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Created December 13, 2017 00:19
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Advent of Code Day 7
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Foundation
let inputString: String = """
pbga (66)
xhth (57)
ebii (61)
havc (66)
ktlj (57)
fwft (72) -> ktlj, cntj, xhth
qoyq (66)
padx (45) -> pbga, havc, qoyq
tknk (41) -> ugml, padx, fwft
jptl (61)
ugml (68) -> gyxo, ebii, jptl
gyxo (61)
cntj (57)
var lines = inputString.split(separator: "\n")
let outerpattern = "([a-z]+) \\(([0-9]+)\\)(?: -> ((?:[a-z]+(?:, )?)+))?"
let re = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: outerpattern)
struct Program {
var name : String
var children : [String]
var weight : Int
var parent : String?
var programs : [String : Program] = [:];
var relationships : [String: [String]] = [:];
for line in lines {
let range = NSMakeRange(0, line.count)
let matches = re.matches(in: String(line), options: NSRegularExpression.MatchingOptions(), range: range)
for match in matches {
var programName : String = ""
var weight : Int = 0
var children : String = ""
for y in 0..<match.numberOfRanges {
if match.range(at: y).lowerBound > line.count {
let matchValue = ((line as NSString).substring(with: match.range(at: y)))
switch y {
case 1:
programName = matchValue
case 2:
if let weightInt = Int(matchValue) {
weight = weightInt
} else {
weight = 0
case 3:
children = matchValue
let childrenArray = children.split(separator: ",").map({
$0.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
programs[programName] = Program(name: programName, children: childrenArray, weight: weight, parent: nil)
for (name, parent) in programs {
for child in parent.children {
if var childProgram = programs[child] {
childProgram.parent =
programs[child] = childProgram
print (
programs.filter ({ (name, program) -> Bool in
program.parent == nil
}).map({(name, program) -> String in name})
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