47] [main/ERROR]: No data fixer registered for slingshot_projectile
[07:57:47] [main/INFO]: Registered 170 compat blocks making up 5.33% of total blocks registered
[07:57:47] [main/INFO]: Initialized color sets in 75ms
[07:57:48] [main/INFO]: Initialized color sets in 36ms
[07:57:48] [main/INFO]: Finished mod setup in: [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] ms
[07:57:48] [main/INFO]: Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD'
[07:57:48] [main/INFO]: ARRP register - before vanilla
[07:57:48] [main/INFO]: ARRP register - after vanilla
[07:57:48] [main/INFO]: Generated runtime SERVER_DATA for pack Everycomp Generated Pack in: 261 ms
[07:57:48] [main/INFO]: Generated runtime SERVER_DATA for pack Supplementaries Generated Pack in: 85 ms
[07:57:52] [main/INFO]: [fabric-registry-sync] Loaded registry data [file 1/4]
[07:57:54] [Worker-Main-21/ERROR]: Non [a-z0-9/._-] character in path of location: wabi_sabi_structures:loot_tables/chests/generic/UNUSED_damaged_broken_armor.json
[07:57:54] [Worker-Main-23/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag fabric:seeds/rice as it is missing following references: bakingmod:rice_seeds (from Sushi Mod)
[07:57:55] [Worker-Main-23/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag fabric:seeds/cucumber as it is missing following references: bakingmod:cucumber_seeds (from Sushi Mod)
[07:57:55] [Worker-Main-23/ERROR]: Couldn't load tag fabric:seeds as it is missing following references: #fabric:seeds/rice (from Sushi Mod), #fabric:seeds/cucumber (from Sushi Mod)
[07:57:55] [main/ERROR]: IngredientDeserializer with ID not found: [farmersdelight:tool] this can be ignored unless issues occur.
[07:57:56] [main/ERROR]: Parsing error loading recipe farmersknives:steeleaf_knife Unknown item 'twilightforest:stealeaf_ingot'
at net.minecraft.class_1869.method_17878( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at java.util.Optional.orElseThrow( ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.class_1869.method_8155( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_1856.method_8107( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_1856.method_8102( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_1869.method_8157( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_1869$class_1870.method_8164( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_1869$class_1870.method_8121( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_1863.method_17720( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_1863.method_20705( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_1863.method_18788( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_4080.method_18790( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniAccept.tryFire( ~[?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$ ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.class_4014.method_18365( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_156.method_43498( [server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_156.method_43499( [server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.server.Main.main( [server-intermediary.jar:?]
at [fabric-loader-0.14.21.jar:?]
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( [fabric-loader-0.14.21.jar:?]
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotServer.main( [fabric-loader-0.14.21.jar:?]
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.server.FabricServerLauncher.main( [fabric-loader-0.14.21.jar:?]
[07:57:56] [main/ERROR]: Parsing error loading recipe farmersknives:star_platinum_knife Unknown item 'mythicmetals:star_platinum_ingot'
at net.minecraft.class_1869.method_17878( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at java.util.Optional.orElseThrow( ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.class_1869.method_8155( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_1856.method_8107( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_1856.method_8102( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_1869.method_8157( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_1869$class_1870.method_8164( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_1869$class_1870.method_8121( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_1863.method_17720( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_1863.method_20705( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_1863.method_18788( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_4080.method_18790( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniAccept.tryFire( ~[?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$ ~[?:?]
at net.minecraft.class_4014.method_18365( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_156.method_43498( [server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.class_156.method_43499( [server-intermediary.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.server.Main.main( [server-intermediary.jar:?]
at [fabric-loader-0.14.21.jar:?]
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( [fabric-loader-0.14.21.jar:?]
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotServer.main( [fabric-loader-0.14.21.jar:?]
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.server.FabricServerLauncher.main( [fabric-loader-0.14.21.jar:?]
[07:57:56] [main/INFO]: Loaded 24 recipes
[07:57:56] [main/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/ender_dragon}.pools[0].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called minecraft:entities/reference/extra/ender_dragon
[07:57:56] [main/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/shulker}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called minecraft:entities/reference/extra/shulker
[07:57:56] [main/WARN]: Found validation problem in {minecraft:entities/bat}.pools[2].entries[0]: Unknown loot table called minecraft:entities/reference/extra/bat
[07:57:57] [main/ERROR]: Parsing error loading custom advancement sushimod:recipes/misc/cooked_rice: Unknown item id 'minecraft:rice'
[07:57:57] [main/ERROR]: Parsing error loading custom advancement universal_shops:recipe/tradeshop_group/trade_block: Unknown item id 'tradeshop:trade_block'
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: Loaded 3294 advancements
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: Configuration has been loaded
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] ****************************************
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] REIPlugin starting main-reload for START.
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] Plugins (5):
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] - (-100.00) DefaultPlugin of DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) TwilightForestREIServerPlugin of TwilightForestREIServerPlugin [twilightforest]
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) DefaultRuntimePlugin of DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) AlloyForgeryCommonPlugin of AlloyForgeryCommonPlugin [alloy_forgery]
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] ****************************************
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] ########################################
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] REIServerPlugin starting main-reload for START.
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] Plugins (5):
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] - (-100.00) DefaultPlugin of DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) TwilightForestREIServerPlugin of TwilightForestREIServerPlugin [twilightforest]
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) DefaultRuntimePlugin of DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) AlloyForgeryCommonPlugin of AlloyForgeryCommonPlugin [alloy_forgery]
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] ########################################
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] REIPlugin finished post-reload for START in 14.45 ms, totaling 108.7 ms.
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] REIServerPlugin finished post-reload for START in 872.4 μs, totaling 8.519 ms.
