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Hello, I'd like some assistance in choosing what to eat from a menu. Could you ask me yes/no questions, one at a time, to help me decide? After each of my responses, please proceed with the next question. Let's start with the first question, please.
Can you help me rephrase this to make it more [formal/casual/effective]? Here's what I want to say: [Your original statement].
I need help rephrasing this statement: '[Your original statement].' Please adjust it to be [more formal/more casual/more persuasive/more concise/more technical]. The intended audience is [general public/business professionals/teens/academics/specific person or group]. The purpose of this rephrasing is [to inform/to persuade/to explain/to entertain/to appeal].
TsoliasPN / hb_all_books_dl.js
Last active September 14, 2017 07:54 — forked from graymouser/hb_all_books_dl.js
Humble bundle book bundles - download all books at once
After purchasing a humble book bundle, go to your download page for that bundle.
Open a console window for the page and paste in the below javascript
if (['MOBI', 'PDF', 'EPUB', 'PDF (HQ)', 'PDF (HD)'].indexOf($.trim($(this).text())) >= 0) {
$('body').append('<iframe id="dl_iframe_'+i+'" style="display:none;">');
document.getElementById('dl_iframe_'+i).src = $(this).data('web');