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Last active March 7, 2023 04:38
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QR Analysis
Matrix Rank: 9
QR is Solution? True
These a solution in the span of Q_2.
Diagonal of R (9); Rank of A (9)
Is non-zero diag of R equal to rank? (True)
Is x_1 a solution? True
Is x_1 == x_0? True
Is our new solution x_0? True
Is our new solution x_0? True
Is our new solution x_0? True
Is our new solution x_0? True
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import numpy as np\n",
"import scipy,random\n",
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"#n>m (over-determined)\n",
"m,n = (10,15)\n",
"#Make exmaple ternary matrix\n",
"A = (2*np.random.rand(m,n)-1).round()\n",
"#Reduce Rank\n",
"for i in range(n):\n",
" ids = set(range(n))-set([i]) #Remove current column\n",
" n_cols = 2#Number of columns in convex combination\n",
" col_ids = random.choices(list(ids),k=n_cols) #List of random col ids\n",
" cols = A[:,col_ids] #Get a list of columns\n",
" weights = np.random.rand(n_cols)\n",
" weights /= sum(weights) #Calculate convex combinations of weights\n",
" convex_combination = np.add.reduce([w*v for w,v in zip(weights.T,cols.T)])\n",
" A[:,i] = convex_combination\n",
"print(\"Matrix Rank:\",np.linalg.matrix_rank(A))\n",
"#Generate solution\n",
"x = (2*np.random.rand( n ) - 1).round() #Ternary soultion\n",
"y = A@x\n",
"# QR pivoting\n",
"rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(A)\n",
"Q,R,P= scipy.linalg.qr(A,pivoting=True)\n",
"rank = r = sum(np.around(np.diag(R),12)!=0)\n",
"P = np.eye(len(P))[:,P]\n",
"Q_1 = Q[:,:rank]\n",
"Q_2 = Q[:,:-rank]\n",
"R_1 = R[:rank,:rank]\n",
"R_2 = R[:,:-(rank-m)]\n",
"# Get a single solution\n",
"z_1 = scipy.linalg.solve(R_1,Q_1.T@y)\n",
"padding = np.zeros((n-r)) #zero padding\n",
"x_0 = P@np.hstack([z_1,padding]) #One solution\n",
"print(\"QR is Solution?\",np.allclose(y,A@x_0)) \n",
"#>>> QR is Solution? True\n",
"if np.allclose(Q_2.T@y,0):\n",
" print(\"There exists a solution to this system\")\n",
" print(\"These a solution in the span of Q_2.\")\n",
"print(f\"Diagonal of R ({r}); Rank of A ({np.linalg.matrix_rank(A)})\")\n",
"print(f\"Is non-zero diag of R equal to rank? ({r==np.linalg.matrix_rank(A)})\")\n",
"#>>> Is non-zero diag of R equal to rank? (True)\n",
"# Trying to get soultion set\n",
"z_2 = scipy.linalg.solve(R_1,Q_1.T@R_2)\n",
"zeros = np.zeros((n-r,m-r)) #padding\n",
"L = -P@np.vstack([z_2,zeros])\n",
"x_1 = x_0 + L@(10*np.random.rand(L.shape[1])-5).round()\n",
"while not np.allclose(y,A@x_1):\n",
" x_1 = x_0 + L@(10*np.random.rand(L.shape[1])-5).round()\n",
"print(\"Is x_1 a solution?\", np.allclose(y,A@x_1))\n",
"print(\"Is x_1 == x_0?\", np.allclose(x_0,x_1))\n",
"#Show other solutions\n",
"for i,col in enumerate(Q_2):\n",
" x_n = x_0 + L@col\n",
" if np.allclose(y,A@x_n):\n",
" print(\"Is our new solution x_0?\",np.allclose(x_n,x_0))\n",
" "
"metadata": {
"language_info": {
"name": "python"
"orig_nbformat": 4
"nbformat": 4,
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import numpy as np
import scipy,random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#n>m (over-determined)
m,n = (10,15)
#Make exmaple ternary matrix
A = (2*np.random.rand(m,n)-1).round()
#Reduce Rank
for i in range(n):
ids = set(range(n))-set([i]) #Remove current column
n_cols = 2#Number of columns in convex combination
col_ids = random.choices(list(ids),k=n_cols) #List of random col ids
cols = A[:,col_ids] #Get a list of columns
weights = np.random.rand(n_cols)
weights /= sum(weights) #Calculate convex combinations of weights
convex_combination = np.add.reduce([w*v for w,v in zip(weights.T,cols.T)])
A[:,i] = convex_combination
print("Matrix Rank:",np.linalg.matrix_rank(A))
#Generate solution
x = (2*np.random.rand( n ) - 1).round() #Ternary soultion
y = A@x
# QR pivoting
rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(A)
Q,R,P= scipy.linalg.qr(A,pivoting=True)
rank = r = sum(np.around(np.diag(R),12)!=0)
P = np.eye(len(P))[:,P]
Q_1 = Q[:,:rank]
Q_2 = Q[:,:-rank]
R_1 = R[:rank,:rank]
R_2 = R[:,:-(rank-m)]
# Get a single solution
z_1 = scipy.linalg.solve(R_1,Q_1.T@y)
padding = np.zeros((n-r)) #zero padding
x_0 = P@np.hstack([z_1,padding]) #One solution
print("QR is Solution?",np.allclose(y,A@x_0))
#>>> QR is Solution? True
if np.allclose(Q_2.T@y,0):
print("There exists a solution to this system")
print("These a solution in the span of Q_2.")
print(f"Diagonal of R ({r}); Rank of A ({np.linalg.matrix_rank(A)})")
print(f"Is non-zero diag of R equal to rank? ({r==np.linalg.matrix_rank(A)})")
#>>> Is non-zero diag of R equal to rank? (True)
# Trying to get soultion set
z_2 = scipy.linalg.solve(R_1,Q_1.T@R_2)
zeros = np.zeros((n-r,m-r)) #padding
L = -P@np.vstack([z_2,zeros])
x_1 = x_0 + L@(10*np.random.rand(L.shape[1])-5).round()
while not np.allclose(y,A@x_1):
x_1 = x_0 + L@(10*np.random.rand(L.shape[1])-5).round()
print("Is x_1 a solution?", np.allclose(y,A@x_1))
print("Is x_1 == x_0?", np.allclose(x_0,x_1))
#Show other solutions
for i,col in enumerate(Q_2):
x_n = x_0 + L@col
if np.allclose(y,A@x_n):
print("Is our new solution x_0?",np.allclose(x_n,x_0))
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