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] ########################################
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] REIPlugin starting main-reload for END.
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] Plugins (5):
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] - (-100.00) DefaultPlugin of DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) TwilightForestREIServerPlugin of TwilightForestREIServerPlugin [twilightforest]
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) DefaultRuntimePlugin of DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) AlloyForgeryCommonPlugin of AlloyForgeryCommonPlugin [alloy_forgery]
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] ########################################
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] ========================================
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] REIServerPlugin starting main-reload for END.
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] Plugins (5):
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] - (-100.00) DefaultPlugin of DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) TwilightForestREIServerPlugin of TwilightForestREIServerPlugin [twilightforest]
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) DefaultRuntimePlugin of DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems]
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] - (0.00) AlloyForgeryCommonPlugin of AlloyForgeryCommonPlugin [alloy_forgery]
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] ========================================
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] REIPlugin finished post-reload for END in 692.9 μs, totaling 66.65 ms.
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: [REI] REIServerPlugin finished post-reload for END in 559.4 μs, totaling 23.62 ms.
[07:57:57] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/INFO]: Loaded 5673 translation keys
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: Loaded 8 flute songs
[07:57:57] [main/INFO]: Loaded 9 Stalactite configs!
[07:58:08] [main/INFO]: Finished additional setup in 124 ms
[07:58:08] [main/INFO]: Applied 3191 biome modifications to 84 of 84 new biomes in 204.5 ms
[07:58:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Successfully loaded './hollenbeck-world/./serverconfig/betteranimalsplus-server.json5'
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Successfully loaded './config/betteranimalsplus-client.json5'
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Registering compost heaps in village type of plains
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Registering compost heaps in village type of savanna
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Registering compost heaps in village type of snowy
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Registering compost heaps in village type of taiga
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Registering compost heaps in village type of desert
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading server config for bagofholding
[07:58:09] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading server config for bagofholding
[07:58:09] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading server config for bagofholding
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading server config for barteringstation
[07:58:09] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading server config for barteringstation
[07:58:09] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading server config for barteringstation
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading server config for bettertridents
[07:58:09] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading server config for bettertridents
[07:58:09] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading server config for bettertridents
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading server config for easyanvils
[07:58:09] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading server config for easyanvils
[07:58:09] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading server config for easyanvils
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading server config for easymagic
[07:58:09] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading server config for easymagic
[07:58:09] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading server config for easymagic
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading server config for easyshulkerboxes
[07:58:09] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading server config for easyshulkerboxes
[07:58:09] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading server config for easyshulkerboxes
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading server config for enchantinginfuser
[07:58:09] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading server config for enchantinginfuser
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading server config for pickupnotifier
[07:58:09] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading server config for pickupnotifier
[07:58:09] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading server config for pickupnotifier
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading server config for tradingpost
[07:58:09] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading server config for tradingpost
[07:58:09] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading server config for tradingpost
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading server config for universalenchants
[07:58:09] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading server config for universalenchants
[07:58:09] [Thread-1/INFO]: Reloading server config for universalenchants
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.19.2
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Using epoll channel type
[07:58:09] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing level "hollenbeck-world"
[07:58:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld
[07:58:30] [Worker-Main-21/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:30] [Worker-Main-15/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:30] [Worker-Main-10/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:30] [Worker-Main-19/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:30] [Worker-Main-19/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:30] [Worker-Main-15/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:30] [Worker-Main-9/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:30] [Worker-Main-15/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:30] [Worker-Main-9/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:30] [Worker-Main-6/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:30] [Worker-Main-6/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:30] [Worker-Main-15/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:30] [Worker-Main-6/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:30] [Worker-Main-21/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:30] [Worker-Main-6/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-4/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-8/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-4/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-8/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-15/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-15/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-16/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-20/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-7/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-6/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-14/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-7/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-14/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-7/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-7/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-14/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-6/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-14/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-7/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-14/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-7/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-19/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-14/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-14/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-14/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-14/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-7/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
[07:58:31] [Worker-Main-10/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 4%
[07:58:32] [Worker-Main-18/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 16%
[07:58:32] [Worker-Main-5/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 68%
[07:58:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 22935 ms
[07:58:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (24.097s)! For help, type "help"
[07:58:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Start loading plugin from Jade
[07:58:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Start loading plugin from Jade
[07:58:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Start loading plugin from Jade
[07:58:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Start loading plugin from Polymer (Core)
[07:58:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Start loading plugin from The Twilight Forest
[07:58:34] [Server thread/INFO]: Loaded values for 31 compatible attributes.
[07:58:34] [Server thread/INFO]: Loaded 31 values from config.
[07:58:34] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving config file. 31 entries.
[07:58:34] [Server thread/INFO]: Applying changes for 31 attributes.
[07:58:36] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 2041ms or 40 ticks behind
[07:59:52] [User Authenticator #1/INFO]: UUID of player Trynthlas is 995f9927-66ff-460d-ae55-07e8ad383a69
[07:59:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [Handshake] Sending channel query
[07:59:53] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO]: [Handshake] Receiving client channels
[07:59:53] [Netty Epoll Server IO #3/INFO]: [Handshake] Handshake completed successfully
[07:59:54] [Server thread/INFO]: Trynthlas[/] logged in with entity id 501 at (680.3544405389746, 71.0, 626.27591376349)
[07:59:54] [Server thread/INFO]: Syncing config to Trynthlas (995f9927-66ff-460d-ae55-07e8ad383a69)
[07:59:54] [Server thread/INFO]: Trynthlas joined the game
[07:59:57] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 3266ms or 65 ticks behind
[08:00:33] [Server thread/ERROR]: Invalid entity rotation: NaN, discarding.
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